Scoliosis Treatment Cost in Turkey

The Cost of scoliosis treatment in Turkey is more affordable than in other nations. The scoliosis treatment cost in Turkey differs in each hospital and each city. The Cost of scoliosis treatment in Turkey depends on the type of treatment the doctor recommends. The Scoliosis surgery cost in Turkey starts from 5000 USD – 22000 USD. There are many types of surgeries to treat Scoliosis. Depending on the patient’s condition and diagnosis, the doctor may suggest any of the types of surgeries. The total cost of scoliosis treatment depends on several factors, including the period of hospital stay, anaesthesia cost, fees of the surgeon, Cost of additional medical tests, and hospital charges. The Cost of scoliosis surgery in Turkey is low and more affordable than in many countries.

Scoliosis Treatment Cost for each Age Group

Scoliosis cost differs for each age group. This is due to the treatments offered for each age. In a child, Scoliosis can be treated in the early stages and prevented from progressing further. In Turkey, the Scoliosis treatment cost is 5000 USD – 7000 USD, and in local currency Turkish Lira it is 130,000 TL – 200,000 TL for children below 10 years. In most cases handled by the hospitals in Turkey, Scoliosis is treated, and the child grows up like normal children.

After puberty, teens or adolescent children may develop Scoliosis. Since they are also in their growing stage, treatments are provided to prevent the progression of Scoliosis. In some severe cases of Scoliosis, surgery is provided along with rehabilitation for the child to grow up normally. Scoliosis treatment in adolescent children costs 13000 USD – 17000 USD, and in Turkish Lira it is 350,000 TL – 460,000 TL in the hospitals in Turkey. 

In adults, Scoliosis is not reversed or cured, and surgery must be done to make life easier for the patient. Apart from surgery, other exercises and yoga, bracing and other treatments are also provided so that the patient becomes better. In Turkey, Scoliosis Surgery has helped more patients and the treatment provided post-surgery has helped them live life better than before. In Turkey, Scoliosis Spine surgery costs 16000 USD- 20500 USD for adults and in local currency, the Cost of Scoliosis is 430,000 TL – 550,000 TL.

Scoliosis treatment Cost in USD Cost in Turkish Lira
Scoliosis Spine surgery in adults 16000 USD- 20500 USD 430,000 TL – 550,000 TL
Scoliosis treatment in adolescents 13000 USD – 17000 USD 350,000 TL – 460,000 TL
Scoliosis treatment in children below 10 years 5000 USD – 7000 USD 130,000 TL -200,000 TL

Scoliosis Treatment Cost in Turkey

Scoliosis is a condition where the backbone of a person is curved in an ‘S’ or ‘C’ shape. These curves are abnormal, and the person’s body is deformed. In mild curves, the patient does not suffer physically. They get physical treatment in hospitals to recover and prevent the progression of the curves. When the curves are severe and more than 50 degrees, the person is required to get scoliosis surgery to treat the curves. In Turkey, top hospitals provide treatment for Scoliosis, and the Cost is also more affordable. In Turkey, the Cost of Scoliosis Treatment begins from 5000 USD – 20000 USD. The Cost of scoliosis treatment in other countries is more expensive.

Countries Providing Scoliosis Treatment Average Cost of treatment in USD
Turkey 15000 USD
Israel 20000 USD
United Arab Emirates 25000 USD
South Korea 41000 USD
Singapore 50000 USD

In Turkey, scoliosis treatment costs vary based on the treatments offered, the patient’s chosen hospital, other consultation costs, and more. In Turkey, the lowest Cost for scoliosis treatment is 5000 USD which is 80,000 TL (Turkish Lira) in the local currency. The Cost of scoliosis treatment is slightly different in each city in Turkey.

Scoliosis Treatment in different cities inTurkey Cost of treatment in USD Cost of treatment in Turkish lira
Istanbul 5500 USD 85000 TL
Ankara 5800 USD 88000 TL
Antalya 6000 USD 89000 TL
Bursa 6000 USD 90000 TL
Izmir 6000 USD 90000 TL

The Cost of scoliosis treatment in Turkey may vary based on many factors. The patients must pay for other requirements and not just the surgery. For Scoliosis Treatment, the overall Cost depends on:

  • Diagnostic tests of Scoliosis include X-ray and MRI scans to evaluate the curvature of the spine.
  • Cost of Scoliosis Surgery. The surgery costs differ based on the treatment.
  • Post-surgery Cost for follow-up sessions and rehabilitation.
  • Each type of Scoliosis Surgery costs differ because of the instrumentations used in treating Scoliosis.
  • Costs for medicines like painkillers, anti-inflammatories, etc.
  • Cost of physiotherapy for patients to recover after spine surgery.
  • The hospital stay of the patient and the length of the stay.

Why choose Turkey for Scoliosis Treatment?

Turkey is one of the top destinations for treating medical conditions. Every year people from all over the world travel to Turkey to treat their health conditions. The hospitals in Turkey have many facilities and are also more advanced and meet the current medical standards. The hospitals in Turkey are equipped with the most updated and advanced versions of technologies used in medicine. Advanced methods and equipment to treat Scoliosis are available in the top hospitals in Turkey.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a condition with an abnormal curvature in the spine; it is curved sideways. The backbone is turned sideways instead of being ordinarily straight. When the backbone is curved over 10 degrees, it is identified as Scoliosis. The doctors determine it after scanning through the X-ray. It is mostly identified in children during infancy or early adolescence. Scoliosis is life-threatening when a five-year-old child has spinal curvature. It is dangerous because as the child’s body grows, the curvature in the bones might cause trouble to the organs growing inside the body like lungs, heart, etc. There are both surgical and non-surgical methods to treat Scoliosis.

Structural and Nonstructural Scoliosis

Structural Scoliosis is permanent and cannot be cured with treatment. The spine is curved sideways and has an abnormal rotation of the spine. It is caused due to a medical condition or injury that affects the person. Nonstructural Scoliosis is temporary and can be cured based on the treatment. It is also known as functional Scoliosis. The spine in nonstructural Scoliosis is curved sideways, but there are no abnormal rotations in the spine. A nonstructural spine is caused when a person’s one of the legs is longer than the other. Muscle spasms and inflammation also cause it. Nonstructural Scoliosis can be treated and cured by identifying the cause. The person with nonstructural Scoliosis does yoga and exercises to help their condition.

Causes of Scoliosis

  • Some of the possible causes of Scoliosis are as follows,
  • Neuromuscular conditions are where the nerves and muscles are affected. These conditions include muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, etc.
  • The curvature of the spine from birth leads to Congenital Scoliosis. It is rare and develops when there is abnormal growth in the foetus.
  • Sometimes genetics play a role in the development of Scoliosis.
  • When one leg of the person is longer than the other leg, The person develops Scoliosis.
  • Medical conditions like neurofibromatosis or Marfan’s syndrome may cause Scoliosis in some people.
  • Osteoporosis or bone degeneration is another cause of Scoliosis.
  • Connectivity tissue disorders might cause Scoliosis.
  • Other causes of Scoliosis include poor posture, heavy backpacks, and injuries.

Types of Scoliosis

Idiopathic Scoliosis: The cause of Idiopathic Scoliosis remains unknown by doctors, and nearly 80% of people suffer from Idiopathic Scoliosis. It is also common in children during adolescence, and they are diagnosed with Idiopathic Scoliosis right after puberty.

Congenital Scoliosis: Congenital Scoliosis occurs during childhood after the baby is born; doctors find it difficult to identify if there is a curvature of the spine. As the child hits puberty and grows, the body also grows, and the problem in the spine becomes more visible. The spine will have problems and does not grow as straight as a normal spine.

Neuromuscular Scoliosis: Neuromuscular Scoliosis is caused by cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury or other disorders. These disorders damage the muscle that supports the spine, and as a result, there is a curvature in the spine.

Degenerative Scoliosis: Degenerative Scoliosis occurs in adults as they get older. It develops as the disk and joints in the lower back become weak as they age.

Symptoms of Scoliosis

Visible Symptoms of Scoliosis:

  • There is a visible curvature in the spine of the person.
  • The head of the person is not in the middle like it is normally in other people.
  • The shoulders are not even; one shoulder is up, and the other is down.
  • The hips are also, not even one side of the hip is higher than the other side.
  • The ribs stick out farther on one side of the body.
  • The ribs may be at different heights.
  • One side of the shoulder blade looks bigger than the other side.
  • The person’s body leans to one side.
  • The legs of the person are different in length.

Other symptoms of Scoliosis:

  • A person with Scoliosis might have lower back pain.
  • The back of the person stiffens.
  • The person feels numbness and pain in their legs due to the pinched nerves in their body.
  • The person might need to strain their muscles to do their activities, and this leads to exhaustion.
  • Due to the curve in the upper spine, some people might find breathing difficult.

Diagnosis for Scoliosis

Scoliosis is visibly identified in people. The orthopaedic doctor conducts a physical examination to determine the extent of the curve in the spine and the degree of curvature. The doctors examine the children by asking them to bend so that the spine is visible and the curve is identified. If the back is curved, the doctors might do an X-ray to identify Scoliosis, and sometimes they might do an MRI scan to see if any tumours caused the spinal curve.

Scoliosis Treatment in Turkey

Physical Treatment

Exercise: Many exercises can help the person with Scoliosis. These Exercises help a person to achieve a typical posture by realigning the shoulders, spine, ribcage, and pelvis. Exercise can help treat Scoliosis, according to research. But studies are going on to determine which exercises are more effective in treating Scoliosis.

Braces: Bracing is used for people with mild Scoliosis. It prevents the spine from curving further but does not cure or reverse the curved spine. The person is advised to always wear the braces even at night. When the person wears the braces all the time, the spine is prevented from curving further. The person can remove the braces when taking part in physical activities.

There are 2 types of braces Thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) and Milwaukee brace. The TLSO brace is plastic and fits around the body. It is not visible under the dress. The Milwaukee brace is full torso bracing. It has a neck ring with rests for the back of the head and chin. Doctors first use the TLSO bracing; if it does not suit the patient, then the Milwaukee brace is used.

Casting: In hospitals in Turkey, plaster casting is available for people with Scoliosis. Doctors use plaster casting in children below three years. It is used in children for the spine to grow in a normal straight position. The cast is attached outside the child’s body, and the child always wears the cast. As the child grows, bigger casts are used.

Chiropractic treatment: People visit a chiropractor to relieve the discomfort and pain of Scoliosis. Chiropractic treatment may relieve the pain, but it does not cure Scoliosis. It does not straighten the curves of the spine. People who visit a chiropractor must choose someone who specialises in Scoliosis. Other chiropractors who do not specialise in Scoliosis might worsen the symptoms in the patient.

Types of Surgery Treatment for Scoliosis in Turkey

Spinal Fusion Surgery

In many cases, Scoliosis progresses over time, and to prevent the curvature, doctors recommend Spinal fusion surgery. This surgery reduces the curvature of the backbone and prevents Scoliosis from worsening. In spinal fusion surgery, metal rods, screws, hooks or wires hold a part of the spine straight. It holds the spine straight while the bones are healed. Bone grafts are also used to help the bone in healing.

The surgery takes nearly 4-6 weeks to heal in children. They can take part in sports after 3 to 6 months. However, they are advised not to play sports that can strain the spine and also contact sports are avoided for a year for them to heal completely. After Spinal Fusion Surgery, patients are sometimes asked to wear a back brace to support the spine for 6 months. Spinal Fusion Surgery is performed only if the benefits exceed the risks of the surgery.

Posterior approach (back):

The posterior approach is a surgical method that has been applicable for years and is still followed by many hospitals to treat people with Scoliosis. Metal rods are implanted in the spine to correct the abnormal curvature. This surgery uses a combination of wires, hooks and screws to the spine to hold the rods.

Anterior-posterior approach (front and back)

Patients who are young with immature skeletons and patients with stiff curves are approached using the anterior-posterior approach of scoliosis surgery. This technique is used to prevent the crankshaft phenomenon where there is a loss of three-dimensional correction of the spinal curvature. The anterior-posterior approach is performed through the patient’s side to access the front of the spine. This procedure takes one day or is separated into two procedures on two different days. In Anterior-Posterior Approach, one spinal curve is approached from the front and back during the procedure. The second curve is approached during the procedure only from the back. If there are two severe spinal curves, sometimes a double anterior-posterior procedure is carried out.

Anterior approach (front)

The Anterior approach treats abnormal curves like thoracic-lumbar and thoracic curves. The rods are implanted along the side of the spine. The Anterior approach is called Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery or VATS and uses scopes.

Thoracoscopic surgery (VATS, Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery)

Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery or VATS is a technique that is applied only in thoracic spine surgery. Everyone who has a thoracic curve is not treated using this technique. In the VATS procedure, one lung of the patient is completely deflated for a short period. In the side of the chest, portals or small incisions are made. The surgeon uses cameras, scopes, and video monitoring devices to see the spine. This technique helps treat spine curves by using less invasive techniques and providing equal or better patient results. The scars after surgery are much smaller than in standard open surgical procedures.

Thoracoplasty (rib resection, rib removal)

Most patients with Scoliosis have a rib hump. Thoracoplasty is a surgical procedure where the rib humps are reduced. In this procedure, as many as five ribs are removed temporarily. This procedure is done as a part of scoliosis surgery. Due to the advancements in the treatment of spinal curvature, Thoracoplasty is rarely used in scoliosis surgery.

Osteotomies (bone removal)

Osteotomy or cutting into and removing bones, are performed in the front or back of the spine. Osteotomy is used to correct the spine curve and deformity. It is used to treat adults with severe Scoliosis and children with large spinal curves. The removed bones are realigned in the spinal fusion surgery.

Hemivertebrae excision (removal of a vertebra completely or partially)

A normal vertebra has a rectangle shape, and a hemivertebra is shaped like a triangle. This kind of abnormality in the spine forms before birth, leading to Scoliosis or kyphosis as the person grows. If this condition of Scoliosis is progressive and the person loses their balance, the abnormal hemivertebra is surgically removed. The surgery is performed using the posterior approach. The rods and screws are surgically implanted, and the patients are braced for many months after surgery.

Advancements in Scoliosis Surgery

In Turkey, hospitals provide medical treatments using the most advanced technologies. For Scoliosis Treatment, there are more advanced techniques used in the surgery treatment. The use of advanced techniques helps speed up the surgical procedure and also in the speedy recovery of the patients. One of the advancements introduced in scoliosis treatment is minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion or MI-TLIF. This minimally invasive technique has many advantages, including less back pain post-operation, lower blood loss, a speedy recovery period and shorter stay in the hospital. There are other advancements used in treating Scoliosis, and there are studies to improve the technologies to treat Scoliosis.

Who needs Scoliosis Surgery?

A person who has Scoliosis has curves in the spine or backbone. The doctors examine the person’s body and determine whether they require surgery. In the patient, if the curves are bent less than 50 degrees in a growing child, the doctors give physical treatment to prevent further progression of the curves. If the curves are more than 50 degrees, doctors recommend surgery to correct the curves. In a growing child, the doctor performs surgery only if there is more benefit and lower risks. In adults, surgery is recommended only for severe cases of Scoliosis.

Benefits of Receiving Scoliosis Treatment in Turkey

  • The doctors in Turkey are more experienced and provide intense care for the patients.
  • Only the best treatments are provided with satisfying results for patients with Scoliosis.
  • During the early stages of Scoliosis, the curves are prevented from progressing by using castin and braces.
  • The doctors also recommend other treatment methods best suited for the patients.
  • After receiving scoliosis treatment, the patient regains balance and is relieved from back pain.
  • In Turkey, hospitals have all the facilities and advanced equipment to treat Scoliosis.
  • With the help of the doctors, the patients recover quickly and lead a normal life after treating their Scoliosis.

Selecting a Hospital in Turkey for Scoliosis Treatment

Choosing a hospital for treating Scoliosis is very important for the patient to cure and heal from their condition. Before selecting a hospital for treatment, there are certain things that the person must consider.

  • The Cost of Scoliosis Treatment in each hospital.
  • Hospitals with JCI accreditation is the most trusted hospital to get medical treatment.
  • Location of the hospital and the facilities and accommodation available near the hospital.
  • Transport services available near the hospital must be considered.
  • Advancements in the hospital in the medical field, especially for scoliosis treatment.
  • If the hospital provides treatment for international patients.

List of hospitals in Turkey for Scoliosis Treatment with Cost Estimation

Hisar Intercontinental Hospital

Hisar Intercontinental Hospital is a multi-speciality hospital located in Istanbul, Turkey. This hospital is certified by JCI or Joint Commission International. It provides high-quality healthcare with international standards of quality treatment and safety. The hospital offers high-quality services for Scoliosis patients, and past patients who treated their spinal curves with scoliosis surgery treatment in this hospital have had positive results and improved their lifestyle. The Scoliosis Treatment cost is 15,000 USD – 20,000 USD at Hisar Intercontinental Hospital, Turkey.

Memorial Sisli Hospital

Memorial Sisli Hospital is the largest multidisciplinary hospital in Istanbul, Turkey. The hospital received JCI accreditation for providing treatment with high-quality available for international patients. At Memorial Sisli Hospital, the Cost of Scoliosis Treatment is 5000 USD – 20,000 USD. People with Scoliosis have improved results after visiting this hospital. The doctors at this hospital also provide intense care for their patients even after surgery. The Memorial Sisli Hospital is preferred for its treatment and high-quality services.

Medicana Atasehir Hospital

Medicana Atasehir Hospital is a multidisciplinary hospital and one of the Medicana Group of Hospitals located in Istanbul, Turkey. Medicana Atasehir Hospital meets healthcare and quality and service standards of the JCI and Turkish Ministry of Health. This hospital provides healthcare for International Patients. Scoliosis Treatment cost is 10000 USD – 20000 USD Medicana Atasehir Hospital, Turkey. The hospital has advanced equipment to treat Scoliosis. The patients are cared for by the doctors throughout the treatment and also during recovery, the doctors guide the patients.

Acibadem International Hospital

Acibadem International Hospital is an International multi-speciality medical centre located in Istanbul, Turkey. It is one of the largest hospitals in Turkey. There are many healthcare services offered in this hospital. In Turkey, the Cost of Scoliosis Treatment is 5000 USD – 15000 USD at Acibadem International Hospital. The hospital provides medical services for people from all over the world. The hospital has special benefits for international patients. Patients treated with Scoliosis in this hospital were treated with intense care by the doctors and had a speedy recovery rate. The advanced treatments and care of the doctors are the reasons for the quick recovery of the patients.

Hospitals in Turkey Cost Estimate for Scoliosis Treatment
Hisar Intercontinental Hospital 15,000 USD – 20,000 USD
Memorial Sisli Hospital 5,000 USD – 20,000 USD
Medicana Atasehir Hospital 10,000 USD – 20,000 USD
Acibadem International Hospital 5,000 USD – 15,000 USD

Insurance for Scoliosis Treatment

Health insurance typically covers the Cost of scoliosis treatment. There are certain restrictions on the Cost covered by the insurance companies. In severe cases of Scoliosis, the Cost is covered by Insurance. Sometimes a part of the Cost, up to 10% – 50%, is paid by the insurance companies and the other costs must be paid by the patients. It is always better to consult the insurance companies and enquire about their plans and the packages that they pay for. Before receiving surgery, the patients must learn their budget and know the costs that the insurance companies cover.

Facilities available in the hospitals in Turkey

  • Cost estimation and package price of the treatments are provided for patients with Scoliosis
  • Advanced instrumentations in spine surgery to treat Scoliosis patients.
  • Scheduled appointments for treatments and surgery and post-surgery.
  • Emergency services are provided 24/7 in hospitals in Turkey.
  • Services are provided for international patients
  • Rehabilitation services are provided post-surgery.

Reviews of Scoliosis Treatment

  • In Turkey, doctors provide intense care for patients guiding them throughout the surgery and caring for them during recovery.
  • The Cost of Scoliosis is more affordable in Turkey.
  • After scoliosis surgery, there is an improvement in the lives of the patients.
  • The past patients have satisfied results after getting treatment from the top hospitals in Turkey.
  • The doctors’ guidance and care have helped the patients recover more quickly.

Success Rate of Scoliosis Treatment in Turkey

In Turkey, hospitals have successfully treated many patients with Scoliosis. The hospitals use advanced technologies to treat Scoliosis and have also prevented the progression of Scoliosis in many patients. Advanced equipment was used in surgery to treat Scoliosis in hospitals in Turkey. The doctors in Turkey have handled more difficult cases of Scoliosis and they have produced positive results in the patients. The success rate of scoliosis treatment is 70% – 75% in Turkey. The special care for patients and the advancements in the techniques used to treat Scoliosis are the main reasons for Turkey to be the most preferred location for medical treatment.

FAQs on Scoliosis Treatment cost in Turkey

What is the Cost of Scoliosis Treatment in Turkey?

Scoliosis Treatment Costs between 5000 USD – 20000 USD in Turkey.

What is the diagnosis of Scoliosis?

The doctors do a physical examination of the patient. Sometimes X-ray scans and MRI scans are done to determine the severity of Scoliosis.

When do you need scoliosis surgery treatment?

The doctors recommend surgery when the spine curves are more than 50 degrees.

Is Scoliosis surgery the only option to treat spine curvature?

No, there are other ways to treat Scoliosis, like exercise, braces, casting, etc. Surgery is only performed when the benefits rate is higher than the risks.

What is the success rate of scoliosis treatment in Turkey?

Turkey’s success rate is 70% – 75% for scoliosis treatment.

What is the recovery period of Scoliosis Treatment?

After receiving Scoliosis Surgery treatment, it takes one year for the patient to completely heal. The patients who had scoliosis surgery in the past recovered and lived an everyday life after one year of surgery.

What happens after scoliosis surgery?

After Scoliosis Surgery, the patient is required to wear braces for six months to recover. These braces are covered under the dress, and after six months, they can remove the braces and live normally.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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