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What is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty (Nose job) is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery performed to reshape your nose. Rhinoplasty also addresses the problems that interfere with how you breathe.

People undergo Rhinoplasty for two main reasons, either to improve how their nose looks (Corrects deviated septum or a broken nose) or to improve breathing functions. 

The surgery is performed by a trained plastic surgeon, if you are looking to get your Rhinoplasty done this article from Expert Chikitsa will answer all the questions you might be having from the total cost of getting Rhinoplasty in Sharjah to top plastic surgeons in Sharjah who perform Rhinoplasty.

Why should you consider Rhinoplasty?

Here are some of the reasons why you should consider getting a Rhinoplasty.

  1.  You have an uneven nose.
  2.  You face difficulty breathing and want to open breathing passages.
  3.  You think your nose is big or small compared to your face.
  4.  You think you have big or small nostrils.
  5.  You have a hump on the nose.
  6.  You faced an injury that resulted in a crooked nose.

Are you a good candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Just checking if the surgery is good for you is not enough whether you are a good candidate for the surgery or not should also be kept in mind.

Here are a few things that might make you an ideal candidate for the surgery :

     1. You should not be a teenager and should be in good health.

     2. You should not smoke.

     3. You should have ideal expectations for the surgery.

Nose jobs can have both medical or cosmetic purposes, you can undergo nose job for aesthetic purposes or for medical purposes that can include improving the quality of your breathing.

Whatever the reason maybe you should discuss the reasons in great detail with your physician if you desire great results.

What should be the appropriate age for getting Rhinoplasty?

The most appropriate age for getting a nose job should be above 20 years as after this age the nose is considered completely developed. Nose job should not be done unless the nose has reached adult size hence teenagers of age 14 – 18 whose body is still undergoing development should not consider getting any kind of cosmetic surgery done.

Which type of Rhinoplasty is best for you?

Medical advancements and development in technology has not only made procedures like Rhinoplasty safer and effective it has also given us more options to choose from. Rather than having just one procedure that broadly deals with your problem we now have different types of Rhinoplasty surgeries that specifically deal with even the tiniest of details.

Given below are six types of Rhinoplasty surgeries with their average cost in Sharjah .


1.Closed Rhinoplasty

In this procedure the incisions are made on the inside of the nose leaving the skin unaffected.


Closed Rhinoplasty causes less swelling compared to open Rhinoplasty.

Corrects minor imperfections.

Disadvantages :

The procedure provides limited visibility of bones and tissues compared to open Rhinoplasty.

Average cost of Closed Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in Dirhams : 10,000 AED

Average cost of Closed Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in US Dollars : 3000 USD


2. Open Rhinoplasty

In this procedure a small z shaped incision is made between the nostrils on the underside of the nose.


Open rhinoplasty provides more accurate and precise changes to the shape of you or nose.


Leaves a tiny incision, which fades quickly.

Average cost of Open Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in Dirhams : 9000 AED

Average cost of Open Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in US Dollars : 2500 USD

3. Tip Plasty

The procedure focuses mainly on reshaping the tip of your nose as you can guess by the name. If you are unsatisfied with the tip of your nose, this is the surgery for you.

Advantages :

Less invasive and does not involve intervention to the nasal bone.

Shorter recovery period compared to traditional Rhinoplasty.

Average cost of tip plasty in Sharjah in Dirhams : 11,000 AED

Average cost of tip plasty in Sharjah in US Dollars : 3200 USD


4. Septorhinoplasty

In this type of surgery your nasal septum is repositioned, if you are facing difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum then this might be the surgery for you. 

The procedure is also known as deviated septum rhinoplasty or septorhinoplasty.

Advantages :

Rhinoplasty can be included to improve both the shape as well as the breathing.

Disadvantages :

Doesn’t make any changes in the shape of the nose if performed without Rhinoplasty.

Average cost of Septorhinoplasty in Sharjah in Dirhams : 10,130 AED

Average cost of Septorhinoplasty in Sharjah in US Dollars : 2,700 USD


5. Revision Rhinoplasty

This procedure is best suited for people who have already undergone Rhinoplasty once but are unsatisfied with the results. It corrects the issues that were previously neglected as well as the issues that might have arisen after your first rhinoplasty.

Average cost of Revision Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in Dirhams : 10,200 AED

Average cost of Revision Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in US Dollars : 2,777 USD


6. Liquid Rhinoplasty

Derma fillers are used to reshape the nose. Addresses minor asymmetries.

Advantages :

No stitches or incisions

Disadvantages :

Cannot make the nose look smaller

Average cost of Liquid Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in Dirhams : 8000 AED

Average cost of Liquid Rhinoplasty in Sharjah in US Dollars : 2,178 USD

Procedure and Recovery

Before the procedure :

After an initial consultation with your surgeon which will give you an idea about what to expect from the surgery. It will also help your surgeon to understand your needs from the surgery. Make sure to discuss every tiny detail with your healthcare provider for greater results.

Discuss your current list of medications and supplements before the surgery and properly explain what outcomes you are expecting from the surgery, share photographs of how you want your nose to look afterwards for better transparency.

During the Procedure :

If you undergo Rhinoplasty you will most probably be discharged the same say as it is an outpatient procedure.

During the procedure an incision will be made on the inside of the nostrils (close rhinoplasty) or on the base of the nostrils (open rhinoplasty), you will be given local or general anaethesia before the procedure.

The surgeon will reposition, reshape or fix your deviated septum after raising the skin covering you nasal bones and cartilage.

The skin is then replaced after the changes are made and is secured in place with small stitches.

The process takes about one to three hours in total.

After the Procedure :

You will be advised to wear a splint on your nose fro one or two weeks, the splint will help to minimise swelling and maintain the new shape of your nose.

You will experience swelling and bruising around your nose and eyes as well as around mid face. 


Full recovery of Rhinoplasty takes about an year, the swelling will slowly decrease after three months. Little swelling could be present from about three months to almost an year. Full results will be visible once your nose heals completely which takes about an year but then again it varies from person to person.

What to do for a speedy recovery?

  • Cool compresses, apply to your cheeks and under your eyes avoid direct contact with the nose.
  • Avoid any kind of pressure on your face.
  • Try not to blow your nose.
  • Do not lift anything heavy.
  • Wear eyeglasses or sunglasses carefully, avoid any pressure from them.
  • Keep your head elevated.

You should be able to return to your regular activities in one or two weeks. You will be able to do light exercises within 4 to 6 weeks.

Famous celebrities who have had Rhinoplasty

  1. Britney Spears
  2. Heidi Montag
  3. Jennifer Aniston
  4. Winona Ryder
  5. Ashton Kutcher
  6. Megan Fox
  7. Jennifer Lopez
  8. Scarlett Johannson

How common is Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty stands at no. 5 in the list of most commonly performed plastic surgeries worldwide with 8 % share of total plastic surgeries performed with an approximate of about 9,25,500 people undergoing surgery in the year 2022.

Rhinoplasty in sharjah

Rhinoplasty in sharjah

The bar graph above shows most commonly performed plastic surgeries worldwide.

Success rate of Rhinoplasty in Sharjah 

The revision rate for Rhinoplasty in Sharjah is 10 to 15% which means that the success rate of rhinoplasty in Sharjah would be around 85 to 90 %.

Sharjah has advanced medical facilities and modern technologies which have made procedures like Rhinoplasty safer and effective.

Rhinoplasty surgery success rate in Sharjah 85 – 90 %
Chances of complications Approx. 4 -5 %
Revision rates for Rhinoplasty in Sharjah Approx. 10 -15 %

Success rates of Rhinoplasty by different Countries/Emirates

Success rates of Rhinoplasty surgery by Countries/ Emirates Success rates (%) Chances of complications
Sharjah 85 – 90 % Approx. 4 – 5 %
India 85 – 90 % Approx. 4 – 5 %
United Kingdom 80 – 90 % Approx. 5 %
Turkey 90 – 95 % Approx. 3 – 4 %
United States of America 80 – 90 % Approx. 5 %
Germany 85 – 90 % Approx. 4 – 5%
Canada 85 – 90% Approx. 4 – 5 %
Dubai 80 – 90 % Approx. 5 %

Rhinoplasty patient Success stories

Mariam’s story

Mariam had always felt comfortable with her looks as a child, she would always stand up in front of the mirror and admire the way her face looked, as she grew up she started noticing little details that would stand out but somehow shell get comfortable after a few days or weeks.

One thing she was having a hard time getting comfortable with was her nose, somehow as she grew up her nose went from looking normal or regular to big and bumpy but once again Mariam thought she would get comfortable soon.

She started getting insecure, while greeting she would make sure to position her face in such a way that nobody would notice her nose but these insecurities grew up with her as she moved for college, she was even more insecure now and that was creating a lot of problems for her.

In September of 2019 she decided to look for a solution and got to know about Rhinoplasty, she knew it was the perfect cure for her problems, she researched in detail about the doctors nearby the cost and decided to finally consult a surgeon.

She immediately felt comfortable after the first consultation, finally there was a ray of hope, her physician performed some basic tests and discussed the outcomes that Mariam expects from the surgery.

Soon enough the date of surgery was finalized, Mariam diligently followed the instructions of the surgeon and after almost 3 hours she was out of the operation theater, the surgery was successful.

After the recovery period she noticed her reshaped nose and she was ecstatic, she was happy with the care and efforts her surgeon in Sharjah put and the outcomes were up to her expectations.

Mariam highly recommends getting your Rhinoplasty done in Sharjah for great results.

Botched Rhinoplasty Story

Priyanka Chopra Jonas’s nose job gone wrong.

Priyanka is a well known Indian actress who underwent Rhinoplasty in the year 2001, recently she opened about what went wrong with her surgery and how it affected her self esteem.

In the start of 2001 she was having trouble breathing and she decided not to ignore it and consulted a doctor immediately. A polyp that was blocking her nasal cavity would need to be removed.

The surgery however went horribly wrong leaving her with a weirdly shaped nose, as a famous actress any negative change would greatly affect her life, and that turned out to be true as she had to suffer a blow on her self esteem after the surgery.

To cover up for the mistakes that were made in the previous surgery she had to undergo multiple corrective surgeries to bring her nose back to its original shape.

Today she says although the shape of her nose has almost become normal she still hasn’t quite recovered from the impact it had made in her life.

Rhinoplasty cost in Sharjah

Rhinoplasty surgery average cost in Sharjah 13,222 AED 3,600 USD
Minimum cost 9,182 AED 2,500 USD
Maximum cost 22,000 AED 6,000 USD

Rhinoplasty cost by different Emirates

Rhinoplasty surgery cost by different emirates Minimum cost Maximum Cost Average cost in USD
Abu Dhabi 10,000 AED 20,000 AED 2,722 USD
Sharjah 10,000 AED 25,000 AED 4,764 USD
Ajman 9,500 AED 23,000 AED 4,288 AED
Fujairah 9,800 AED 22,000 AED 4,329 USD

Rhinoplasty cost by different countries

Rhinoplasty surgery cost by different countries Minimum cost (in Dirhams) Maximum cost (in Dirhams) Average cost (in US Dollars)
United Arab Emirates 10,000 AED 30,000 AED 5,445 USD
India 80,000 INR 2,50,000 INR 2,004 USD
United Kingdom 4,000 GBP 7,000 GBP 6,734 USD
United States of America 3,000 USD 15,000 USD 9,000 USD
Turkey 37,921 TRY 1,34,248 TRY 3,500 USD
Canada 5,454 CAD 13,653 CAD 7,000 USD
Germany 3,788 EUR 10,419 EUR 5,000 USD

Rhinoplasty cost by different hospitals in Sharjah

Rhinoplasty surgery cost by hospitals in Sharjah Minimum Cost (in Dirhams) Maximum Cost (in Dirhams) Average cost (in US Dollars)
Zulekha Hospital 9,880 AED 21,000 AED 4,203 USD
NMC Royal Hospital 9,900 AED 20,000 AED 4,070 USD
King’s College Hospital 10,000 AED 22,000 AED 4,356 USD
Burjeel Hospital 10,100 AED 19,800 AED 4,070 USD
Prime Hospital 10,800 AED 23,000 AED 4,601 USD

Rhinoplasty cost by different types in Sharjah

Rhinoplasty cost in Sharjah by different types Minimum Cost (in Dirhams) Maximum Cost( in Dirhams) Average Cost (in US Dollars)
Closed Rhinoplasty 10,000 AED 18,800 AED 3,811 USD
Open Rhinoplasty 9,000 AED 16,700 AED 3,458 USD
Tip plasty 11,100 AED 21,200 AED 4,397 USD
Steptoplasty 9,700 AED 19,800 AED 4,015 USD
Revision Rhinoplasty 11,200 AED 22,500 AED 4,587 USD
Liquid Rhinoplasty 8,800 AED 15,400 AED 3,294 USD

Factors affecting the cost of Rhinoplasty surgery in Sharjah.

When it comes to Rhinoplasty the uniformity of the cost always catches the attention, the cost for Rhinoplasty ranges from 9,000 AED to 25,000 AED. Why such variation in cost?

Written below are a few factors that create such variations in the cost of Rhinoplasty in Sharjah :

  • Type of procedure

The price varies depending upon the procedure of the surgery performed, liquid rhinoplasty is far cheaper compared to open rhinoplasty.

  • Hospital Charges

The cost includes hospital charges which in itself vary depending upon the Hospital and the facilities they can provide, Super speciality hospitals have higher charges than smaller hospitals for obvious reasons.

  • Experience of the Surgeon

A certified plastic surgeon will take all the necessary measures before performing the surgery, from conducting a thorough assessment to providing the best advice for new nose shape. Be sure to discuss every tiny detail with your surgeon before and after the surgery.

To get the best results from your Rhinoplasty surgery make sure you choose an experienced surgeon, the prices may vary.

Will health insurance cover your Rhinoplasty surgery?

No, health insurance policies only cover treatments that are considered medically necessary, Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that is done solely to improve the shape of your nose. It also varies depending upon the insurance policy you are choosing as well as your choice of hospital for the treatment.

In a few cases where the surgery is considered reconstructive and is considered medically necessary as it is obstructing your breathing your health care insurance provider might cover your treatment. Cosmetic surgeries are not vital to your health or well being however if the procedure is classified as reconstructive then the medical expenses will be covered by your health policy.

Our advice would be to check beforehand if the hospital accepts the policy you are choosing for yourself. Health insurance is supposed to cover all your medical expenses ranging from your stay in the hospital to the cost of treatment depending upon the equipment used in the surgery.

List of Health Insurance Providers in Dubai that might cover your Rhinoplasty (Nose job) if it is considered medically necessary are :

  1. Takaful Emarat Insurance company
  1. Gulf Insurance Company
  1. National Life and General Insurance Company
  1. Daman National Health Insurance Company
  1. Sukoon Insurance Company

Why choose Sharjah for getting your Rhinoplasty done?

It is extremely popular now for people to travel to different countries for getting their surgeries done, sharjah is one of the most preferred choices for various reasons, be it affordability or greater attention to patients.

Sharjah has best in class certified plastic surgeons in the world which includes Rhinoplasty surgeons as well and that is why if you are considering reshaping your nose you should always add Sharjah into your list of top countries to get your Rhinoplasty done.

Here are some other reasons why Sharjah is an ideal destination for Rhinoplasty surgery.

Best in class Surgeons:

A good surgeon is a must for any kind of surgery be it big or small, Sharjah has top Rhinoplasty surgeons to understand your needs and requirements from the surgery.

Every person has a different aim for getting the surgery and conveying that to your surgeon is a must for optimum results.

Highly facilitated Hospitals:

A place that holds both top surgeons and hospitals is bound to provide good care to the patients and that is why we recommend Sharjah for your Rhinoplasty. 

This level of care and attention with the prices that are way below countries like the UK, USA and Germany is one of the main reasons why Sharjah attracts many tourists seeking surgery.

Faster Services:

Unlike many other countries where you have to wait for weeks for an appointment with the surgeons, Sharjah has numerous doctors available and there is no waiting list. Patients can meet the doctors as per the liberty of their time.


Q.1 Is Rhinoplasty painful?

A. Not for most people, most people rate the pain 4 on the scale of 10.

Q.2 Is Rhinoplasty a serious surgery?

A. Rhinoplasty is a major cosmetic surgery, guaranteeing 100% safety is impossible.

Q.3 How long does Rhinoplasty last?

A Since the structure of your nose has been changed it will most probably last a lifetime, aging may cause gradual changes in the appearance but still most improvements are permanent.

Top Surgeons who perform Rhinoplasty in Sharjah

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  • Chesta

    Chesta Shree is a dedicated medical content writer with Expert Chikitsa, focused on researching and writing upon various medical topics. With a strong passion for writing and a great interest in the medical field her aim is to make complex medical procedures and information accessible for more and more people.

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