Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul

In this article we are going to cover following topics on Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery:

  • Mini Gastric Bypass cost in Istanbul
  • Why Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul?
  • How much does Mini Gastric Bypass Cost in Istanbul
  • Mini Gastric Bypass Reviews In Istanbul
  • Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul
  • Cost of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul
  • What to expect on the day of Mini Gastric Bypass surgery in Istanbul?
  • Is Mini Gastric Bypass surgery safe in Istanbul?
  • Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery recovery time in Istanbul
  • What should you know before Mini Gastric Bypass surgery in Istanbul?
  • Mini Gastric Bypass surgery procedure details in Istanbul
  • What after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?
  • Mini Gastric Bypass surgery Advantages in Istanbul
  • Do I need a Medical visa for Mini Gastric Bypass surgery in Istanbul?
  • Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Insurance in Istanbul
  • Who is the right candidate for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul?
  • Is Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery results permanent?


The Mini-Gastric Bypass, also known as a single anastomosis gastric bypass, is a popular and efficient operation that combines the benefits of both a gastric sleeve and a normal gastric bypass. The upper third of the stomach is separated into a tube, comparable to the top third of a sleeve, and connected to a loop of intestine.

The mini-gastric bypass can be used to lose weight as a main operation. It can also be utilised in patients who have undergone previous gastric banding or sleeve surgery but failed to lose weight, or who have had band-related issues and decided to have revision surgery.

The upper part of the stomach is isolated, turned into a tube, and then tied to a loop of the intestine in the mini-gastric bypass technique. This procedure has become one of the most popular since, in addition to its positive outcomes, it is reversible to its original state.

Mini Gastric Bypass cost in Istanbul

Mini Gastric Bypass cost in Istanbul Average Cost (USD)
Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery 3,800 USD

Average Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery price in Istanbul is 3,800 USD.

Why Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul?

  • JCI-Certified Hospitals.
  • Highly qualified surgeon.
  • Globally renowned hospitals.
  • World’s best results are obtained here.
  • Affordable cost.
  • Latest technologies used.
  • High Success rate.

Because of its world-class hospitals, cutting-edge technology, excellent service at reasonable prices, as well as high-quality hotels, accommodations, convenient transportation, and tourist opportunities, Istanbul is a major international destination and medical tourism hub in Europe and Asia. Because of its advantageous location between Europe and Asia.

Furthermore, medical tourists and patients might save up to 50% compared to other renowned destinations throughout the world. Istanbul is also a renowned medical and health tourism destination, thanks to its numerous 5-star hotels and facilities that offer wellness and SPA services.

Mini Gastric Bypass Reviews In Istanbul

Medical and health tourism has developed substantially in recent years throughout global markets. Turkey is also investing millions of dollars in long-term plans to meet rising demand, and Istanbul is already racing to the top. We’ve put up a list of what you may find in Istanbul for health tourism for anyone considering medical treatment outside of the country. Over 20 million people travel to different parts of the world for medical operations and treatments.

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul

Many people prefer to have Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul because of the following reasons:

  • International flight availability
  • There are numerous Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeons in Istanbul.
  • The cost of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul is reasonable.
  • In Istanbul, the success rate of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery are high.

Cost of Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul

Average cost for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul is 3,800 USD.

What to expect on the day of Mini Gastric Bypass surgery in Istanbul?

The top of the stomach is stapled to construct a thin tube in this procedure (30ml to 50ml in size). The thin tube develops a new, smaller stomach that is separate from the remainder of the stomach. The stomach is then sewn to a small intestine loop, bypassing the duodenum and approximately 150–200cm of the bowel. The remainder of the stomach and upper portion of the small intestine remain in the body, but they are no longer required to digest food.

Is Mini Gastric Bypass surgery safe in Istanbul?

Because of standardisation of operating techniques, increased training, and the use of high-end sophisticated equipment and instruments, the complication rate for all bariatric surgeries has decreased significantly in recent years. As a result, bariatric surgery is now as safe as any other laparoscopic treatment. The minigastric bypass is less invasive and requires less surgical time and skill than a regular gastric bypass, making it safer and more effective in the long run.

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery recovery time in Istanbul

The majority of gastric bypass surgeries are performed laparoscopically, which means the surgeon just makes minor incisions. As a result, healing time is reduced. Most people stay in the hospital for 2 to 3 days and then return to normal activities in 3 to 5 weeks.

What should you know before Mini Gastric Bypass surgery in Istanbul?

Pre-operative preparations, like those for other surgical procedures, must be meticulous. The following are the most common suggestions made by your doctor for you.

To minimise the fat around the liver, a one-week diet is recommended prior to surgery.
Before surgery, you must eat only liquids for 48 hours.
Before surgery, patients with constipation should clear their colon by taking magnesium citrate or Colyte.
Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, stop taking all of your medications.
It should be recognised before the surgery whether you are using any herbal medicines for headaches, allergies, or blood thinners. Before surgery, a gastric endoscopy is frequently required. A gastric hernia, reflux illness, ulcer, or tumour should all be looked into.
You should quit smoking a few weeks before the surgery if you smoke. Smoking inhibits the healing of wounds. It raises the possibility of respiratory failure.
Blood testing and abdominal ultrasound are done prior to surgery. Following the tests, anesthesiology, cardiology, and pulmonology consultations may be required to assess the risk of the operation.

Mini Gastric Bypass surgery procedure details in Istanbul

Under general anaesthesia, a mini gastric bypass surgery is conducted. On your abdomen, your surgeon makes many small incisions. A thin instrument with a light and camera on the end is inserted through one of the incisions, allowing your surgeon to clearly see the inside organs on a monitor. To accomplish the surgery, small surgical instruments are placed via the other incisions.

The first stage is to make the stomach smaller so that it can hold less food. Stapling transforms the stomach into a long, narrow pouch that extends to the antral region.

The development of a bypass for food to move from the new stomach pouch is the second part of the surgery. Depending on the surgeon and the patient’s metabolic condition, a loop of small intestine between 150 and 250 cms is used for anastomosis. The “omega loop” is formed when the main segment of the intestine is connected to the opening in the stomach pouch. Food can bypass the lower stomach, duodenum, and a piece of the small intestine thanks to the loop. Sutures are used to close the incisions at the end of the treatment.

What after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Patients will be on a clear liquid diet for the first two weeks after gastric bypass surgery, then transition to a pureed diet, which means foods will be very soft so that they can pass through the small, newly formed pouch and stomach. Adequate fluid intake will be one of the most important concerns during this time. Patients can anticipate to return to a normal healthy diet 3-4 weeks after having gastric bypass surgery. They will continue to acquire proper eating habits, such as chewing food thoroughly, drinking most of their liquids between meals rather than with meals, and understanding that eating the incorrect foods, such as sweets or fatty foods, is unhealthy.

Mini Gastric Bypass surgery Advantages in Istanbul

  • In the first year after surgery, mini gastric bypass surgery can help you lose 5 to 10 kg every month. Eating a nutritious diet and exercising on a regular basis will help you lose weight gradually.
  • The operation also aids in the more severe treatment of obesity-related health problems.
  • Due to the simplicity of the basic method, unlike the RYGB, it is simple to totally reverse the treatment.

Do I need a Medical visa for Mini Gastric Bypass surgery in Istanbul?

The mini-gastric bypass is a safe and effective operation that combines the benefits of both a gastric sleeve and a traditional gastric bypass. The upper third of the stomach is separated into a tube, comparable to the top third of a sleeve, and then connected to an intestinal loop. Istanbul is a popular destination for mini gastric bypass surgeries, you can get medical visa for Turkey easily.

Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery Insurance in Istanbul

Mini Gastric Bypass is a very common procedure performed across multiple hospitals or clinics in Istanbul. Mini Gastric Bypass Insurance companies provide coverage depending on Insurance policy taken. Contact here for Mini Gastric Bypass coverage details in Istanbul.

Who is the right candidate for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul?

Although criteria vary, surgery is often considered when a person’s BMI is 40 or higher, or when a person’s BMI is 35 or higher, and they have co-morbidities such as diabetes or hypertension. Also, if you have a weight-related life-threatening or crippling ailment. Only if you haven’t been able to lose weight with other methods will your doctor consider gastric bypass surgery. The following requirements or considerations may also be necessary:

  • Despite diets and medical intervention, you have remained obese.
  • You don’t have a continuous alcohol issue.
  • You don’t have untreated depression or another serious mental illness.
  • You are between the ages of 18 and 65.

Is Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery results permanent?

A patient who undergoes the Mini Gastric Bypass treatment can expect to lose up to 75% of their excess weight, with the majority of that loss occurring within the first year. This is a life lasting process if maintained proper diet.

Best Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeons in Istanbul

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Best Mini Gastric Bypass Hospitals in Istanbul

FAQs on Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Istanbul

Who is the Best Mini Gastric Bypass Surgeon in Istanbul?

Find the Best Mini Gastric Bypass surgeon in Istanbul based on Rating and Reviews from past clients here.

What is Mini Gastric Bypass cost in Istanbul?

Mini Gastric Bypass cost in Istanbul depends on multiple factors. Contact here for actual Mini Gastric Bypass price in Istanbul.

Which is the best Mini Gastric Bypass Hospital in Istanbul?

Find the Best Mini Gastric Bypass Hospitals in Istanbul here

Can I get Mini Gastric Bypass feedback and Reviews from past patients?

Yes. Find Mini Gastric Bypass reviews in Istanbul here.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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