Bariatric Surgery Cost in Egypt

Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is performed on people who have extreme obesity or people who are overweight with severe health conditions caused by obesity. Performing a weight loss surgery helps the patient lose weight and also improves their health conditions. The cost of a Bariatric surgery depends on many factors, including the type of surgery, the hospital, the treatments that the patient has to undergo, etc. In Egypt, the average cost of Bariatric surgery is between 3000 USD – 15000 USD. The hospitals in Egypt offer Bariatric Surgery for an affordable price than most countries.

Cost of Bariatric surgery in other countries

Egypt is one of the countries that offer medical services for an affordable price. The country not only offers lower-cost medical services but also has the most advanced techniques and equipment to treat medical conditions. The hospitals in Egypt have more experienced professionals that treat each patient with intense care. Many people who visit Egypt for their medical conditions return with satisfactory results. Bariatric surgery offered in Egypt is more affordable than in most countries. The bariatric surgery cost in Egypt ranges between 3500 USD to 15000 USD.

Countries Offering Bariatric Surgery The cost of surgery starts from
Egypt 3500 USD
Turkey 4000 USD
India 6000 USD
UAE 8700 USD
USA 25000 USD

Factors affecting the cost of Bariatric surgery

  • Consultation with the doctor.
  • Costs depend on the choice of hospital and the facilities available in the hospital.
  • Cost of tests and scans before surgery.
  • Surgery costs are based on the type of surgery performed.
  • The medical condition of the patient and the severe obesity cases.
  • Hospital room and length of stay of the patient.
  • Post-surgery complications if required.
  • Rehabilitation and recovery period.
  • Costs for medications after surgery.

Why choose Egypt for Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery in Egypt has a higher success rate of the surgery. Many patients have had bariatric surgery in hospitals in Egypt and 90% of them have had significant weight loss where they lost 50% of their initial weight. The hospitals in Egypt prioritize patient care and use advanced equipment and technologies to treat patients. Experienced professionals perform the surgery with utmost care for patients. Past patients who had bariatric surgery received satisfactory results. Their life improved both physically and psychologically. Bariatric surgery is offered in Egypt for a more affordable cost and people all over the world come to Egypt to get their weight loss surgery.

Types of Bariatric Surgery

  • Sleeve gastrectomy
  • Gastric Bypass Surgery or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass
  • Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch
  • Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Surgery (SIPS)

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve Gastrectomy or gastric sleeve is the most common bariatric surgery to reduce weight. It is a simple and safe procedure to lose weight. The risks and complications are lower in gastric sleeve surgery. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery a large portion of the stomach is removed. About 80% of the stomach is removed leaving behind a small portion like a sleeve. Since most of the stomach is removed the food consumed by the patient is also reduced as it makes the patient feel their stomach is full. The hunger hormone ‘ghrelin’ that is naturally produced in the stomach is reduced, stabilising the metabolism, regulating the blood sugar level, and decreasing the patient’s appetite. Sleeve Gastrectomy requires shorter hospital stays than other surgeries and significant weight loss. In Egypt, Sleeve Gastrectomy costs between 3600 USD – 13800 USD.

Gastric Bypass Surgery or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass Surgery or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass surgery is one of the types of bariatric surgery. In this surgery, the surgeon cuts across the top of the stomach and separates it from the rest. A pouch-like medium is created at the top of the stomach. The surgeon then cuts and connects the small intestine by sewing it into the pouch. The food that is eaten enters the pouch and it directly enters the small intestine. Gastric bypass surgery is not reversible. It reduces the amount of food taken by the patient at one sitting and the nutrients absorbed by the small intestine is reduced. Gastric Bypass Surgery or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass costs range from 4200 USD to 14000 USD in Egypt.

Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch

BPD-DS or Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal Switch Another name for this type of surgery is the Gastric Reduction Duodenal Switch. It is a type of surgery that combines sleeve gastrectomy with intestinal bypass. It is also an extreme version of the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This surgery bypasses 75% of the intestine. The end part of the intestine is connected to the duodenum or the First part of the intestine. This reduces hunger and also the absorption of nutrients is reduced. This makes this surgery most effective for weight loss and also improves metabolic syndromes like diabetes. The risk of this surgery is that the patient might suffer from malnutrition and vitamin deficiency due to less absorption of nutrients. The cost of Biliopancreatic diversion with a duodenal switch is between 3000 USD – 13800 USD in Egypt.

Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Surgery (SIPS)

Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Surgery is a new procedure. It is a modified version of the original surgery, a duodenal switch. It intends to reduce the complications of duodenal switch surgery. It is also named Loop Duodenal Switch or SADI-s. Early results of the surgery are still being studied, but it appears promising and there are good outcomes. This surgery may eventually replace the original duodenal switch. The surgery begins with sleeve gastrectomy like the original surgery and divides the duodenum. The variation in the surgery is that the small intestine is reattached as a loop which requires only one surgical procedure instead of two. In this surgery, only less of the small intestine is bypassed by the food and more nutrients are absorbed, unlike the duodenal switch where only a few nutrients are absorbed. Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Surgery (SIPS) cost in Egypt is between 3000 USD – 15000 USD.

Types of Bariatric Surgery Cost Estimation in USD
Sleeve Gastrectomy 3600 USD – 13800 USD
Gastric Bypass Surgery or Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass 4200 USD – 14000 USD
Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch 3000  USD – 13800 USD
Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing Surgery (SIPS) 3000 USD – 15000 USD

Bariatric Surgery Hospitals in Egypt

  • Dar Al Fouad Hospital, Giza Egypt
  • South Sinai Hospital, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
  • Ganzouri Specialized Hospital, Cairo, Egypt
  • Elite Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Arab Contractors Medical Centre, Nasr City, Egypt
  • Cairo Scan Radiology Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Cleopatra Hospital, Heliopolis, Egypt
  • Aseel Medical Care Hospital, Hurghada, Egypt
  • Saudi German Hospital, Cairo, Egypt

What is Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is performed in people with extreme obesity. People who have extreme obesity have a BMI score of more than 40. Extreme obesity leads to various risks that are life-threatening if left untreated. Bariatric surgery helps the person lose weight and prevents other health conditions like heart diseases, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high sugar level, etc. Bariatric surgery is a procedure where surgical methods remove the stomach in the body. In certain types of bariatric surgery, the food bypasses most parts of the small intestine. After surgery, the patient feels less hungry and requires less food. Performing bariatric surgery improves the person’s health condition and prevents the risk of other diseases caused by obesity.

Other names for Bariatric surgery

  • Bariatric surgery
  • Gastric bypass surgery
  • Weight loss surgery
  • Obesity Surgery

Advancements in Bariatric Surgery in Egypt

Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery is performed on patients with morbid obesity. A large part of the stomach is removed through this surgical procedure. Bariatric surgery has improved and minimally invasive techniques are used in surgical procedures. Using minimally invasive techniques has reduced the risks and complications of the surgery. This advancement and use of laparoscopic or minimally invasive methods have drastically improved weight loss surgery. This surgery has helped in faster healing and fewer scars in the patients. Due to small incisions, the patients feel less pain after the surgery. The laparoscopic technique is used in all types of bariatric surgery. Advanced technologies are provided for an affordable price in hospitals in Egypt.

Conditions treated by Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery not only helps in weight loss. Many life-threatening diseases occur as a result of obesity. Bariatric surgery helps improve the health of the body as well as reduce the risks caused by obesity. Some of the higher risks and conditions that can be treated by bariatric surgery are

High blood sugar: Also known as hyperglycemia, high blood sugar level is a serious condition which leads to diabetes. Bariatric surgery reduces the intake of sugar thus reducing the risk of diabetes and also maintaining the insulin level in the body.

Cholesterol: When the cholesterol level in the body is high it is known as Hyperlipidemia. It is a condition where the blood has too much fat or lipids in it. These fats in the blood vessels lead to blockage of blood vessels. This causes a stroke or heart attack in the patient. Bariatric surgery is meant to reduce the cholesterol level in the body.

High blood pressure: When the force of the flow of blood in the blood vessels is too high it causes Hypertension or high blood pressure. When the force is too high it leads to thinning of the blood vessels. Hypertension has a higher risk of stroke or heart attack in the patient.

Heart disease: When a person is overweight, obesity in that person can cause congestive heart failure and impaired cardiac function. Obesity also leads plaque to build up in the arteries which increases the chances of stroke and heart attack.

Other conditions treated by Bariatric Surgery: Other conditions are treated by weight loss surgery like kidney disease, osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea, non-alcohol-related fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and cancer. Though these conditions are rare, in severe cases of obesity it may lead to dangerous health issues. Bariatric surgery patients can reduce and prevent the risks of these conditions.

Is Bariatric surgery safe?

Bariatric surgery is performed on people with morbid obesity. People who were overweight have undergone bariatric surgery and had more satisfactory results. Their life improved drastically. Their body’s health conditions improved and also their self-confidence increased. Bariatric surgery is very safe and with the help of experienced professionals and the right guidance, there is a higher chance of having a speedy recovery with satisfactory results.

Who needs Bariatric Surgery?

  • A person who has a BMI score higher than 40 or class 3 obesity requires weight loss surgery.
  • A person with class 3 obesity with other health-related issues due to obesity requires bariatric surgery.
  • A person who has a BMI score of 35 is obese and also requires weight loss surgery if the person has even one kind of health-related problem.
  • In adolescents, a BMI score of 40 with obesity-related health conditions requires weight loss surgery.
  • Adolescents who have a BMI score of 35 and a severe obesity-related health condition must perform bariatric surgery to improve their health.

Preparing for Bariatric surgery

The healthcare professionals examine the patient thoroughly to see if they are fit for the surgery. They test the person to see if they are physically and psychologically fit to undergo surgery. The healthcare professionals prepare the patient by counselling them about the benefits and risks of weight loss surgery. They provide counselling so that the patient is prepared for the surgery mentally. The patient must quit alcohol and tobacco a few weeks before the surgery.

Doctors do medical screening tests to see if it is safe for the patient to undergo surgery. The doctors make sure that the patient receives surgery without any complications. The patient is required to follow a pre-bariatric diet plan suggested by the professionals so that their body is prepared for the surgery. The diet plan reduces the fat inside the stomach where the surgery takes place. This reduces the risks and complications and the surgery is done with a safe outcome.

Recovery after Bariatric surgery

After the bariatric surgery, the patient stays in the hospital for a few days till they recover. For 6 weeks the patient is advised not to do any vigorous activities. The patient recovers at home before going back to work. The patient is required for regular follow-up sessions with the doctor. They take blood tests and other tests to see if there is any improvement and they also check for nutrition deficiencies. The patient stays at home till their body adapts to the change and they become normal. After the surgery, for 12 weeks the patient has food that is easily digestible and suggested by the healthcare professionals. After 12 weeks the patient continues a normal diet.

Risks of Bariatric Surgery

There are certain risks caused due to bariatric surgery. It is better to consider the risks before performing the surgery and consult an expert in this field.

  • Bleeding in the part where the surgery took place.
  • Hernia inside the body after surgery.
  • Blood clots in parts of the body.
  • Infection in the surgical area.
  • Post-surgery, the patient might suffer from lung issues where they find it difficult to breathe.
  • A partial or complete blockage of the small intestine is also known as small bowel obstruction.
  • When the surgical connection between the end part of the intestine and the duodenum leaks, it leads to complications. This cause is also known as Anastomotic Leak where a surgically reconnected body passage leaks.

Pros and Cons of bariatric surgery

Pros of bariatric surgery

Sustained weight loss: For class III obesity the only treatment that has been proven effective is surgery.

Reduced hunger hormones and improved metabolism: Surgery reduces hunger and improves metabolism in the patient. It is the only obesity treatment that prevents weight regain by rewiring the body’s metabolic programming after obesity.

Blood sugar level and Cholesterol management: Obesity surgery causes remission of diabetes symptoms in the patient. People discontinued medications after the surgery because they had a significant improvement in their metabolism.

A healthier life: Weight loss surgery not only reduces diseases and discomforts of obesity. It also improves the quality of life and extends life expectancy. scientific studies have shown that there is over a 40% decrease in the risk of death in patients who had bariatric surgery.

Cons of bariatric surgery

Dumping syndrome: After surgery, the patient might have several symptoms like nausea, diarrhoea, low blood sugar, and abdominal cramping. These symptoms occur because the food is dumped too fat into the intestine. These symptoms may fade with time and the healthcare professionals may guide the patient to prevent or reduce the symptoms.

Bile reflux: The pyloric valve is the opening between the stomach and the small intestine. When it is affected during surgery it causes malfunction. If the valve doesn’t close properly, it leads to bile reflux. Bile reflux erodes the patient’s stomach lining and causes ulcers or gastritis.

Malnutrition or malabsorption: Bariatric surgeries intentionally reduces the absorption of nutrients in the small intestines to reduce the calorie intake. This might lead to loose stools and other nutritional deficiencies. The patient takes nutritional medications to prevent this side effect.

Gallstones: When there is rapid weight loss, it sends a large load of cholesterol to the liver to process. The extra cholesterol is then carried to the gall bladder along with the bile. In the gall bladder the extra cholesterol is built up and forms as cholesterol gallstones. Medications are provided to prevent gallstones after surgery.

Facilities Available for Native and International Patients

  • Online Consultation with medical professionals.
  • Online price request for foreign patients.
  • Online booking and scheduled appointments with the surgeons.
  • Private rooms in the hospital as per the patient’s preference.
  • Various facilities in the private room in the hospitals.
  • Health and medical insurance coordination is done by the hospital.
  • Rehabilitation services and follow-up sessions with medical professionals.
  • Special services for International patients.
  • Interpreters and translators are available for foreign patients.
  • The hospital website provides the cost estimation based on the patient’s request.


Most insurance companies are reluctant to cover the cost of Bariatric surgery. However, some Insurance companies are ready to cover the cost of this surgery and there are also other companies that cover certain costs of the surgery. The patient who requires Insurance for bariatric surgery must contact the insurance companies. The patients are required to gather information about the costs that the companies cover and their plans and packages provided for weight loss surgery.

The success rates of Bariatric Surgery in Egypt

In Egypt, many patients have had bariatric surgery and 90% of them had significant weight loss with successful results. The bariatric surgery patients lost about 50% of their initial weight. Different surgical procedures have different results and the percentage of weight loss differs. After gastric bypass, the patient loses nearly 70% of their initial excess body weight. After the duodenal switch, the patient loses 80% of their weight. The weight loss percentage of sleeve gastrectomy is between 30% to 80%. The results of weight loss after undergoing surgery are measured after one and a half years.

Reviews on Bariatric Surgery in Egypt

  • Bariatric Surgery has had higher successful results in the past in Egypt.
  • Patients who had weight loss surgery have improved their physical and psychological lives.
  • In Egypt, bariatric surgery is more affordable than in most countries.
  • Among 90% of the patients have lost 50% of their initial weight after performing bariatric surgery.
  • The surgery doctors prioritize patient care and guide them until they are completely recovered.
  • The hospitals in Egypt have all the facilities required for the patient to stay comfortably.

FAQs on Bariatric Surgery in Egypt

What is the cost of bariatric surgery in Egypt?

In Egypt, the average cost of Bariatric surgery is 3000 USD – 15000 USD.

Is weight loss surgery safe?

Yes, weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is safe. The surgeons examine the patient thoroughly before performing the surgery.

Is bariatric surgery available for teenagers?

Yes, bariatric surgery is available for adolescents as well as adults.

How much weight is lost after bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery results in a 50% loss of the patient’s initial weight. The weight loss percentage differs based on the type of surgery the patient undergoes.

Does Insurance cover bariatric surgery cost?

Yes, some insurance companies cover the cost of bariatric surgery. The patient must contact the insurance companies to know the covered packages and costs.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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