Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy in Turkey

Cerebral palsy is a common term which refers to a group of non-progressive brain injury or malformation disorders which affect the ability of a person to move.

This occurs either during pregnancy or shortly after conception, leading to damage to the developing brain.

Kids with cerebral palsy can also have difficulties with vision , hearing, voice, learning, autism and Intellectual issues.


Types of Cerebral palsy

Based on affected region:

  • Monoplegia : affects one limb, usually an arm
  • Hemiplegia : affects one side of the body including arm, leg, and trunk
  • Diplegia : affects either both the legs or both the arms
  • Quadriplegia : affects all four limbs

Based on Clinical Presentation:

  • Spastic Cerebral Palsy : Tightness in the limbs involved.
  • Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy : Involvement of Excessive Involuntary movements. Can be either:
    • Dystonic : Alternating between rigidity and flaccidity.
    • Choreoathetoid Cerebral Palsy : Constant involuntary movement leading to abnormal postures.
  • Ataxic : Involvement of the cerebellum (smaller brain).
  • Mixed Cerebral Palsy : Involvement of different parts of the brain.

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell therapy

The stem cell therapy emerged as the ray of hope for the cerebral paralytic patient. The procedure is very useful for the enhancement of the patient’s life stem cell therapy using a method called neurogenesis in which the stem cells restore the brain damage and allow the brain to function properly by maintaining blood flow to the brain and also testing the oxygen supply.

In cell therapy the stem cells collected from various sources may be used. Using autologous mononuclear cells (BM MNCs) originating from the bone marrow for transplantation. The transplanted stem cells in those infected areas have the ability to migrate to the region of the damaged tissue in the brain and home to help heal the damage. They release multiple trophic factors that decrease the damage effects in those areas and also differentiate into many nervous system cell types, such as oligodendrocytes, glial cells, and other nervous system cells. Main mechanisms that help to repair and regenerate tissues include:-


Cerebral Palsy  Stem Cell Treatment cost in Turkey


Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment  in City Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment Cost – From (USD) Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment Cost – Up to (USD)
Istanbul $13,000 $21,600
Antalya $13,600 $17,640
Izmir $13,720 $17,808
Ankara $13,480 $17,472
Goreme $13,360 $17,304
Urgup $13,080 $18,312
Alanya $14,320 $18,648
Kusadasi $14,320 $18,648
Edirne $14,440 $18,816
Bursa $14,560 $18,984
Cesme $14,680 $19,152


Best Hospitals for Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Turkey

Improvements after Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment in Turkey

  • All the symptoms of cerebral palsy including slurring of speech, self-confidence, walking deficiency are gone.
  • Improvement in balance, posture, and movement.
  • Better coordination in the body parts
  • Better communication skill.

Why Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment in Turkey?

Availability  of Advanced Stem Cell Treatment Technologies in Turkey Hospitals

Highly Experienced Doctors for Stem Cell Treatment

Minimum stay in hospital for Stem Cell Treatment in Turkey

Long term results from Stem Cell Treatment in Turkey

No Waiting Time

Full fledged hospitality services including medical therapy, nursing services, etc.

No Language barrier, No Cultural barrier, Availability of Multi-cuisine restaurants




Which is Best Hospital for Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment in Turkey?

Find Best Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment Hospital in Turkey based on Rating and Reviews from past clients here

What is Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment cost in Turkey?

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment cost in Turkey depends on required duration of treatment and methodologies used. Get cost estimate by providing details here

What is Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment Success Rate in Turkey?

Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Treatment success rate depends on multiple factors. Doctor will explain you all required details during initial consultation

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