Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost in Egypt

People who struggle with obesity and have no success in losing weight after many diets and exercises opt for gastric sleeve surgery. In Egypt, the cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery is 3000 USD – 15,000 USD and the average cost in local currency is 380,000 EGP. The cost of gastric sleeve surgery is more affordable in Egypt than in other countries. In hospitals, Gastric sleeve surgery is performed using advanced techniques to help the patients get quality treatment and recover quickly. The doctors who handle the patients have many years of experience in this field and they prioritize patient care throughout the surgery until the patient is fully recovered.

Gastric sleeve or sleeve gastrectomy is a weight loss surgical procedure and one of the types of bariatric surgery. In gastric sleeve surgery, a large portion of the stomach is removed in an overweight person. This helps in reducing hunger in the person and also reduces food intake. This surgery is for people who have morbid obesity and severe health conditions because of excess weight. In Egypt, patients receive high-quality treatment from the most experienced doctors for gastric sleeve surgery. The success rates of gastric sleeve surgery are higher in hospitals in Egypt. People all over the world travel to Egypt for its affordable price and quality medical treatment.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost in Egypt Amount in USD Amount in EGP
Gastric Sleeve Surgery 5000 USD 380,000 EGP

Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in other countries

In Egypt, hospitals are more advanced and offer medical treatments for an affordable price. The doctors who work here are more experienced and they prioritize patient care. The advancements in hospitals help in giving quality treatment to patients. Gastric sleeve surgery is more affordable in Egypt. The same treatment is offered in other countries and is expensive and patients find it difficult to cover the costs. The Gastric sleeve surgery cost is between 3000 USD – 15000 USD and the average cost is 380,000 EGP in Egypt.

Countries offering Gastric Sleeve Surgery Cost estimate of the surgery
Egypt 3000 USD
India 5000 USD
UAE 7500 USD
Thailand 9000 USD
USA 15000 USD

Factors that Affect the Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Egypt

  • Consultation with healthcare professionals and dieticians.
  • Costs of surgery differ based on the choice of hospital and the available facilities.
  • Tests, scans and screening costs before surgery.
  • Surgery costs are based on the severity of the patient’s condition.
  • The type of room provided for the patient and length of stay in the hospital room.
  • There may be additional charges if the patient has complications post-surgery.
  • Costs are added for rehabilitation and post-surgery recovery in the hospital till the patient gets discharged.
  • Medications costs after surgery if required.

Why choose Egypt for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Egypt has a higher success rate of Gastric Sleeve Surgery. In Egypt, hospitals have experienced doctors who prioritize patient care and always make sure that the patient is comfortable before providing any treatment. The hospitals in Egypt are more advanced and they use the latest equipment and techniques to treat their patients. This helps the patient receive the best treatment for their medical condition. The results of Gastric Sleeve Surgery are more effective in Egypt and patients are content with the changes after the surgery. All the medical treatments in Egypt are offered at affordable prices. Gastric Sleeve Surgery is inexpensive in Egypt and the same surgery costs more in other countries. So people prefer travelling to Egypt to get their gastric sleeve surgery.

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve or sleeve gastrectomy is a weight loss surgery for people who have morbid obesity. The surgery is also for people who have obesity with a severe weight-related health condition. This surgical procedure is one of the types of bariatric surgery and is also sometimes used in other types of weight loss surgeries. In gastric sleeve surgery, a large portion of the stomach is surgically removed and the stomach becomes narrow. It reduces hunger in the person. The stomach becomes small and food intake is reduced. Excess weight causes severe health conditions in a person. Gastric surgery is for people who have morbid obesity and obesity-related severe medical conditions.

Medical conditions treated by gastric sleeve

  • Hypertension or High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol or hyperlipidemia
  • High blood sugar or hyperglycemia
  • Insulin resistance\Type 2 diabetes
    Heart disease
  • Breathing problems
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
  • Steatohepatiti

When should a person opt for gastric sleeve surgery?

The person has severe obesity, and their BMI score is 40 or above.
A person who has a severe health condition due to obesity and whose BMI is 35 or above can opt for gastric sleeve surgery.
When the person tries to lose weight without any successful results, they can choose this surgery.
The patient is first asked to follow a weight loss plan before surgery for at least 3 to 6 months. If the weight loss plan does not succeed then they opt for surgery.

Weight loss surgery is only performed for patients who are mentally and physically prepared for the surgery. The doctors examine the patient to see if they are prepared for the surgery.

Is gastric sleeve surgery safe?

People who had sleeve gastrectomy surgery in the past have improved their health conditions and prevented various risks caused by obesity. Performing a gastric sleeve surgery is safer than suffering the risks of being overweight and the diseases caused by it. The complications of having gastric sleeve surgery are lower than other common surgeries. In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, minimally invasive methods of laparoscopy methods are used. This method reduces the complications of open surgery. The patient feels less pain, the scars are fewer and the patient recovers quickly making gastric sleeve surgery safer than other operations.

Hospitals in Egypt for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Hospitals in Egypt offer high-quality medical services for affordable prices. The medical experts in the hospitals are more experienced and they have handled more complicated cases of obesity and gastric sleeve surgery. Healthcare professionals handle patients with extreme care and guide them throughout the treatment until they completely recover. The patients who have had gastric sleeve surgery in the past have recovered quickly and they stay in Egypt only for a short period. People all over the world prefer to travel to Egypt for its cost-effective and high-quality medical services. Some of the best hospitals to receive gastric sleeve surgery are as follows,

  • South Sinai Hospital, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
  • Dar Al Fouad Hospital, Giza, Egypt
  • Ganzouri Specialized Hospital, Cairo, Egypt
  • Aseel Medical Care Hospital, Hurghada, Egypt
  • Saudi German Hospital, Cairo, Egypt
  • Andalusia Hospital Al Shalalat, Alexandria, Egypt
  • Slim Fit Clinic, Cairo, Giza, Egypt
    ]’Dr Islam Abdelkhalek Clinic, Alexandria, Egypt

Preparing for Surgery

Before the surgery, the patient goes through various tests and screenings. The doctors then examine the patient to see if they are mentally and physically prepared for the surgery. The doctors advise the patient to follow certain rules before the surgery. The patient must follow a two-week liquid diet plan that the doctor suggests. This is to lose the liver and abdomen fat to ensure a safe surgery. The patient must not eat or drink anything for 12 hours before the surgery. Having liquid or food in the stomach during surgery may lead to severe side effects.

Gastric sleeve procedure

General anaesthesia is given to the patient so that they are asleep and do not feel any pain.

The surgeon cuts the abdomen and inserts a port.

A small lighted camera is placed inside through the port and the camera projects the insides of the patient onto a screen.

The surgeon then performs the surgery and completes the procedure.

They measure the gastric sleeve of the patient and separate the remaining stomach.

The remaining stomach is removed from the abdomen.

The surgical opening is then closed and the incisions are removed.

After the Gastric Sleeve Surgery

After the surgery, the patient is required to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days so that the doctors can examine and help the patient manage the pain. The doctors help the patient who has temporary side effects like nausea. The patient visits the hospital for regular checkups. The doctor monitors the weight loss progression and the patient’s health condition and checks for the surgery’s side effects. The patient must take care of themselves and follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain their weight loss and their body.

After gastric sleeve surgery, the stomach becomes small. The patient follows a certain diet for a few months until the stomach is healed. Then the patient can have a normal diet. Because the food intake becomes less after surgery, they must be careful and choose nutritious food so that the body gets enough nutrition and remain healthy. The patient will be taking vitamins permanently after the surgery.

Recovery Time of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

After gastric surgery, the patient might need a month to recover and get back to work. The patient might feel exhausted because of the less intake of food. The patient’s body needs some time to adjust to the new diet and lifestyle. The patient might have less or no energy because of the limited amount of nutrition intake. After one month if the patient is recovered to do daily activities they can get back to work. After the surgery, at first, the patient has only a liquid diet and slowly they can progress and have a solid diet. It will take about 2 to 3 months for the patient to become normal.

How long is the stay in the hospital for gastric sleeve surgery in Egypt?

Gastric sleeve surgery takes about 60 to 90 minutes and the patient is required to stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days. They stay in the recovery room and the health professionals monitor their vitals. When the patient’s condition becomes stable they are discharged after 2 days. The patient is required to stay in Egypt for 7 to 8 days. During their stay in Egypt, they are asked to come to the hospital for check-ups regularly. The patient is kept under review and after 5 to 7 days the surgery stitches are removed.

Who needs Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

  • When the BMI score of a person is higher than 40 or when the person has class 3 obesity, they require gastric sleeve surgery or weight loss surgery.
  • A person with health issues related to class 3 obesity like high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and other diseases, requires gastric sleeve surgery.
  • A person who is obese has a BMI score of 35 and requires gastric sleeve surgery if the person has severe health-related problems caused by obesity.
  • Teenagers and young adults who have a BMI score of 40 with severe health conditions related to obesity require gastric sleeve surgery.
  • Adolescents with a BMI score of 35 and a severe disease caused by being overweight must perform gastric sleeve surgery to improve their health conditions.

Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • Gastric sleeve surgery is simple, safe, and performed in 60 to 90 minutes.
  • This surgery can be carried out on patients with high-risk medical conditions.
  • People who are not qualified for other types of bariatric surgeries because of their condition can opt for only gastric sleeve surgery.
  • Complications related to nutrition in the body are less in gastric sleeve surgery than in other types of weight loss surgery.
  • Gastric sleeve surgery is executed as the first step for patients with severe obesity.
  • It is sometimes used in gastric bypass or SADI-S procedures which are other types of weight loss surgeries.
  • After the surgery, the patient has effective weight loss and improvement of obesity-related conditions in their body.

Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

  • Surgical risks include bleeding, reactions to anaesthesia, infection, and leaking from the surgery.
  • After the surgery, the patient might have scar tissue.
  • Since the stomach is narrow after the surgery, the food that enters might be blocked or slow to move. This causes the patient to vomit or feel nauseous.
  • They might find it difficult to eat food after the surgery.
  • Because of less intake of food, the body might not get enough nutrition leading to nutritional deficiencies in the patient. The patient takes nutritional medicines permanently.
  • After the surgery, the patient might have gastroesophageal reflux, where the stomach acid flows back up in the mouth. This is treated with medicines.
  • There is a risk of having gallstones. Rapid weight loss might be the cause of this. Cholesterol stones get built up in the gall bladder as the fat is processed through the liver.

The success rate of Gastric Sleeve surgery in Egypt

After having a gastric sleeve surgery, the patient loses nearly 25% to 30% of their initial weight before the surgery. The patient loses more or less weight depending on their diet and lifestyle after the surgery. In Egypt, the success rate of gastric sleeve surgery is 80% to 90%. The hospitals in Egypt have successfully handled complicated cases of weight loss surgeries. Experienced healthcare professionals handle patients with intense care, leading to the patient’s speedy recovery. The successful treatment of gastric sleeve surgery in Egypt is offered at an affordable cost making it the best location to receive the surgery.

Reviews on Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Egypt

  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery has had higher success rates in Egypt.
  • Patients who had weight loss surgery have improved their life both physically and mentally.
  • In Egypt, Gastric Sleeve Surgery is more affordable than in most countries.
  • The patients have lost 50% of their initial weight after removing almost 80% of their stomach in Gastric Sleeve surgery.
  • The doctors prioritize patient care and guide them throughout the surgery and also during rehabilitation till they are completely recovered.
  • In Egypt, hospitals have the latest equipment and technologies to treat patients.
  • The hospitals have the facilities required for the patient to stay comfortably.
  • The advanced techniques used in medical treatments are cost-effective and improved the medical services of the patients.


Gastric sleeve surgery or any other bariatric surgery costs are not covered by insurance companies. However, a part of gastric sleeve surgery costs is covered by some insurance companies. The patient must contact the insurance provider and know the plans of the company. They can request insurance for gastric sleeve surgery in severe cases of obesity and health conditions. They must know the costs that are covered by the companies and their plans before the surgery. They can ask if the health insurance covers the cost of the surgery for severe health conditions due to being overweight. The patient must pay the remaining costs apart from the ones covered by insurance according to the plans of the companies.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery for International Patients

Egypt is one of the most trusted locations for patients to receive high-quality medical treatments for affordable prices. International patients travel to Egypt to treat their medical conditions with experienced professionals. Gastric sleeve surgery is cost-effective in Egypt and helps foreign patients save money and also receive successful treatment. In Egypt, international patients are provided with special services and the hospitals have separate departments that guide International patients and fulfil their requirements. Some of the services available for international patients are as follows,

  • Airport pick-up services are available for international patients
  • International patients have local tourism options during their stay in the country.
  • Personal Assistance is provided for the patient if they require it.
  • Translators and interpreters help the patients break the language barrier.
  • Private driving services are available for international patients upon request.
  • The foreign patients are provided with international Cuisine by a personalized chef upon request.
  • Foreign patients can request prices of gastric sleeve surgery online.
  • International patients are offered special services upon request and are guided throughout their stay in Egypt

Facilities for Native and International Patients

  • Online Consultation with healthcare professionals and dieticians.
  • The price of accommodation and stay are also provided online.
  • Online bookings are available for patients who are far.
  • The patients can request scheduled appointments with the surgeons.
  • Private hospital rooms are available and patients can choose based on their budget.
  • The private hospital room has various facilities.
  • Health insurance coordination is done by the staff in the hospital.
  • Recovery services and check-ups after surgery with healthcare professionals.
  • The cost estimate is available on the hospital website and the patient can request affordable cost for the treatment

FAQs on Gastric Sleeve Surgery cost in Egypt

What is the cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Egypt?

In Egypt, the cost of Gastric Sleeve surgery is 3000 USD – 15000 USD, and the average cost in local currency is 380,000 EGP.

Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Safe?

Yes, gastric sleeve surgery or sleeve gastrectomy surgery is safe. The surgeons thoroughly examine the patient before the surgery.

Is gastric sleeve surgery available for teenagers?

Gastric sleeve surgery is available for adolescents with severe obesity-related health conditions.

How much weight is lost after gastric sleeve surgery?

After gastric sleeve surgery, the patient loses nearly 25% to 30% of their initial weight before the surgery.

Does the weight that is lost after gastric sleeve surgery remain constant?

The patient gains or loses weight depending on their diet and lifestyle after the surgery.

Does Insurance cover gastric sleeve surgery cost?

Yes, the cost of gastric sleeve surgery is covered by most insurance companies. However, the patient must contact the insurance provider to know the costs that the companies and their plans cover.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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