Bone Fracture in Bangladesh
A bone fracture is a medical disorder in which the bone’s integrity is disrupted. High force impact or tension causes a large number of bone fractures.
A fracture, on the other hand, may occur as a result of certain medical conditions that weaken the bones, such as osteoporosis, certain cancers, or osteogenesis imperfecta (also known as brittle bone diseases).
A bone can fracture in many ways; for example, a closed fracture is a break in the bone that does not damage surrounding tissue or tear through the skin.
Types of Bone fractures
Avulsion fracture occurs when a muscle or ligament pulls on the bone, causing it to fracture.
The bone is fractured into several fragments in a comminuted fracture.
The spongy bone in the spine is commonly affected by compression (crush) fractures. Osteoporosis, for example, may cause the front portion of a vertebra in the spine to collapse.
Fracture dislocation occurs when a joint dislocates and one of the joint’s bones fractures.
Greenstick fractures occur when a bone fractures on one side but may not fully break so the remainder of the bone can bend. Children’s bones are thinner and more elastic, so this is more natural.
A partial fracture of the bone is known as a hairline fracture. This form of fracture can be difficult to detect with routine xrays.
If a bone is broken, one fragment of the bone is forced into another.
Intraarticular fracture – a crack that reaches through the joint’s surface.
A longitudinal fracture is one in which the break runs the length of the bone.
An oblique fracture is one that occurs around the long axis of a bone.
Pathological fracture – occurs when the bone has already been weakened by an underlying disease or condition, resulting in a fracture (bone fracture caused by an underlying disease or condition that weakened the bone).
A spiral fracture is one in which at least one portion of the bone is bent.
Athletes are more likely to suffer from stress fractures. Repeated pressures and strains cause a bone to crack.
The bone deforms but does not break in a torus (buckle) fracture. Kids are more prone to it. It hurts, but it’s manageable.
A transverse fracture is a crack in a bone that runs straight through it.