Dr Serdar Eren
Dr Serdar Eren is a top Fertility Specialist in Turkey. In Turkey, he is a skilled gynecologist. Dr Serdar Eren is a highly skilled and well-trained gynecologist who specializes in infertility treatment and IVF. He graduated from the Faculty of Gulhane Military Medical Academy and then completed a residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Izmir Dokuz Eylul University. Patients after reading Dr Serdar Eren reviews are more confident on him.
His areas of expertise include endoscopic surgery, infertility, and IVF treatment. Dr Serdar Eren, a highly experienced gynecologist and infertility specialist, is skilled in the management of a wide range of conditions and procedures, including uterine insemination, urinary incontinence, impaired sperm production, vaginal discharge, hormone disorders, and many others.