Frequently Asked Questions
What is IVF full form?
IVF refers to In vitro Fertilization.
What is ivf process timeline?
IVF process takes 6 – 8 weeks for initial consultation, ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, Fertilization, embryo transfer, and pregnancy test.
Is IVF baby different from natural pregnancy?
No, an IVF baby is the same as a natural pregnancy.
What are the 5 stages of IVF?
Ovarian stimulation, Egg retrieval, Sperm collection, Fertilization, embryo development, and Embryo transfer.
What is the IVF success rate in Bangalore?
IVF success rate in Bangalore is high and the most preferred place in India.
What is IVF babies disadvantages?
IVF disadvantage may occur when you wish to have multiple babies at the same time.
Are ivf babies are healthy?
IVF babies are healthy, but health risks may occur if it is in genes or a family history of disease and disorders.
Do IVF babies die early?
No, IVF babies are healthy like natural pregnancy, but some babies have the risk of dying in the first year of their life due to abnormalities developed during growth. Also, the risk might be linked with other factors like twins, triple, birth before the right time, and poor development.
Why was day 9 after embryo transfer negative pregnancy test?
If the test is negative after 9 days of embryo transfer, this may not indicate the absence of pregnancy, but you need to confirm with a blood test.
What is day 10 after embryo transfer symptoms?
The patient may feel mammary glands soreness, nipple hypersensitivity, metallic taste in the mouth, heaviness in the small pelvis, more basal temperature, fast fatiguability, and vaginal discharge.
Why does day 10 after embryo transfer feel like a period coming?
The occurrence of cramping and period-coming feeling is a sign of successful embryo transfer.
What are the positive signs after embryo transfer?
You may get signs after successful embryo transfer, including bloating, cramping, spotting, bleeding, increased urination, discharge, headaches, hot flashes, and missed periods.
What are the chances of natural pregnancy after failed iui?
Yes, some patients still conceive naturally after failing IUI.
When to expect period after failed iui?
The period may start in 9 – 14 days after the failed IUI.
Can I have iui after failing ivf?
Yes, it is possible to try IUI after failed IVF, but it can be challenging.
What happens to your body after failed ivf?
Patients may get side effects after failed IVF, such as breast tenderness, bloating, fatigue, and mood swings.
Why iui fails and ivf works?
Advanced maternal age over 35 is the cause of reduced fertility IUI failure.
Why does ivf fail with good embryos?
Sometimes, embryos fail to implant on the uterus lining.
3 failed ivf cycles what next?
Seek a second opinion consult with another fertility expert to better understand failed IVF.
What ivf shots?
IVF shots are gonadotropin injections used during the menstrual cycle for multiple egg growing and maturity.
What are IVF shot side effects?
IVF shots side effects include soreness, bruising, hot flashes, nausea, headache, breast tenderness, abdominal bloating, weight gain, and allergic reactions.
Is IVF shots painful?
No, but there will be a stinging sensation.
What is ivf shots cost?
IVF shot costs range between Rs.50,500-Rs.65,000.