Double Valve Replacement Surgery in Bangladesh
A narrowing of the blood vessels, known as stenosis, allows a lower-than-normal volume of blood to flow to the heart. As a result, the muscle has to work harder. Valves that leak can also be a concern. A valve may remain slightly open instead of closing tightly, allowing blood to flow backwards. This is referred to as regurgitation.
The aortic and mitral valves are the two valves that are most often affected for a variety of reasons. The tricuspid and pulmonary valves, on the other hand, are rarely affected during a person’s lifespan. Both of these conditions may be treated with heart valve replacement.
The mitral and aortic valves, as well as the entire left side of the heart, are replaced in a double valve replacement. This form of surgery is less popular than others, and it has a slightly higher mortality rate.