Kyphosis Surgery and Treatment in Turkey

Kyphosis surgery and treatment are offered in various cities in Turkey. People visit Turkey as it is one of the best locations to treat medical conditions with high-quality equipment for an affordable price. In Turkey, the average cost of Kyphosis Surgery is 3,000 USD to 20,000 USD. The treatments for Kyphosis are provided to the patients using advanced technologies and instruments. The doctors in the hospitals are highly experienced.

Kyphosis is a spinal curvature in the upper back of a person. The person’s spine is deformed, and they require treatment based on the severity of the curve. In mild curves of the spine, the person does not require treatment. When the curves are more than 50 degrees, the person might face the risk of difficulty in breathing, digestion and severe back pain. In such severe cases, the person is required to perform surgery to recover and heal from the condition.

Kyphosis Surgery Cost in Turkey

Turkey is the preferred location for treating medical conditions. The hospitals offer high-quality treatment for patients for an affordable price. In Turkey, Kyphosis treatment and surgery cost between 3,000 USD to 20,000 USD. The cost is more affordable in Turkey than in other countries. People worldwide travel to Turkey because of the treatments’ lower costs and higher success rates.

Countries Cost Estimate of Kyphosis Surgery
Turkey 3000 USD to 20000 USD
UAE 16000 USD to 50000 USD
UK 20000 USD to 50000 USD
Spain 60000 USD to 70000 USD
USA 140,000 USD to 175,000 USD

Factors Affecting the Cost of Kyphosis Surgery in Turkey

  • Location of the Hospitals and the facilities available near the hospitals.
  • Facilities provided by the hospital and the personal preferences of the patient.
  • Technologies and advanced instrumentations used in surgery to treat patients with Kyphosis.
  • Experience of the surgeons and treatment and surgery fees.
  • Consultations, tests and other costs.
  • Length of hospital stay of the patient.
  • Additional treatment costs and the type of surgery offered for the patient.

Who needs Kyphosis Surgery?

People with mild Kyphosis exercise or wear braces to improve their posture and strengthen their backbone; sometimes, they don’t need treatment. When a person has severe Kyphosis, there are risks of breathing due to the severe curve in the spine. The person also has unbearable pain caused by spinal deformity. There are other risks of severe spinal deformity, and in such cases, the doctors suggest kyphosis surgery for the person. People with severe cases of Kyphosis need surgery to reduce the curve in the upper back to ease their pain and breathing. Performing a kyphosis surgery might help the person have a better posture.

Why choose Turkey for kyphosis surgery treatment?

In Turkey, hospitals have successfully treated many patients with Kyphosis. The hospitals in Turkey are well known for their high-quality services offered to patients at affordable prices. The hospital uses advanced techniques to treat medical conditions cheaply, and the same treatment is more expensive in other countries. People worldwide choose hospitals in Turkey because of the high-end technologies, experienced professionals, intense and special care for patients and successful treatment results.

Best Hospitals for Kyphosis Surgery in Turkey

Liv Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

Liv Hospital is a multi-speciality hospital located in Istanbul, Turkey. The word “Liv” stands for “Leading International Vision” and the hospital offers medical services for International patients. The hospital has JCI accreditation, the highest medical accreditation certificate. Treatment for Kyphosis is provided in this hospital. Both surgical and non-surgical methods are used to treat Kyphosis in this hospital. The Kyphosis surgery and treatment cost is 10,000 USD to 20,000 USD at Liv Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. The doctors who treat Kyphosis are more experienced, and the patients are also treated with intense care. Liv Hospital has 4 clinics across 4 cities in Turkey so the patient can choose one clinic to get high-quality treatment for an affordable price.

Memorial Hospital, Turkey

Memorial Hospital Group is a popular medical institution in Turkey with 12 hospitals, 2 medical centres and 1 wellness centre working under the Memorial Healthcare group. The main intention of the founders of Memorial healthcare group was to create an exemplary medical institution for Turkey and also the International arena. The infrastructure of the hospitals, advanced technical equipment, highly experienced professionals and many other reasons are why people worldwide consider this hospital for medical treatments. In Memorial Hospital, the cost of Kyphosis surgery and treatment is 6000 USD – 20,000 USD in Turkey. Experts treat Kyphosis in Memorial Hospital and guide the patients until they recover.

American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

American Hospital is a non-profit private hospital located in Istanbul, Turkey. Vehbi Koc Foundation was founded as Turkey’s first private non-profit medical institution. The hospital is equipped with advanced technologies to treat the medical conditions of the patients. This hospital prioritizes patient safety while providing treatment and also during recovery. Kyphosis surgery and treatment costs 5000 USD to 20,000 USD in American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey. The hospital uses advanced techniques and equipment to treat Kyphosis. The instrumentations used in kyphosis surgery are also advanced. The patients who had Kyphosis surgery recovered quickly because of the care provided by doctors post-surgery.

What is Kyphosis?

A person’s spine has normal curves to help them maintain balance and stand up straight with good posture. When the curves are very small or very large, the person finds it difficult to maintain a good posture. The person’s back looks abnormal because the spine’s curves are deformed. Kyphosis is a disorder where a person’s upper back is bent forward due to a spinal curve. Kyphosis is also known as a round-back in mild spinal curves or a hunchback in severe cases with large spine curves. It commonly occurs during adolescence and also in old people. Many hospitals in Turkey provide surgical and non-surgical treatments for Kyphosis.

Types of Kyphosis

There are many types of Kyphosis, and only three are more common in children and adolescents. They are

  • Postural Kyphosis
  • Scheuermann’s kyphosis
  • Congenital Kyphosis

Kyphosis Surgery

A person who has Kyphosis has a spinal curve in the upper back. There is a visible curve or a hunch on the person’s back. When the curves extend 50 degrees, the person’s condition is worsened, and they have certain symptoms. It becomes difficult for the person with Kyphosis to breathe because the curves compress the lungs and the digestive system. It also causes difficulty in digestion. The hunch on their back causes severe pain. In these cases, the doctors suggest kyphosis surgery.

Kyphosis surgery is only performed when the benefits of the surgery are higher than the risks. The doctors do a physical examination of the patient. Sometimes X-ray scans and MRI scans are done to determine the severity of the spinal curvature. The doctors examine the patient and choose the best treatment for them. After a thorough examination, the doctors choose the best surgery for the patient. Many types of kyphosis surgery deal with different causes and conditions.

Kyphosis Surgery types and costs

Spinal fusion: The spinal disk that is present between two or more vertebrae removed by the surgeon. The adjacent vertebrae are then fused and secured by screws using bone grafts or metal devices. Spinal fusion may require a long recovery period as the spine loses its flexibility. During recovery, the bone grafts grow and the vertebrae are fused. In Turkey, spinal fusion surgery costs 5,000 USD to 20,000 USD.

Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty: The compression fractures of the vertebrae are repaired using kyphoplasty or Vertebroplasty. The fractures are caused by osteoporosis, where the bones become fragile because of the loss of tissues. In both Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, glue-like bone cement is injected. The bone cement becomes hard and strengthens the bone. Vertebroplasty costs between 6000 USD to 10,000 USD in Turkey. Kyphoplasty costs between 5,000 USD to 15,000 USD in Turkey.

Spinal Laminectomy: Sometimes, spinal stenosis causes the spinal canal to narrow. It results in numbness, pain, or weakness. During Spinal Laminectomy surgery, the surgeon removes a part or all of the lamina or vertebral bone. It is done to ease the pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves. In Turkey, Laminectomy surgery costs between 6,000 USD to 18,000 USD.

Discectomy: The spinal curves sometimes cause a hernia in the body. The backbone or the disks in the spine is pressed against the root nerve due to curvature and it causes hernia in the spine. Discectomy surgery is a procedure where a herniated disk that is pressed on the spinal cord or root nerve is removed. In Turkey, the average cost of discectomy is 3000 USD to 15,000 USD.

Foraminotomy: In the spine, there is a part called the foramen. This part of the spine presses the nerves and gives pressure causing pain. Foraminotomy surgery is performed on the spine to release the compression of the nerves caused by the intervertebral foramina. Foraminotomy surgery costs between 5,000 USD to 18,000 USD in Turkey.

Nucleoplasty: Nucleoplasty surgery is also called plasma disk decompression where minimal invasive technology is used to treat the pain in the legs and backbone caused by herniated disk. Nucleoplasty is a laser surgery that uses image-guided therapy and radiofrequency energy to treat a mildly herniated disk. The surgeon injects a needle into the herniated disk. The surgeon then inserts a plasma laser device into the needle. The tip of the needle is heated, which creates a field that vaporizes the tissue in the herniated disk, the size is reduced and it relieves the pressure on the nerves. In Turkey, the cost of nucleoplasty surgery is between 3,000 USD to 15,000 USD.

Artificial disk replacement: Artificial disk replacement is an alternative to spinal fusion for patients with severely damaged or broken disks. In this procedure, the broken or degenerated disks are removed and replaced with a synthetic disk. This replacement restores height and helps in the vertebrae’s movement. Artificial disk replacement costs between 3,000 USD to 15,000 USD in Turkey.

Types of spinal surgery Cost Estimate in Turkey
Spinal Fusion 5,000 USD to 20,000 USD
Vertebroplasty 6,000 USD to 10,000 USD
Kyphoplasty 5,000 USD to 15,000 USD
Laminectomy 6,000 USD to 18,000 USD
Discectomy 3,000 USD to 15,000 USD
Foraminotomy 5,000 USD to 18,000 USD
Neucleoplasty 3,000 USD to 15,000 USD
Artificial disk replacement 3,000 USD to 15,000 USD

Before performing Kyphosis Surgery

A person with Kyphosis is first treated with non-surgical methods like exercises, yoga, wearing braces, etc. If the person’s condition does not improve only then is kyphosis surgery performed. The doctors perform tests like X-ray scans and pulmonary tests to check the person’s breathing if the compression of the lungs restricts it. Many factors determine whether the person must be treated with kyphosis surgery. The doctors consider all the factors before performing kyphosis surgery. The doctors check,

  • The person’s age
  • Causes of Kyphosis
  • Consequences faced by the person with Kyphosis.
  • Severe conditions, like risks of breathing, digestion, and unbearable pain in the back.
  • If the curves are more than 60 or 70 degrees.
  • Other symptoms that Kyphosis causes.

Kyphosis Surgery Procedure

The surgical procedure of Kyphosis usually takes 3 to 6 hours. The surgeon cuts the back to view the spine and one of the types of kyphosis surgery is performed. The surgeon places metal rods and screws to align the vertebrae during the surgery. The spine is not straightened fully. The curves are reduced by 50% it was before the surgery. After aligning the vertebrae, the bone grafts are placed and fused with the spine. The bone grafts fuse with the normal bones and heals over time. If Kyphosis is treated during the early stages, then surgery is not necessary. When the curves are severe and the patient has other symptoms because of the curvature of the spine, surgery is necessary.

Recovering from Kyphosis Surgery

After the kyphosis surgery is performed, the patient is asked to stay in the hospital for a week. They must wear a back brace or cast outside the body until their body heals for 4 to 6 weeks. After one year, the person can continue to play contact sports after their body is fully recovered. It takes about a month for the patient to recover from the surgery and continue their daily activities. It takes about a year to recover from the kyphosis surgery fully.

Risks of Kyphosis Surgery

Some of the risks of performing Kyphosis surgery are as follows:

  • Risks of infection in the place where the surgery was performed.
  • Excessive bleeding in the place of surgery.
  • Though there is rarely a risk of damage to the nerves in the spine which might cause paralysis.
  • Severe pain at the place of surgery.
  • Nerve injury is the most common risk of performing kyphosis surgery.

Insurance for surgery

Insurance companies cover the costs of congenital Kyphosis, where the person has a spinal curve from birth. Congenital Kyphosis is caused because the spine does not develop normally in the womb; as the person grows, the spine curves progress and cause more trouble. Insurance companies cover the costs for the treatment of congenital Kyphosis and also for surgery. However, some insurance companies cover the costs for other tests and treatments of Kyphosis. Some companies cover the costs of surgery in severe cases of Kyphosis. The patient must consult the insurance companies and enquire about their plans and the packages that they pay for before receiving surgery. The patients are required to know the costs that the insurance companies cover.

Facilities Available in Turkey

  • Advanced techniques are used to treat patients with Kyphosis.
  • Kyphosis Surgery is performed using the latest instrumentations (metal rods, screws, etc.)
  • Appointments are scheduled by the individual hospitals for treatment, surgery and post-surgery follow-up sessions.
  • In Turkey, the hospital provides emergency services 24/7.
  • Special services are offered for International patients.
  • Package for treatment and surgery, and the overall cost estimation details are provided for each hospital in Turkey.
  • Accommodation services are provided inside the hospital.
  • Accommodations are available near the hospitals, and services are provided based on the patient’s preference.
  • The hospital’s website offers online booking and consultations with the doctors.

Success Rate of Kyphosis Surgery in Turkey

The hospitals in Turkey have successfully treated many patients with Kyphosis. In Turkey, hospitals provide high-quality services for patients at affordable prices. Advanced techniques are used to treat Kyphosis in patients. The doctors guide the patients throughout the treatment, and special care is given during recovery. The success rate of kyphosis treatment and surgery is 60% to 70% in Turkey. The success of the treatment is mainly because the hospitals in Turkey provide high-quality medical services with intense patient care.

Reviews of Kyphosis Surgery in Turkey

  • In Turkey, doctors provide intense care for patients.
  • Doctors guide the patients throughout the surgery and provide care after surgery to help recovery.
  • In Turkey, the cost of Kyphosis is low and more affordable.
  • In Turkey, the lives of past patients have improved drastically after kyphosis surgery.
  • They recovered their good posture, and their back pain healed after the surgery.
  • After getting treatment from the top hospitals in Turkey, the patients have satisfied results.
  • The doctors’ guidance and care have helped the patients recover more quickly.
  • Medical treatments and surgeries are more affordable in Turkey when compared to other countries.

FAQs on Kyphosis Surgery Cost in Turkey

What is the cost of Kyphosis Surgery and Treatment in Turkey?

Kyphosis Surgery and Treatment Costs between 3,000 USD to 20,000 USD in Turkey.

What is the success rate of Kyphosis surgery in Turkey?

In Turkey, the success rate is 60% to 70% for kyphosis surgery.

What is the diagnosis of Kyphosis?

The doctors do a physical examination of the patient. Sometimes X-ray scans and MRI scans are done to determine the severity of the spinal curvature.

How is Kyphosis treated?

There are surgical and non-surgical methods to treat Kyphosis. The doctors examine the patient and choose the best treatment for them. Surgery is only performed when the benefits of the surgery are higher than the risks.

When do you need Kyphosis surgery?

When the curves of the spine are more than 50 degrees and the person has severe pain and other risks, the doctors suggest surgery.

What happens after kyphosis surgery?

After the kyphosis surgery is performed, the patient is asked to stay in the hospital for a week. They must wear a back brace or cast outside the body until their body heals for 4 to 6 weeks.

What is the recovery period of kyphosis surgery?

It takes about a month for the patient to recover from the surgery and continue their daily activities. It takes one year for the patient to completely recover from kyphosis surgery.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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