Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) in Turkey

Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is major cardiac surgery. The Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey depends on the different requirements of the patient.

The coronary arteries provide oxygenated blood and nutrients to the heart. Atherosclerosis is an ailment that causes hardened plaque to accumulate in the coronary arteries. This plaque causes the narrowing of the arteries with time. It can restrict the blood flow to the heart and cause chest pain. The plaque also causes blood clots and completely blocks blood flow, which can cause a heart attack.

A person with coronary artery disease or severe coronary heart problem can have a CABG procedure to improve the blood flow in heart muscles by bypassing the obstructed coronary artery. A CAD is featured by depositing a waxy substance in the coronary artery. The waxy substance creates plaque, which may limit the blood flow in an artery to the heart, brain, and other essential organs in the human body. Top hospitals provide different coronary artery bypass graft surgery cost in Turkey.

Turkey provides many Internationally accredited hospitals for conducting heart bypass surgery.

As Coronary artery bypass grafting is a critical surgery, only highly skilled and experienced surgeons’ team are allowed to do this surgery. The expert surgeons examined the patient and recommended the required imaging test to detect the blockage before surgery.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey

The average Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey range is $13200, the minimum cost of CABG is $6000, and the maximum price of CABG Surgery is $27000.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) in Turkey Average Cost in USD Average Cost in Turkish Lira
Off-pump CABG $8,500 ₺1,70,000
Minimally invasive CABG $8,800 ₺1,76,000
Robot-assisted CABG $9,500 ₺1,90,000
Hybrid procedure $10,500 ₺2,10,000

Off-Pump CABG

Off-pump CABG procedure is a type of heart surgery. Surgeons do this procedure to bypass blockages present in the coronary arteries. The off-pump CABG is done without using a heart and lung machine. It means the heart keeps pumping blood to the rest of the body during this surgery. It is also called beating heart surgery. The Off-pump CABG cost $8,500 in Turkey.

Contact us for off pump coronary artery bypass, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey, off pump bypass, off bypass heart surgery.

Minimally Invasive CABG

It is alternative heart surgery. Surgeons access the heart from a small incision between the ribs without cutting the bones. As a result, the heart will not stop working, and there is no need for a heart-lung bypass machine. This coronary artery bypass procedure is equivalent to the old method but can recover fast with low risk. The Minimally invasive CABG cost $8,800 in Turkey. Contact us for mics cabg, minimally invasive coronary artery bypass, cabg minimally invasive surgery.

Robot-Assisted CABG

It is also a type of heart surgery. Surgeons do it by making tiny cuts in the chest. Then, they use robot-controlled tools and small instruments to do coronary artery bypass grafts that are less invasive than open heart surgery. The Robot-assisted CABG cost $9,500 in Turkey. Contact us for robotic bypass surgery, robotic heart surgery cost, best robotic heart surgeons, robotic heart surgery risks.

Hybrid Procedure

This heart surgery procedure involves different therapies from another heart specialist. It is a combination of catheter-based intervention and surgical procedure to the heart. The Hybrid procedure cost $10,500 in Turkey. Contact us for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey, cost of cabg surgery, cabg operation, off pump cabg.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey: Istanbul, Antalya, Izmir

Famous cities like Istanbul, Antalya, Ankara, Izmir, and Konya in Turkey have accredited healthcare systems for coronary artery bypass graft, heart bypass, bypass graft, CABG operation, and CABG treatment. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey is offered differently for various cardiovascular diseases.

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) in Turkey Average Cost in USD
Istanbul $8,500
Antalya $8,925
Izmir $9,371
Ankara $9,840


Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Cost Comparison in Different Countries

Country CABG Cost
USA $30,000 to $200,000
UK $16,500 and $15,600 
Turkey 7,000. $US 15,000
Philippines $US 17,000 – $US 25,500
India ₹95,000 to ₹4,50,000

 Cost Of CABG In Different Countries

The CABG procedure cost in the USA starts from $30,000 to $200,000.

The cost of a coronary artery bypass graft in the UK for the younger and older patient is $16,500 and $15,600 for each patientIn comparison the 

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Cost in Turkey is an average: of $US 7,000. $US 15,000. In contrast, the Cost of Heart Bypass in the Philippines is $US 17,000 – $US 25,500. The coronary artery bypass surgery cost in India starts from ₹95,000 to ₹4,50,000.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Top Hospitals in Turkey

  • Acibadem Bakirkoy Hospital
  • Medical Park Bahcelievler Hospital
  • Acibadem International Hospital
  • Liv Hospital Ankara
  • Medicana Camlica Hospital
  • Medicana Bursa Hospital
  • Anadolu Medical Center Hospital
  • VM Medical Park Florya Hospital

Turkey has the best hospitals in famous cities that offer the following facilities:

  • More than 80 physicians
  • Intensive care unit
  • Special cardiology and CABG surgery care unit
  • Imaging units and laboratories
  • Pharmacies
  • UHA unit for international patients
  • Standard rooms and suits
  • 24 hours cafeteria, parking lot
  • Worship place for male and female
  • Contact us for Turkish hospital costs, turkey hospital.

CABG Surgery Cost Insurance Coverage in Turkey

Generally, for patients with health insurance, the out-of-pocket cost consists of physician copays, coinsurance of 10%-50%, and drug copays prescription, which could easily reach annually.

The heart bypass or CABG procedure costs about $70,000-$200,000 for patients without health insurance. Generally, the cost depends on the facilities but tends to be less without complication.

Contact us for heart bypass travel insurance, health insurance in turkey, private health insurance in turkey, best health insurance in turkey, and health insurance companies in turkey, cerebral artery bypass surgery cost.

Turkey Health Insurance for Foreigners

Expats and foreigners living in Turkey can apply for health treatment in two ways private health insurance and Universal health insurance. The European health insurance card is not enough in Turkey. Health insurance is compulsory in Turkey to get work permits or residency. Contact us for the best private health insurance in turkey.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Reviews in Turkey

Turkey is a mesmerizing country for its visitors, whether about finding peace in attractive tourist locations or medical treatments. Apart from being a great tourist place, Turkey offers a variety of heart surgeries, including coronary artery bypass graft, coronary artery bypass, aortocoronary bypass graft, arterial graft, off-pump coronary artery bypass, and minimally invasive CABG.

  • Strong management
  • luxury hotel for stay
  • Good hygiene and cleanliness in the hospital
  • Patients are satisfied with the doctor’s explanation and treatments
  • Good infrastructure and latest technologies available

Negative Reviews

  • Some people are not satisfied with airport pickup in minibus instead of an ambulance
  • The repeated test caused extra expenses
  • doctors refused to give documents and behaved rudely for answering questions
  • Some people think treatment cost is a money trap

Comparing both positive and negative reviews about CABG treatment in Turkey, it is possible to face such things in hospitals due to more patients. It is up to you to choose and verify the hospital and treatment before going ahead. Make sure to cross-check everything before paying for any treatment.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Success Rate in Turkey

Coronary artery bypass graft, CABG surgery, and heart bypass are successful treatments in Turkey. With the availability of the latest and advanced technologies and highly qualified surgeons, Turkey has gained a heart surgery success rate of 96% to 98% and a very low to 2%-3% death rate.

Each month doctors in Turkey operates 20-25 CABG procedure with low coronary artery bypass graft cost and reach a success rate of 95% in the city of Istanbul and Ankara.

Generally, the mitral valve surgery success rate is 95%, the heart bypass surgery success rate is 98%, the enlarged aorta surgery success rate is 95%, the CABG success rate is 80%, and the triple bypass success rate is 98%.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Process Guidelines in Turkey

If your physician recommends CABG or heart bypass surgery, they will provide complete instructions on preparing for surgery.

If surgery is scheduled in advance and is not an emergency procedure, you will get preoperative appointments where you must provide a medical history of health and family.

Patient with coronary artery bypass grafts also needs the following tests:

  • angiogram
  • blood tests
  • electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • chest X-ray

Other things to support CABG operation:

  • Quit smoking
  • Tell your physician about health symptoms like flue
  • Make treatment arrangements
  • Apply for insurance or take details of surgery insurance
  • Take medicine as advised by your physician

Contact us for coronary artery bypass surgery cost, coronary artery bypass cost, CABG, CABG surgery, heart bypass, and 5 vessel bypasses.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Procedure

Most often, people aged 66 years old have CABG surgeries. Around 72% of the people who undergo are men than women.

Before Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: Tests

  • Chest X-ray
  • angiography
  • Blood tests
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • Nuclear cardiac stress test
  • Exercise stress test
  • Cardiac catheterization
  • X-ray angiography
  • Coronary calcium scan
  • Computed tomography
  • Lab tests: blood sugar, complete blood count, and cholesterol

During Coronary Artery Bypass

  • Coronary artery bypass graft surgery needs patient to stay in the hospital. The procedure may depend on different conditions and the doctor’s experience.
  • Do not wear any jewellery which can interfere procedure.
  • Before starting the CABG procedure, the patient must change and empty the bladder.
  • You will lie over the back on an operation table in the operation room in the hospital.
  • Next, the anesthesiologist monitors heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and oxygen level during the surgery.
  • Once you go into a deep sleep, a breathing tube will be added to the throat and linked to a ventilator, which will breathe during the surgery.
  • A physician will add an intravenous line to the hand and arm.
  • Other catheters will be added to the neck and wrist to monitor blood pressure and heart and take blood samples.
  • Next, the physician will add a catheter to the bladder to drain urine.
  • The doctor will utilize an antiseptic solution to clean the surgical area.
  • Once the monitor and all tubes are in place, your physician will make an incision in one or both legs or in your wrists to get the blood vessel to use for grafting. Then, the physician will remove the vessel and close the incision.
  • The physician will cut the adam’s apple part to just over the navel.
  • The doctor will again cut the breastbone in half lengthwise, separate the halves of the breastbone, and open them to the heart.

Types of CABG Procedure

 CABG On-Pump Procedure

  • Your doctor will need to stop your heart temporarily to sew the grafts into a tiny coronary artery. Then, tubes will be added to the heart so that blood keeps pumping in the body by a heart-lung bypass machine.
  • Once the blood has been shifted into the bypass machine for pumping, your physician will stop the heart by injecting a cold solution.
  • The following physician will sew one end of the vein section on a tiny opening created in the aorta and a different end over a small space in the coronary artery just under the blockage.
  • Suppose your physician uses the internal mammary artery in the chest as a bypass graft. In that case, the artery’s lower end will be cut from inside the chest and sewn on an opening made in the coronary artery under the blockage.
  • Depending on the patient’s blockages, you may require an extra bypass graft.
  • After bypass grafting, the physician will allow the blood to circulate by the bypass machine to the heart and remove the tubes from the device. The heart will restart automatically or may need a mild electric shock to restart the heart.
  • Your physician may add temporary wires for creating pacing in the heart. These wires can be attached to a pacemaker, and the heart can be paced, if required, during the start of recovery time.

Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery-Off-Pump Procedure

During the CABG off-pump procedure, the physician will stabilize the part around the artery to be bypassed with unique equipment.

The remaining heart part keeps functioning and pumping blood from the body.

The heart-lung by machine remains stand.

Your physician will do the bypass graft procedure by stitching one section end of the vein on a small opening created in the aorta and another on a tiny opening made in the coronary artery under the blockage.

The patient may need multiple grafting depending on the blockages.

Your doctor will closely check everything and close the chest.

Contact us for arterial bypass graft, after cabg surgery, cardiovascular bypass, cabg pathophysiology. Contact us for coronary artery bypass cost in Turkey.

After CABG Procedure

  • After CABG surgery, the patient will be shifted to intensive care (ICU) for monitoring.
  • Once the patient gets stable, the patient is allowed to shift to the standard surgical room.
  • The patient must stay in the hospital for 8-12 days or longer if required.
  • Then patients must follow necessary suggestions from their surgeons and medical team for recovery.

Contact us for cabg disease, off pump bypass, cabg patient, coronary artery graft.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Recovery

  • The recovery of CABG depends on the type of surgery.
  • Recovery may take many weeks to recover fully.
  • After recovery, avoid strenuous activities that can stress incisions and the heart more.
  • Take all recommended medicines
  • Join cardiac rehab
  • Avoid stress and follow a healthy lifestyle

Contact us for arterial graft, off pump coronary artery bypass, minimally invasive cabg, aortocoronary bypass.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Pros & Cons


  • Less chest pains
  • low chance of heart attack
  • More energy in physical activities


  • Stoke
  • Heart attack
  • Bleeding
  • Kidney function
  • Lung infection
  • Heart rhythm change
  • A rare case of death

Contact us for coronary artery bypass surgery cost in Turkey, cabg heart surgery, procedure of bypass surgery, coronary bypass surgery.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Risk and Complications

  • Heart rhythm problems
  • Blood clots
  • Renal and kidney failure
  • Difficulty thinking or memory loss
  • Anesthesia reactions
  • Death


Coronary artery bypass grafting surgery can make a person’s life better. Worrying and getting anxious are expected as the CABG is major surgery. A doctor’s suggestion is essential because they know your heart health better. They will also help you to prevent complications and get the best results after surgery.

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgeons in Turkey

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  • Gouher

    Gouher is passionate about writing content in healthcare industry. Her commitment to learning and upgrading guides her work and drives her to make a positive impact in the health community. She has Seven years of experience in Medical Content Creation. She believe in providing the correct information because she clearly understands what situations people search about a disease and its treatment.

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