Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) in Turkey

Turkey has got expert cardiac surgeons and top hospitals with international recognition. Therefore, you can find the best treatment for various heart problems and Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey.

The leading hospitals of Turkey provide hybrid operating rooms equipped with ultrasound machines, digital angiography, and X-ray units, allowing physicians to do heart surgery with high accuracy.

As a result, Turkey has a similar level to western countries regarding cardiological care. But at the same time, the different surgeries and atrial septal defect surgery costs are approximately 30% lower.

An atrial septal defect is a heart defect by birth. This defect has a hole in the upper part of the heart. It is also referred to as a congenital heart defect in the atrial septum – a muscular wall separating the heart’s two atria (upper chamber). Minor ASDs do not require treatment; larger ones need nonsurgical surgery or repair to reduce the risk of serious complications.

 An ASD allows an abnormal blood flow passage and should not occur. Generally, oxygen-containing blood flows from the upper left chamber down to the lower left chamber and then goes out to supply oxygen to the body.

An asd heart causes blood from the left atrium to flow in the wrong direction, into the right atrium. Your right atrium consists of poor oxygen blood that must go through the lungs. Therefore, the right atrium now holds extra blood that ultimately goes to the lungs. This wrong way of blood flow might cause leakage, which is minor without problems. It is left untreated, but it develops heart and lung problems in some people. The larger the asd heart defect, the more likely it will show symptoms and need treatment.

Atrial Septal Defect Causes

Most heart conditions are caused by a combination of factors, which includes

  • Genetic factors
  • Drug use
  • Diabetes
  • Lupus
  • Alcohol use
  • Rubella 

Atrial Septal Defect symptoms

  • Shortness of breath during exercising
  • Fatigue
  • Swelling of feet or belly, legs
  • Irregular heartbeats
  • A sensation of a rapid heartbeat or skipped beats

Different Types of Atrial Septal Defects

Secundum ASDs

It is present in the middle of the atrial septum. It is a very common ASD.

Primum ASD

It is the lower area of the atrial septum. Babies with this condition have heart defects.

These include atrioventricular septal defects, endocardial cushion defects, mitral valve defects, and tricuspid valve defects. In addition, Primum ASDs are commonly connected with Down syndrome.

Sinus venosus ASDs are present in the atrial septum’s lower or upper back area. It is linked with correct pulmonary vein defect r large veins in the heart called inferior or superior vena cava.

The unroofed coronary sinus is rare. It involves an incomplete or missing wall between the coronary sinus – a group of veins linked to the heart and the left atrium. It is often having a link with different complex congenital heart diseases.

How Common are Atrial Septal Defects?

An atrial septal defect is prevalent in children. It happens in approximately 1-2 out of 1000 live births—every year, 1 in 1800 babies are born with an atrial septal defect.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey

ASD is a major congenital defect so it might need special equipment and a particular operating room. The Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey is $12000. It includes hospital stays, doctor charges, tests, and post-surgery care medicine.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) in Turkey Average Cost in USD Average Cost in Turkish Lira
Patent foramen ovale $9,500 ₺1,90,000
Ostium secundum defect $9,000 ₺1,80,000
Ostium primum defect $10,500 ₺2,10,000
Sinus venosus defect $11,000 ₺2,20,000
Coronary sinus defect $11,500 ₺2,30,000

Patent Foramen Ovale

It is an opening in between the heart’s chamber in adults. Everyone has this opening condition in early life, but it seals during infancy. As a result, some people do not close.

The patent foramen ovale is present in the part heart between the right and left atria. It opens when the baby is in the womb and usually closes during the first year after birth; when that opening does not close called a patent foramen ovale. Babies never have symptoms of it. However, in some conditions, it develops with other disease complications. Its cause can be genetics or unknown. The patent foramen ovale closure cost is $9,500 in Turkey.

Contact us to know more about the patent foramen ovale closure procedure, patent foramen ovale closure surgery, and how to treat patent foramen ovale.

Ostium Secundum Defect

An Ostium Secundum is also an atrial septal defect with a hole in the wall of the upper heart chamber. In addition, it has a hole in the middle of the atrial septum.

A small hole might not affect, but the giant hole causes respiratory infection, irregular heart rhythms, breath shortness, and fatigue after mild activity. The Ostium Secundum asd treatment costs $9,000 in Turkey.

Ostium Primum Defect

This defect is a congenital malformation having an atrial septum contiguous with the atrioventricular valve annulus. It occurs with abnormalities in the growth of the endocardial cushions. Often it leads to atrioventricular valve malformations. The Ostium Primum Defect treatment costs $10,500 in Turkey. 

Sinus Venosus Defect

It is a rare congenital heart ailment in adults. Sinus venosus defect allows the shunting of blood from the systemic to the pulmonary circulation. It is generally linked with anomalous pulmonary venous retrieval. The Sinus venosus Defect costs $11,000 in Turkey.

Coronary Sinus Defect

Coronary sinus atrial septal defects are characterized by the absence of the small portion of the common wall that divides the left atrium and coronary sinus. This defect is linked with a persistent left superior vena cava that drains into the coronary sinus. They are also linked with complex congenital heart lesions. The Coronary Sinus Defect costs $11,500 in Turkey.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey: Different Cities

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) in Turkey Average Cost in USD
Istanbul $10,000
Antalya $10,500
Izmir $11,025
Ankara $11,576

Turkey’s most popular cities for medical treatments are Istanbul, Ankara, and Antalya. These cities offer high-quality services to worldwide medical visitors. In addition, these cities provide:

  • Affordable accommodation
  • The best infrastructure facility
  • Transportation facilities
  • Good dining options
  • Different heart treatments like atrial septal defect surgery at a low cost make Turkey one of the top medical treatment countries.

Apart from getting atrial septal defect treatment, you can enjoy the fascinating beaches, historical buildings, and wonderful nature.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey and Other Countries 

Country Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost
USA $50000 to $70,000
UK £12,000
Turkey $12,519
Singapore $20,000-$40,000
India $4,900 to $5,500

In Turkey, the asd heart surgery cost, asd surgery cost, asd closure device price, and the atrial septal defect repair cost are performed at a low cost of around $12,519. Whereas the cost of ASDs in Singapore is $20,000-$40,000, the atrial septal defect cost in the USA is $50000 to USD 70,000. In comparison, the UK offers £12,000 for ASD Repair, and the Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in India is $4,900 to $5,500.

Contact us to know more about asd atrial septal defect, asd full form in cardiology, atrial septal defect causes, asd repair surgery.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Insurance Coverage in Turkey

Yes, the atrial septal defect is covered under health insurance. As this is a heart defect, it comes under heart health policies.

Regarding health insurance in Turkey, you will get two options private health insurance and Universal Health Insurance for various heart surgery cost coverage. Private health insurance policies offer foreigners and citizens access to private hospitals and hospitals selected by their insurance companies.

Foreigner patients are also allowed to get asd heart disease cost coverage. The Turkish government pays atrial defect costs through taxation. Contact us for Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Hospitals in Turkey

  • Memorial Şişli Hospital. Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • LIV Hospital Ulus. Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • Meditate Hospital. Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • Medical Park Hospital Group. Location: Istanbul, Turkey
  • KOC University Hospital
  • Medipol Mega University Hospital

Cardiac hospitals in Turkey have a mission to become a global brand by following technological and scientific developments focusing on patient satisfaction and making a health service difference with advanced technologies.

Contact us for atrial septal defect treatment, atrial septal defect surgery, atrial septal defect treatment in adults, asd cardiac, asd closure. 

Facilities available in Hospitals in Turkey

  • Fully equipped CT and MRA rooms with advanced technology to perform radiological examinations.
  • ICU facility
  • Airport Transfer facilities
  • Accommodations
  • Wi-Fi facility
  • Comfortable patient rooms
  • Good quality beds are available
  • Emergency department
  • Language translators
  • Aid in visa processing

Contact us to know more about sinus venosus defect radiology, sinus venosus asd repair, inferior sinus venosus defect, sinus venosus asd repair in adults, sinus venosus atrial septal defect treatment.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Success Rate

The Atrial septal defect (ASD) success rate is 98%, with low complication rates in ASD closure. However, significant risks are around 1%, including cardiac erosions, device embolization, and new-onset atrial arrhythmia.

Can You Live An Everyday Life With ASD Heart?

Ongoing proper medical treatment for the specific heart defect, including Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), will help adults and children with CHD to live a healthy life. People with congenital heart problems need the best care in different cases for a lifetime.

Contact us to know more about trial septal defect size mm, asd cardiology, ostium primum asd, asd ecg.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Life Expectancy In Turkey

People after ASD surgery can live everyday life. Several patients live with significant and untreated defects for 80 years without severe disability. However, it depends on different patients’ health types. Some people have a low life expectancy, an average age of not more than 50 years.

In some cases, a patient with asd cardiac disease had long-term mortality of 95% than the general population.

Can you Live a Whole Life with a Hole in your Heart?

Some people never get signs that they have a hole in their hearts. It happens in minor hole conditions. Large ASD has uncomfortable symptoms of stroke and migraine.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Death Rate in Turkey

The congenital heart defect linked to deaths among patients having surgery of large Secundum asd, the minor atrial septal defect has lowered over the past 60 years, as stated by recent data of Journal-of-the-American-College-of-Cardiology.

Contact us for asd pulmonary hypertensionSinus Venosus asd echo, and congenital asd.

According to patients, studies without treatment of Secundum atrial septal defect shows that their average age at death was 39 to 49 years.

Patients underwent 14080 surgeries with 98% follow-up. Early mortality, seen below 30 days, happened in 5.6% of patients, and late mortality occurred in 10.4%.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) surgery Procedure

ASD Diagnosis Heart: Before Surgery

The physician will suggest one or multiple tests find out how ASD affects your heart. These include:

Electrocardiography (ECG/EKG)

  • An ECG indicates the heart’s electrical activity.
  • It can tell if you have an arrhythmia or different problems linked to the heart’s electrical system.

Chest X-ray

  • This test will indicate if your right ventricle and atrium are enlarged.
  • It will also tell if the blood vessels in the lungs are impacted.

Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE)

  • This test indicates how left-to-right blood shunting affects the heart.
  • It can also tell the details of pulmonary hyperextension.

Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)

  • A TEE is an ultrasound of the esophagus.
  • It indicates the shape and size, and location of an ASD.
  • It can also analyze the heart valves.
  • This test is helpful during percutaneous repair and ASD surgery.

Intracardiac echocardiography (ICE)

  • It is an ultrasound taken on the heart. A tiny camera is sent to the heart from a peripheral vein.
  • This test tells the shape and size of the ASD and the blood flow direction. It is helpful during nonsurgical ASD repair. 

ASD Cardiac Disease Surgery

  • The treatment for asd repair heart depends on the size of the hole inside the heart.
  • It also depends on if you or the child has another heart defect.

Several atrial septal defects close automatically during childhood. Those with large holes need surgery. Contact us for Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Cost in Turkey.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD): During

Several cardiologists suggest surgery to repair a medium to large atrial septal defect diagnosed during adulthood and childhood to stop further complications.

The atrial septal defect repair surgery requires closing the hole in the heart. This surgery performed using two ways: 

Catheter-Based Repair

  • A flexible and thin catheter is added to blood vessels in the groin and guided to the heart with imaging.
  • A mesh patch or plug is passed from the catheter to close the hole.
  • Heart tissue develops around the seal and permanently closes the hole.
  • The catheter-based hole repair procedure is helpful only for the secundum type of atrial septal defects. However, some large Secundum atrial septal defects might need open heart surgery.

Open-Heart Surgery 

  • This kind of atrial septal defect repair operation involves an incision from the chest wall to directly reach the heart.
  • Then, the surgeons use patches to seal the hole.
  • This open-heart repair surgery is the only way to help primum, coronary sinus atrial, and sinus venosus defects.
  • Sometimes, atrial septal defect repair needs small incisions that minimally invasive surgery and robot-assisted heart surgery. Contact us more about the left atrial defect and sinus venous repair.

Anyone who had atrial septal defect surgery requires regular echocardiograms and health checks to find possible complications, including:

  • heart valve problems
  • irregular heartbeats
  • high blood pressure in the lung arteries
  • heart failure

Individuals with large atrial septal defects who do not get surgery to close the hole have difficulty doing everyday activities and have more risk of pulmonary hypertension and arrhythmias.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD): After

  • After ASD surgery, the intensive care unit will keep the patient under observation and monitoring.
  • The physician will give the necessary medicine to recover.
  • The patient needs to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Recovery

  • Your physician explained about expected recovery.
  • You may need to restrict physical activity for some weeks after ASD closure.
  • For transcatheter closure, you should resume regular activity within one week.
  • You will require to take medicines and stop blood clots for six months after the surgery.
  • Take antibiotics to stop infections, especially when planning a dental procedure within the first six months after the procedure.
  • It is essential to visit for a follow-up with a cardiologist or surgeon. The physician will do tests to ensure the procedure is effective.

Contact us for asd closure device price, heart surgery price, bypass surgery price.

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Treatment Pros and Cons


  • Quality life
  • Improved mental health
  • Improved physical health
  • Good social connection
  • Low risk of major heart disease


  • Stroke
  • Right-sided heart failure.
  • Uneven heartbeats
  • Early death.
  • High blood pressure inside the arteries of the lung

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Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Risk And Complication

Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) is effective and safe, but it does carry some risks, including:

  • Bleeding that may need a blood transfusion
  • Material allergies during the procedure
  • Puncture or damage of heart veins or tissue needing surgical correction
  • Stroke or mini-stroke
  • Incision infection
  • Some complications can be life risking


ASD treatment helps to repair the hole in the heart wall. If your child or any family member has ASD, take your healthcare provider’s help to treat the condition. They will help you know the type of suitable treatment. Also, follow a healthy diet and take medicine on time.

Best Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Surgeons in Turkey

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  • Gouher

    Gouher is passionate about writing content in healthcare industry. Her commitment to learning and upgrading guides her work and drives her to make a positive impact in the health community. She has Seven years of experience in Medical Content Creation. She believe in providing the correct information because she clearly understands what situations people search about a disease and its treatment.

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