Rhinoplasty Surgery in Abu Dhabi

Many people feel uncomfortable with their nose shapes. Sometimes, they experience certain breathing difficulties because of an injury to the nose tissues or bones. A rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery is the best solution to such concerns. 

Rhinoplasty has become one of the most sought-after cosmetic procedures in the UAE’s Abu Dhabi. This is primarily because of technological advancements in rhinoplasty diagnostic and corrective devices, increasing healthcare infrastructure, and a rapid rise in licensed cosmetic and plastic surgeons. You can opt for this procedure in Abu Dhabi to restructure your nose or correct breakages and bumps. It is also done to reshape the nostril’s size and shape and create a nose bridge. The rhinoplasty technique known as septoplasty helps treat breathing difficulties because of the structure of the nose.

After surgery, the recovery period depends on the type of technique used. But it does not take more than a few weeks. If you get a nose job done by the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, your new nose shape will become firmly established in approximately 12 months or a year. 

Approximate Rhinoplasty Cost in Abu Dhabi

Nose jobs in Abu Dhabi are carried out in various clinics. Their price typically ranges from AED 10,000 ($2722.5) to AED 40,000 ($10890.2). But this price depends on various factors like the type of technique used, the surgeon’s experience, operating room fees, lab investigations, and follow-ups.

Fortunately, some of the leading hospitals offer rhinoplasty packages, installment plans, and discounts. You can book an appointment with one of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the UAE (Abu Dhabi) at the end of this listing. All of them are licensed and experienced in various types of nose jobs. They help you determine the overall cost, how it is distributed, and post-care expenses. 

Average Cost of Factors that Affect the Overall Rhinoplasty Price

The total price of a nose job in Abu Dhabi depends on various factors, right from consultation to post-care recovery. In this table, we’ll give you the average cost associated with these factors.

Factor Affecting Rhinoplasty Cost Average Cost of the Factor Affecting Rhinoplasty Price in Abu Dhabi (AED) Average Cost of the Factor Affecting Rhinoplasty Price in US Dollars
Consultation AED 1000 $272
Operating room fees AED 1500 $408
Medical rounding costs AED 2000 $544
Standard lab tests AED 1100 $291
Surgery AED 15000 $4,083
Medical supplies and implants AED 5000 $1,361
Post-op Care AED 3000 $816

Cost of Nose Job in Various Cities of UAE

The price of nose job in Abu Dhabi does not vary significantly from the price in other UAE cities. Go through this table to gain a better idea of how much this surgery will cost you in the top cities of UAE.

Name of the City Average Cost of Rhinoplasty (AED) Average Cost of Rhinoplasty (US Dollars)
Abu Dhabi AED 30,000 $8,168
Sharjah AED 35,000 $9,530
Dubai AED 40,000 $10,891
Ajman AED 30,000 $8,168
Al Ain AED 28,000 $7,624
Fujairah AED 30,000 $8,168

Cost of Nose Job in Abu Dhabi Compared to Middle Eastern Countries

Many Middle Eastern countries today offer rhinoplasty cosmetic suregry. You can compare their prices with Abu Dhabi using this table and ascertain a suitable place for yourself.

Name of the Middle Eastern Country Average Cost of Rhinoplasty in Country Currency Average Cost of Rhinoplasty (US Dollars)
Abu Dhabi AED 30,000 $8,168
Saudi Arabia 40,000 SAR $10,665
Iran 126712503 IRR $3,000
Israel 22839 NIS $6,000
Egypt 246721 EGP $8,000
Kuwait 8,000 KWD $25,873
Jordan JDI 3547 $5,000
Turkey 274131 TRY $10,000
Omen 5010 OMR $13,000

The Cost of Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi Compared to Other Countries

The cost of a nose job varies significantly in diferent countries. This is because of the varying levels of hospital infrastructure and the accessibility of advanced technology. You can use this table to find out a country where you can undergo this surgery in your budget.

Name of the Country Average Cost of Rhinoplasty (US Dollars)
Abu Dhabi $8,168
India $6,011.2
U.S $12,000
U.K $10,586
Korea $5,000
Ukraine $3,000
Turkey $10,000
Mexico $8,000
Poland $8,000
Czech Republic $1,100
Germany $5,000

Success Rate of Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi

The success rate of rhinoplasty surgery in Abu Dhabi is quite impressive. It ranges from 80 to 90%. The only reason behind this high success rate is the presence of experienced and certified surgeons in the city. They specialize in nose reshaping and have a great track record of successful surgeries.

The surgeons use advanced technologies to correct the nose without making it look artificial. Those who get rhinoplasty from the best surgeons in Dubai and Abu Dhabi are less likely to suffer side effects like infections and bleeding after the surgery.

What Are the Techniques of Rhinoplasty And Their Cost in Abu Dhabi?

Rhinoplasty surgery procedures differ from each other due to the different techniques. Here are the various types of these techniques and their purposes. 

  1. Open rhinoplasty – In it, the surgeon makes a tiny Z-shaped incision on the nose’s underside. This lets them make precise changes to your nose’s shape. 
  2. Closed rhinoplasty – In this technique, the surgeon makes incisions inside the nose. But these incisions do not affect the skin. This technique is suitable for correcting minor imperfections. 
  3. Tip Plasty – This is a less invasive procedure where the surgeon reshapes the nose’s tip. The surgeon may reduce the tip or make adjustments to create a more aesthetically pleasing look. 
  4. Septoplasty – It is the cheapest rhinoplasty in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. In this technique, the surgeon repositions the nasal septum to the nose’s middle. It also makes breathing easier. 
  5. Revision rhinoplasty – This nose job treats problems that the previous surgery could not correct. Besides that, it is also used to treat functional issues that some people experience after undergoing the first rhinoplasty procedure. 
  6. Liquid rhinoplasty – This technique utilizes dermal fillers to recreate the nose shape. This is best for subtle indentations and for those who do not want to undergo surgery. 

The table below lists the approximate prices of different rhinoplasty techniques in Abu Dhabi. 

Type of Rhinoplasty Technique Average Cost of the Rhinoplasty Tecnique in Abu Dhabi (AED) Average Cost of the Rhinoplasty Technique in US Dollars
Open rhinoplasty AED 10,000 $2,722
Closed rhinoplasty AED 11000 $2,994
Tip Plasty AED 11500 $3,130
Septoplasty AED 29383 $7,999
Revision rhinoplasty AED 15000 $4,083
Liquid rhinoplasty AED 8500 $2,315

Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery Techniques to Correct Different Nose Irregularities

There are various types of noses. These include the fleshy nose, which is large and prominent; the hawk nose, one with a prominent bridge; the Greek nose, which is a very straight nose; and the like. Some other nose types include a nose with a bumpy outline, a Nixon nose, which curves at the end and has a broader tip, and a combo nose. It’s a mix of different noses. 

Rhinoplasty surgeries in Abu Dhabi help correct irregularities in these nose shapes. Based on the type of nose you have and its irregularities, the plastic surgeon will choose a particular type of rhinoplasty surgery. These include the following:

  • Reduction rhinoplasty: It is to reduce your current nose shape. 
  • Post-traumatic rhinoplasty: This surgery is for those who have undergone an injury to their nose. 
  • Augmentation rhinoplasty: This is to correct small genetic issues in nose.
  • Revision rhinoplasty: Also called secondary rhinoplasty, it happens when you are not satisfied with your primary nose surgery.
  • Reconstructive rhinoplasty: This surgery restores damaged or lost tissue in the nose.
  • Refinement rhinoplasty: This surgery makes the nose sharper and pointy.

This table gives the average cost of these types of rhinoplasty surgeries in Abu Dhabi for different types of noses.

Name of Rhinoplasty Surgery Average Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery in AED Average Cost of Rhinoplasty Surgery in US Dollars
Reduction Rhinoplasty AED 44076 $12,000
Post-traumatic Rhinoplasty AED 47749 $13,000
Augmentation Rhinoplasty AED 36730 $10,000
Revision Rhinoplasty AED 33057 $9,000
Reconstructive Rhinoplasty AED 51422 $14,000
Refinement Rhinoplasty AED 49585 $13,500

Comparison Between the Cost of Revision and Primary Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi and Other Countries 

Primary and revision rhinoplasty surgeries are the most in-demand cosmetic procedures in Abu Dhabi. However, the cost of revision or secondary nose job is a lot more than the primary one. This is because the amount of work involved in this surgery is much more compared to primary rhinoplasty. This table lists the approximate cost of both these procedures in Abu Dhabi and other countries.

Name of the Country Average Cost of Primary Rhinoplasty in US Dollars Average Cost of Revision Rhinoplasty in US Dollars
Abu Dhabi $8,168 $10,168
India $6,03.3 $8,000
U.S $12,000 $15,000
U.K $10,586 $12,600
Korea $5,000 $8,300
Ukraine $3,000 $5,000
Turkey $10,000 $12,300
Mexico $8,000 $10,000
Poland $8,000 $10,200
Czech Republic $1,100 $3,500
Germany $5,000 $7,000

Ethnic Rhinoplasty Surgery And Its Cost in Abu Dhabi

Ethnic rhinoplasty procedures in Abu Dhabi are undertaken by some of the best rhinoplasty surgeons in the UAE. The goal of this nose job is to produce a natural-looking nose that fits with the facial features of your ethnic background. You can be African American, Asian, Caucasian, Middle Eastern, or of Hispanic ethnicity. 

An ethnic nose job will help you gain facial symmetry aligned with your ethnicity. The rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi cost for it differs in different clinics. It usually ranges from AED 20000 to AED 80000.

This table gives you the average price of ethnic nose jobs for people of different ethnic backgrounds.

Name of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Treatment Average Cost of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Treatment in Abu Dhabi (AED) Average Cost of Ethnic Rhinoplasty Treatment in US Dollars
Black or African American Rhinoplasty AED 47749 $13,000
Asian Rhinoplasty AED 45912 $12,500
Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty AED 58768 $16,000
Hispanic Rhinoplasty AED 47749 $13,000
Indian Rhinoplasty AED 44076 $12,000

Can a 15-Year-Old Get a Rhinoplasty – The Price of Teen Rhinoplasty 

Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic surgical procedure that can be performed when the nose has completed 90% of its growth. This much growth takes place in a 15-year-old teenager, be it a girl or a boy. So, they can undergo rhinoplasty surgery. 

The average cost of this surgery in Abu Dhabi ranges from $8,000 (AED 29384) to $10,000 (AED 36730). The results of this rhinoplasty procedure are permanent. If your child has undergone facial trauma or has severe self-image issues related to the size of their nose, they can undergo this surgery. 

Youth or teen rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi can also be performed on an adolescent who has breathing problems.

Can You Choose a Nose Shape for Rhinoplasty?

Your nose is one of the central features that can dramatically alter your appearance. There are several ways to choose a new nose shape for rhinoplasty. Always ensure to consult your surgeon about the nose shape you desire. Here are some tips to help you pick a nose shape that flatters your other features. 

  • Look at the photos of nose shapes you like. It doesn’t matter whether that shape aligns with your facial features or not. You can just gather these photos and show them to your surgeon. 
  • Assess before and after nose job images. Sift through various before and after rhinoplasty photos. It will help you get a better idea of the impact of modifications on different parts of the nose. 
  • Choose your plastic surgeon wisely. You entrust your faith in the hands of your plastic surgeon. Therefore, it’s critical that you choose one after much research. Ensure to pick a board-certified surgeon in Abu Dhabi with years of experience in rhinoplasty. 
  • Preview the new nose shape. You don’t have to wait until the end of the surgery to see how your new nose looks. Today, there are many altering software available. These let you preview how your new nose will look after the surgery. 
  • Get clear on what you want. It’s essential that you are clear on the kind of nose that you want with rhinoplasty. Equally important is communicating your expectations and goals to your surgeon. These will help guide you and your surgeon. They will help you achieve the best possible outcome.

What Is the Cheapest Nose Job Technique in Abu Dhabi?

The cheapest rhinoplasty in Dubai and Abu Dhabi is Septoplasty. This procedure straightens the nasal septum between the nostrils. Its average cost is up to AED 2648 or USD 721. Unlike rhinoplasty surgery that reshapes the entire nose, septoplasty treats structural problems of the nose. 

There is a high-degree of post-operative satisfaction in patients who have undergone septoplasty. If you have a deviated septum that causes you problems in breathing, septoplasty can be an option for you. This surgery can also be performed in conjunction with rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi. This process is called  septorhinoplasty. 

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty – How It Works and Its Cost in Abu Dhabi

Since its inception, rhinoplasty has been performed by surgeons to break the bones in the nose and reposition them. Although these methods are still in use, new techniques have also emerged. The most important of them is ultrasonic rhinoplasty. Its a less invasive approach that surgeons in Abu Dhabi use to alter the nose bone without damaging it.

This technique refines and shapes the bones better than traditional methods. It also causes less damage to the membrane lining the bone. Patients who undergo this type of nose job recover quickly and don’t feel any pain. In this technique, a device called Piezotome is used. Until now, patients have reported getting the results they desire with this nose job without any pain and long recovery periods. 

In Abu Dhabi, ultrasonic rhinoplasty costs up to AED 55000, which converts to $14,974. Note that the overall cost depends on the area where the clinic is located, the surgeon’s fee, and whether this procedure is primary or revision. This type of rhinoplasty in UAE’s Abu Dhabi will always cost more than the conventional nose job procedure.

Cost of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi Compared to Other Countries

Today, ultrasonic rhinoplasty is being used by surgeons in various countries. Apart from the UAE, surgeons in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, and other countries also use it. Here’s the estimated ultrasonic nose correction surgery cost in Abu Dhabi and other countries.

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty in Country Average Cost of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty in US Dollars
Abu Dhabi $14,974
Turkey $5,000
USA $8,000
UK $13,000
Australia $11,570
Canada $12,000
India $4817
Montreal $15,000
Pakistan $4,000

Non-surgical Alternatives to Rhinoplasty  in Abu Dhabi and Their Cost

Non-surgical nose jobs in Abu Dhabi are non-invasive and safe procedures to alter the shape of your nose. It uses dermal fillers to smoothen out irregularities. This technique is also called liquid rhinoplasty. Surgeons in Abu Dhabi use hyaluronic acid nose fillers to reshape your nose. They customize the treatment to your face shape. 

Non-surgical nose jobs are best suited for people with a mildly crooked nose. They are also suitable for those with a small nose and hook-shaped nose that need straightening. If you have a small bump on your nose bridge or a mild drooping of the nose’s nasal tip, you may consider dermal fillers. 

Another non-invasive rhinoplasty technique in Abu Dhabi is laser rhinoplasty. In it, the surgeon uses CO2 laser beams to remove the thick surface layer on the nose. This procedure can also be used to open the nasal passages if needed. The procedure is completed in a short time and also has very little downtime. 

This table lists the approximate prices of these two non-invasive rhinoplasty techniques. 

Type of Non-Invasive Rhinoplasty Average Cost of Non-Invasive Rhinoplasty Technique in Abu Dhabi (AED) Average Cost of Non-Invasive Rhinoplasty Technique in US Dollars
Liquid rhinoplasty AED 3000 $816
Laser rhinoplasty AED 8829 $2,404

How Much Do Dermal Fillers for Non-Invasive Rhinoplasty Cost?

Non-surgical nose job procedures in Abu Dhabi use various kinds of dermal fillers. Here is the average cost of the major types of dermal fillers that your surgeon may use for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Type of Dermal Filler for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Average Cost of the Dermal Filler for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi (AED) Average Cost of Dermal Filler for Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty in US Dollars ($)
Juvederm AED 3000 $816
Restylane AED 3500 $952
Calcium hydroxylapatite AED 1469 $400
Filler injections with PRP AED 3000 $816
REVOLAX AED 4000 $1,089

Male Vs. Female Rhinoplasty: Is There a Difference? 

Rhinoplasty surgery for both men and women is the same. It means that the surgeon uses the same incisions and the same surgical technique for both genders. The only difference is what men and women hope to achieve through the surgery. There are significant anatomical differences between the noses of males and females. Men typically have bigger noses with wider nasal bases. Their nose projects further from their face compared to females. Men also have bigger nostrils and a more pronounced nasal bridge. Besides, men have thicker skin and dense cartilage and bone. 

Given these differences, men prefer a straight, strong nose. They want bigger nostrils. Most of them visit a surgeon if their nose has been through a traumatic injury. Contrarily, women want a slimmer nose. They desire a subtle upward rotation at the nose’s tip. Unlike men who want a more pronounced bridge, women want a slim bridge. For women, the nose is an important part of their aesthetic appearance. The shape of their nose tremendously impacts their other facial features. So, with rhinoplasty surgery in Abu Dhabi, women want to balance out different areas of their noses. At the same time, they don’t want to look artificial or overdone with this procedure. 

The best surgeons enhance the appearance of the noses of women and men but do not radically alter it. 

Make Rhinoplasty Affordable with a Financing Plan in Abu Dhabi

A cosmetic surgery like rhinoplasty can feel expensive to many. But in UAE’s Abu Dhabi, many clinics offer financing plans. If you are a credit card holder from Mashreq Bank or Emirates NBD bank, then you can get financing plans from the leading clinics in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Once the surgeon performs the surgery, the financing takes place on a monthly basis. It can be a 3, 6, 9, or 12-month plan. There is 0% upfront payment and no interest on the credit card.

The clinic may also offer you discounts on this surgery. There are also installment plans that are split into various interest-free payments and let you cover the entire expenses at a reasonable rate. You must enquire about these plans at the clinic from where you are getting a nose job in Abu Dhabi. When you consult any one of the surgeons we have listed below, ensure to ask if your surgery can be financed. 

Cost of Rhinoplasty Packages in Abu Dhabi 

If you are traveling to Abu Dhabi for a nose job, you may look for a rhinoplasty package. It’s because since you are coming from another country, you might not know about the exact cost of various pre and post-operative procedures. In an all-inclusive rhinoplasty package, everything from your accommodation to the hospital stay is covered. They take care of your every need while you are staying in Abu Dhabi. Here’s what a sample package includes:

  • Accommodation in a hotel with breakfast
  • Pre-operative consultation and tests
  • The actual operation
  • Cost of anesthesia and surgical equipment 
  • A night stay at the hospital 
  • Post-operative checkup 
  • Prescription medications 

Here’s the average cost of various rhinoplasty packages. 

Type of rhinoplasty package Average cost of rhinoplasty package in US dollars
Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty $6000
Rhinoplasty and Buccal fat removal $8000
Rhinoplasty and Blepharoplasty $8660
Rhinoplasty and chin implant $7885
Rhinoplasty and breast augmentation $10,000
Rhinoplasty and thigh or arm lift $10,500
Basic cosmetic rhinoplasty $4000
Revision rhinoplasty $9000

Does Insurance Cover Rhinoplasty Cost in UAE

Rhinoplasty can be pricey. Not only do you incur the surgery cost but also the consultation fee and post operative expenses. That’s why many people wonder if they can cover a nose job with their insurance. 

Health insurance does not cover the cost of rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi. It’s because this surgery is considered an optional surgery. If you are doing it for purely aesthetic reasons, your insurance will not cover it. However, if you are able to establish that the surgery is somehow making you function better, the insurance can cover it. 

For instance, if you are getting surgery to get rid of breathing issues, you can hope that your insurance will cover it. For a majority of insurance providers in the UAE, cosmetic procedures are considered standard exclusions. Even Abu Dhabi’s government THIQA Healthcare Program for UAE nationals does not cover the cost of rhinoplasty or any other cosmetic surgery. 

Can a Rhinoplasty Surgery Fail? – Cases of Botched Nose Job

As with every other surgery, there have been instances of botched rhinoplasties also. The most recent incident happened in Marched 2020. An Emirati woman was left permanently disabled after her nose job went wrong. She got a septoplasty to relieve breathing difficulties. However, the medical centre she chose was not certified to perform the surgery. After the procedure, the woman slipped into a coma and had to be taken to an ICU in Abu Dhabi. 

Her medical expenditure is now being covered by Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan and the deputy supreme commander of the armed forces of Emirati.  

Patient Reviews About Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi

People who have undergone rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi from the top surgeons have witnessed a tremendous improvement in the quality of their life. They thank their surgeons for providing them with complete information about the process and all that should be done after the surgery. Reputed plastic surgeons in Abu Dhabi provide the details of costs upfront. This prevents patients from encountering hidden expenses later on. Overall, successful rhinoplasty surgeries in Abu Dhabi contribute immensely to a patient’s mental and physical well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can a rhinoplasty surgery go wrong?

There are a few cases of botched rhinoplasty surgeries in Abu Dhabi. It mainly happens post-surgery in 6 to 20% cases. So, it’s essential to choose a reputed clinic and a qualified surgeon for this procedure.

2. Will my nose job be permanent?

Yes. Rhinoplasty is a permanent alteration of your nose shape. The results of a specific procedure last for the entire lifetime. 

3. Which is the most pricey rhinoplasty technique?

Typically, revision rhinoplasty is the most expensive one. It is particularly so if the previous surgery fell short of giving you the desired results. 

4. Why is my nose swollen two years after rhinoplasty?

Swelling is normal after rhinoplasty. You will get swelling mostly in the first few weeks after the surgery. After a year, there should be minimal to no swelling. However, if you still experience swelling, you must contact your surgeon. 

5. Can I consider rhinoplasty 100% safe?

Every surgery has some level of risk. Same is the case with rhinoplasty. But with the presence of qualified and experienced surgeons, this process is generally safe. There’s a very minor risk of compilations. 

Top Plastic Surgeons for Rhinoplasty in Abu Dhabi

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  • Praggya

    Praggya is seasoned medical content writer and she helped numerous healthcare organizations achieve their communication goals. Her focus while writing about healthcare content is to enable readers to understand medical matters that will facilitate better decision-making. She feels fortunate to have had the privilege to interview thousands of doctors and patients for the content. In the past, she has written many research stories and articles in the newsletters of leading clinics. She is passionate about exploring the length and breadth of content that she creates. Readers frequently appreciate her skill in translating complex medical information into easily understandable and relatable content.

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