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Dr. Stefano Pompei- Best Plastic Surgeon

When it comes to the field of cosmetic surgery, there is no one better than Dr. Stefano Pompei. He has been in the industry for over 30 years and is known to be a top plastic surgeon in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Dr. Pompei is a consultant at Fakeeh University Hospital, Dubai, where he utilizes his extensive experience to offer world-class plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine procedures.

Dr. Pompei is not just any other cosmetic surgeon; he is a master of his craft. He is internationally recognized for his use of over 1,300 polyurethane implants for reconstructive and cosmetic surgeries in primary and secondary purposes.

Dr. Pompei’s dedication to his profession extends beyond his clinic. He believes that training and sharing scientific culture and updates between specialists are essential for improving techniques and treatments to be offered to patients. He has been invited to speak at several Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congresses/Meetings in different cities like Madrid, Barcelona, Budapest, London, Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Winchester, Murcia, Nottingham, Sao Paulo, Dieburg, and more.

In conclusion, Dr. Stefano Pompei is a leading plastic surgeon in Dubai who has gained a reputation for providing his patients with the highest standard of care. With his extensive experience and commitment to continuous education, Dr. Pompei is undoubtedly a top choice for anyone seeking plastic surgery services.

Education and training

Dr. Pompei began his journey in medicine at University La Sapienza in Rome, Italy, where he earned his Medical Degree from November 1974 to November 1980. From then on, he pursued his education at the same university and finished a General Surgery Residency Program between November 1980 and July 1985.

Dr. Pompei’s passion for plastic surgery took him all the way to Sao Paulo, Brazil, where he completed an Accredited Residency Program of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery at the Hospital of Facial Defects from 1986 to 1988. During this time, he honed his skills in plastic surgery, especially facial reconstruction.

After returning to Italy, Dr. Pompei continued his studies in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Catholic University in Rome from November 1985 to July 1990. It was here that he fine-tuned his expertise in breast reconstruction, cosmetic surgery, and reconstructive microsurgery.

Dr. Pompei has since become a leading expert in plastic surgery, specializing in facial rejuvenation, body contouring, and reconstructive surgery.

Work Experience

With over 30 years of experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Pompei has held positions at some of the most prestigious hospitals in the world. He was the Head of the Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery Unit at San Camillo General Hospital in Rome from July 2015 to July 2019. Before that, he was the Head of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department of Sandro Pertini General Hospital, also in Rome, from September 2002 to June 2015.

But his experience goes back even further. He served as an Attending Plastic Surgeon at the National Cancer Institute “Regina Elena” in Rome from 1987 to 2000. And before that, he was a Resident in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Hospital Defects of the Face in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from November 1985 to April 1988.

Dr. Pompei’s experience isn’t limited to Italy and Brazil, however. From July 2019 to November 2020, he worked as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Director of Plastic Surgery at Medstar Healthcare LLC in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. And since December 2020, he has been the Head Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Aesthetica Clinics/Avivo Group, also in Dubai. He is currently a Consultant and the Head of the Department at Fakeeh University Hospital in Dubai.

Awards and Recognitions

Dr. Pompei’s journey to becoming a plastic surgeon started with a 3-year public scholarship at the National Cancer Institute “Regina Elena” in Rome, Italy. After completing his scholarship, Dr. Pompei was awarded a 2-year public scholarship from the Italian National Cancer League to complete a Stage and full-time Residency Program in Plastic Surgery at the Hospital for Facial Defects in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Patient Reviews of Dr. Stefano Pompei

Dr. Pompei has become a go-to choice for those seeking plastic surgery.

But what do his patients have to say about him? We reached out to a few of Dr. Pompei’s patients to get their feedback on their experience with him.

One patient, who recently underwent breast augmentation surgery with Dr. Pompei, had this to say:

“I couldn’t be happier with my experience with Dr. Pompei. From the very first consultation, he put me at ease and made me feel comfortable. Dr. Pompei uses the latest technology in his practice, which was evident in the results of my surgery. The implants he used were high-quality and looked and felt completely natural. The scarring was minimal, and I was able to return to my normal activities within a week of the surgery.

Another patient, who underwent a facelift with Dr. Pompei, had this to say about her experience:

“Dr. Pompei is a true artist. The procedure was painless, and the recovery period was relatively quick, which I attribute to Dr. Pompei’s skill and expertise. Dr. Pompei uses the latest technology in his practice, including 3D imaging, which allowed me to see what my results would look like before I even underwent surgery. This was incredibly helpful and gave me a lot of confidence in my decision to proceed with the procedure.

Dr. Stefano Pompei’s Areas of Specialization

Breast Specializations

Dr. Pompei specializes in a variety of breast procedures, including primary breast augmentation, revision breast surgery, mastopexy (breast lift) with or without implants, breast reduction, and fat grafting. For patients who suffer from hypomastia, asymmetries, or tuberous breasts, Dr. Pompei can perform primary breast augmentation to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. Additionally, he has extensive experience in revision breast surgery for patients who have previously undergone inadequate augmentation or mastopexy. Patients seeking to improve the appearance of sagging breasts can opt for a mastopexy, with or without implants. Breast reduction is also available for patients experiencing discomfort or pain due to large breast size.

Facial Specializations

Dr. Pompei is also skilled in facial plastic surgery, including open or closed primary rhinoplasty, secondary revision rhinoplasty, upper and lower blepharoplasty, cervicofacial rhytidectomy (face lift), fat grafting, and otoplasty (prominent ears surgery). For patients seeking to improve the appearance of their nose, Dr. Pompei can perform primary or revision rhinoplasty using either an open or closed technique. Upper and lower blepharoplasty is available to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes, while a cervicofacial rhytidectomy (face lift) can provide a more youthful appearance to the entire face.

Body Contouring Specializations

Dr. Pompei’s body contouring specializations include abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and liposuction of different anatomical regions. Abdominoplasty is ideal for patients seeking to improve the appearance of their midsection, while liposuction can target stubborn areas of fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. With Dr. Pompei’s expertise, patients can achieve a more toned and defined physique.

Breast Reconstruction by Dr. Stefano Pompei

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure that aims to restore the shape and appearance of the breast after a mastectomy or lumpectomy.

There are several options available for breast reconstruction, including implant-based reconstruction and autologous reconstruction. Dr. Pompei will discuss each option with his patients and help them make an informed decision based on their individual circumstances.

Implant-based reconstruction involves the use of a breast implant to recreate the shape of the breast. Dr. Pompei uses only the highest quality implants, which are both safe and durable.

Autologous reconstruction involves the use of the patient’s own tissue to reconstruct the breast. This can be done using tissue from the abdomen, back, or buttocks. Dr. Pompei is highly skilled in performing autologous reconstruction and can help patients determine if this is the best option for them.

Regardless of the type of breast reconstruction chosen, Dr. Pompei uses advanced surgical techniques to ensure the best possible outcome. He is committed to providing his patients with compassionate care and support throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to the final follow-up appointment.

Male Breast Reduction by Dr. Stefano Pompei

Male breast reduction is a surgical procedure designed to reduce the size of the male breast tissue.

Dr. Pompei has helped many men achieve a more masculine chest appearance and improve their self-confidence. The male breast reduction procedure typically involves the removal of excess glandular tissue and fat from the chest area. Depending on the severity of the condition, Dr. Pompei may use liposuction or excision techniques to achieve the desired results.

During the procedure, Dr. Pompei will make small incisions in inconspicuous locations, such as around the nipple or in the armpit. Through these incisions, he will remove the excess tissue and fat, sculpting the chest to create a more masculine appearance.

After the surgery, patients will need to wear a compression garment for several weeks to support the healing process and reduce swelling. Dr. Pompei will provide detailed post-operative instructions to ensure that patients have a smooth and comfortable recovery.


1. What is Dr. Stefano Pompei’s educational background?

Dr. Stefano Pompei earned his medical degree from the University La Sapienza, Rome in 1980. He completed his residency program in 1985 and 1990 from the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery and Catholic University, Rome, respectively.

2. How many years of experience does Dr. Stefano Pompei have in the field of cosmetic surgery?

Dr. Stefano Pompei has over 30 years of experience in the field of cosmetic surgery.

3. What are some of the most common procedures that Dr. Stefano Pompei performs?

Dr. Stefano Pompei is known for performing a range of cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, including facelifts, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty, breast reconstruction, and microsurgery.

4. How can I schedule a consultation with Dr. Stefano Pompei?

You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Stefano Pompei online here.

5. Where can I find Dr. Stefano Pompei?

Dr. Stefano Pompei practices at the Fakeeh University Hospital in Dubai.

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