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Appearances play an important role in our lives, especially in today’s world that is ruled by aesthetics.  Almost everyone is out hoping for a perfect body, a perfect car, a perfect house, everything perfect, but a perfect car and a perfect house are far more easily achievable than an ideal body, and that’s where liposuction comes in.

Liposuction, a procedure to remove the stubborn fat that even diet and exercise cannot remove. Often used on the abdomen, thighs, chin, upper and back of the arms, calves and back.

The fat is removed through a hollow instrument called a cannula inserted under the skin. Then a powerful, high-pressure vacuum is applied to the cannula, ‘sucking’ out the extra fat.

Do not confuse liposuction as a treatment for obesity but rather a cosmetic procedure with subtle effects. Though the process would be incapable of removing cellulite, dimples or stretch marks it focuses mainly on aesthetics, it suits those who wish to modify the contours of their body.

Surgery can be considered as a life-changing decision, and we understand that before taking the big step, you would want to know as much as you can about the surgery. And that is why Expert Chikitsa is here to provide you with all the necessary information ranging from the Cost of liposuction in Dubai, Success rates of liposuction in Dubai to the Best orthopaedic surgeons in Dubai so you are carefree throughout the process.

Origin of Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction evolved from the blunt tunneling technique developed by doctors Arpad and Georgio Fischer in 1974.

Are you suitable for the procedure?

To fight this ‘Battle of Bulge, ’ the surgeon might need to know if you qualify as a soldier or not. Liposuction can reshape your body and confidence, but having the desire for this procedure and the financial means are not the only two qualifications you need to identify as a good candidate for the surgery.

Five reasons why your surgeon may say no to your liposuction surgery- 

  1. You Smoke      

Why? Smoking has been known to have a significant impact on your circulatory system, which compromises both blood clotting and healing. As a result, smokers may be more prone to infections, poor healing, skin loss and anesthesia complications.

  1. Out-of-range BMI (Body Mass Index)      

Liposuction surgery is usually limited to patients below a BMI Index of 30-35. People having good health and a BMI under 30 are usually considered the ideal candidate for liposuction surgery.

  1. You have unrealistic expectations    

Liposuction is often misunderstood as a weight loss tool. High amounts of visceral fat around your midsection can only be removed by weight loss. Liposuction won’t be able to address this. Most surgeons limit their surgeries to 5 liters of fat. Higher levels of fat removal might result in lower blood pressure and even shock.

  1. You have too much cellulite 

Healthy skin is firm, elastic resilient which is also the ideal skin type for surgeries. If you have loose skin with cellulite liposuction will provide no enhancement rather give it a deflated look.

  1. You have bad health 

If you are someone who has poorly controlled diabetes, has heart related issues or if you are on blood thinning medications, these factors put you at higher risk of having complications with liposuction.

Types of Liposuction Surgery in Dubai

If you are thinking of getting your liposuction surgery done you must know that there are several types of Liposuction surgeries. Due to evolution of techniques and devices over time you will have the option to choose which surgery suits your body the best.

Here are some basic details on the types of liposuction surgery so you can decide which type of liposuction is best for you.

  1. Suction assisted liposuction (SAL)

In this procedure the surgeon makes small incisions around the area that has to be treated, a tube that is connected to a vacuum is inserted inside the body through these incisions which sucks the fats and fluids from the body.

Before the process the surgeon will inject you with a mixture of salt water and medicines, the salt water will help with fat removal while the medicines will help relieve pain and narrow the blood vessels.

Average cost of SAL in Dubai : 35,000 AED

      2. Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL)

In this type of liposuction surgery your surgeon will insert a metal rod inside your body that will help break down the fat for easy removal. This surgery is often used in combination with Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL).

Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at the resonance (VASER) is a new kind of UAL(Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction) that uses a machine that helps to shape the skin.

Average cost of UAL in Dubai : 25,000 AED

       3. Laser Assisted Liposuction (LAL)

In Laser-assisted liposuction, a laser fiber is inserted through a small incision, which breaks down fat deposits which are then removed using small tubes.

Average cost of LAL in Dubai : 25,000 AED

        4. Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

This procedure is commonly used if the quantity of fat to be removed is large or if you’ve already had liposuction before. In PAL the surgeon uses a thin tube that generates vibration , this vibration helps to pull out fat fastly and easily. 

Average PAL cost in Dubai : 35,000 AED

Most commonly performed Liposuction techniques in Dubai

liposuction in Dubai

liposuction in Dubai

Liposuction patients in Dubai over the years.

liposuction in Dubai

Liposuction in Dubai


Just like every other surgery there are complications linked with liposuction surgery too, our advice would be to share your concerns with your doctor clearly to avoid any chances of complications.

Risks can include:

  1. Cannula breakage
  2. Complications with anesthesia
  3. Cardiac and pulmonary complications
  4. Damage to blood vessels, lungs and other abdominal organs.
  5. Infection
  6. Swelling
  7. Bruises
  8. Loose skin

Famous celebrities who have had Liposuction surgery

Getting a surgery done is an unnerving decision yet life changing, knowing that some famous people have also gone through the same surgery that you are thinking of getting provides a strange feeling of comfort and that is why here is the list of top celebrities who underwent liposuction surgery to get rid of that stubborn fat.

  1. Kim Kardashian.
  2. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
  3. Mariah Carey.
  4. Jane Fonda.
  5. Kanye West.
  6. Wendy Williams.
  7. Michael Jackson.
  8. Jamie Foxx.
  9. Kyle Richards.
  10. Jamie Lee Curtis.

How much weight can you lose through Liposuction?

8 to 9 pounds of fat, that is approximately 5 liters of fat, removing more fat than this limit might increase potential risks of complications. In some cases you might have to go through the surgery more than once if the quantity of the fat to be removed is too much.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery, it cannot be used as a weight loss tool, the only purpose of the surgery is to enhance the shape of your body.

Liposuction patient success stories :

Nayra’s story

Nayra, 48 always had a dream of looking fit and in shape, she took health very seriously and encouraged others to do so as well, she taught yoga to young children and friends her age.

Even after continuous exercises and diet Nayra noticed that she was not able to reduce fat in some areas, she decided to find a solution for this problem and found out about liposuction surgery, after a year of research and pondering upon it she decided to get it done in October 2018.

She consulted a physician and underwent the surgery, after the surgery there remained swelling for a week or so as time passed she noticed that she had lost all that stubborn fat and now has the body she always desired.

She was very happy with the care and attention she was provided with while she was undergoing her Liposuction surgery in Dubai and she highly recommends the people who are looking for liposuction surgery to choose Dubai as their destination.

Liposuction surgery gone wrong Patient stories :

Mira’s story

Mira was 39 years old when she decided to undergo liposuction surgery as she was tired of the belly fat that won’t leave her no matter how many exercises and diet she did. After doing complete research in 2017 she decided to consult a doctor.

After running the tests it turned out that she was an ideal candidate for the surgery and in 2018 she was all set to get it done. Although everything was done with thorough professionalism something went wrong.

Three weeks after the operation she noticed pain and swelling around the treatment area, when it became unbearable she decided to consult the physician again and it turned out that she had developed an infection.

Mira was disappointed but there was nothing she could do as she was already told about the risks that were involved in the surgery. 

Factors affecting the cost of Liposuction surgery in Dubai.

When it comes to liposuction Surgery the uniformity of the cost always catches the attention, the cost for liposuction surgery ranges from 25,000 AED to 50,000 AED. Why such variation in cost?

Written below are a few factors that create such variations in the cost of liposuction surgery in Dubai :

  • Area of Fat

The cost varies depending upon the areas from where fat has to be taken out. Let’s say the cost of getting liposuction done in abdomen is around 7,000 AED but you want the back also done so the cost might become twice or thrice the cost of abdomen liposuction. So the previous cost which was 7,000 AED will now become 14,000 AED or 21,000 AED and might even become 30,000 AED if you decide to get liposuction in thighs as well.

  • Hospital Charges

The cost includes hospital charges which in itself vary depending upon the Hospital and the facilities they can provide, Super speciality hospitals have higher charges than smaller hospitals for obvious reasons.

  • Devices used

Liposuction surgery cost varies depending upon the technologies used in the surgery the most recent development of VASER liposuction is based on the concept of ultrasound waves. The development of new technologies have made procedures like liposuction safer and effective although it has deeply affected the prices of these procedures.

  • Experience of the Surgeon

A certified plastic surgeon will take all the necessary measures before performing the surgery, from conducting a thorough assessment to providing the best advice for your body type. Be sure to discuss every tiny detail with your surgeon before and after the surgery.

To get the best results from you liposuction surgery make sure you choose an experienced surgeon, the prices may vary.

Success rates of Liposuction surgery in Dubai

Any type of surgery can be a life altering decision so we understand your necessity to know as much as you can before going for the surgery.

If you are pondering upon getting your Liposuction surgery done in Dubai you are in luck as Dubai has a high success rate percentage of 92%.

Liposuction surgery success rate in Dubai 92.00%
Chances of complications Approx. 1-2%

Success rates of Liposuction surgeries  by different Countries

Success rates of Liposuction surgery by countries Success rates (%) Chances of complications
Dubai 92.00% Approx. 1-2 %
India 93% Approx. 1%
United Kingdom 92% Approx. 1-2%
Turkey 93% Approx. 1%
United States of America 92% Approx. 1-2%
Germany 92% Approx. 1-2 %
Canada 93% Approx. 1%

Cost of Liposuction Surgery in Dubai

Liposuction surgery average cost in Dubai 35,000 AED 9,530 USD
Minimum cost 20,000 AED 6,800 USD
Maximum cost 45,000 AED 12,251 USD

Cost of Liposuction surgery oin Dubai by cities :

Liposuction surgery cost by cities in Dubai Minimum cost


Maximum Cost


Average cost in US Dollars
Abu Dhabi 30,500 AED 39,500 AED 7,482 USD
Sharjah 29,000 AED 35,000 AED 8,848 USD
Ajman 20,000 AED 40,000 AED 7,482 USD
Fujairah 25,000 AED 40,000 AED 8,848 USD

Liposuction Surgery cost by Hospitals in Dubai :

Liposuction surgery cost by hospitals in Dubai Minimum Cost (in Dirhams) Maximum Cost (in Dirhams) Average cost (in US Dollars)
Zulekha Hospital 25,000 AED 30,000 AED 7,482 USD
NMC Royal Hospital 25,000 AED 40,000 AED 8,848 USD
King’s College Hospital 25,000 AED 30,000 AED 7,482 USD
Burjeel Hospital 25,000 AED 40,000 AED 8,848 USD
Prime Hospital 25,000 AED 40,000 AED 8,848 USD

Liposuction surgery cost by treatment areas in Dubai :

Liposuction surgery cost in Dubai by Treatment areas Average cost in US Dollars Average cost in Dirhams
Neck Liposuction 1600 USD 5,488 AED
Abdomen Liposuction 2000 USD 6,664 AED
Chin Liposuction 1400 USD 4,704 AED
Buttocks Liposuction 1500 USD 5,096 AED
Arm Liposuction 1500 USD 5,292 AED
Thigh Liposuction 1600 USD 5,684 AED
Breast Liposuction 1792 USD 6,272 AED
Love handles Liposuction 1600 USD 5,684 AED
Knee Liposuction 1500 USD 5,096 AED
Back Liposuction 1350 USD 4,704 AED

Liposuction surgery cost by different countries :

Liposuction surgery cost by different countries Minimum cost Maximum cost Average cost (in US Dollars)
United Arab Emirates 20,000 AED 50,000 AED 12,000 USD
India 2,00,000 INR 2,50,000 INR 2,700 USD
United Kingdom 6,000 GBP 18,000 GBP 13,000 USD
United States of America 6,000 USD 30,000 USD 18,000 USD
Turkey 1,36,728 TL 4,10,185 TL 10,000 USD
Canada 16,000 CAD 22,000 CAD 18,000 USD

Liposuction surgery cost in Dubai by methods :

Liposuction Surgery cost by methods in Dubai Average Cost ( in US Dollars) Average Cost (in Dirhams)
Suction assisted liposuction (SAL) 9,550 USD 35,000 AED
Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL) 6,800 USD 25,000 AED
Laser assisted liposuction ( LAL) 6,800 USD 25,00 AED
Power assisted liposuction (PAL) 9,550 USD 35,000 AED

Will health insurance cover your Liposuction surgery?

No, health insurance policies only cover treatments that are considered medically necessary, liposuction surgery is a cosmetic surgery that is done solely to improve the aesthetics of your body. It also varies depending upon the insurance policy you are choosing as well as your choice of hospital for the treatment.

In a few cases of Gynecomastia where liposuction is used if the surgery is considered necessary due to pain and discomfort of the patient your health insurance provider might cover the treatment. Cosmetic surgeries are not vital to your health or well being however if the procedure is classified as reconstructive then the medical expenses will be covered by your health policy.

Our advice would be to check beforehand if the hospital accepts the policy you are choosing for yourself. Health insurance is supposed to cover all your medical expenses ranging from your stay in the hospital to the cost of treatment depending upon the equipment used in the surgery.

List of Health Insurance Providers in Dubai that might cover your Liposuction Surgery if it is considered medically necessary are :

  1. Takaful Emarat Insurance company
  1. Gulf Insurance Company
  1. National Life and General Insurance Company
  1. Daman National Health Insurance Company
  1. Sukoon Insurance Company

Why choose Dubai for your Liposuction surgery?


Best Hospitals    

Dubai has a range of certified Multi speciality hospitals, making your treatment an easy and safe ride.

Good Hospitals are a must for a treatment because they will ultimately ease your treatment process with the facilities available.  

Best Doctors

A place with good hospitals will eventually lead you to the best doctors which is always a must for a treatment, a good combination of these two will definitely mean a smooth experience for your treatment.


Dubai is a place that offers you not just best doctors and hospitals but all this at an affordable price when compared to other developed countries.

These reasons are why you should get your Liposuction surgery in Dubai, with a success rate of almost 92% and very rare instances of complications Dubai should be on your list of top countries to get your surgery done.

FAQs related to Liposuction in Dubai 

Q. Is the surgery painful?

Liposuction surgery’s pain is considered manageable, as during the procedure you will be under anesthesia and after the surgery you’ll be given pain medication to tone down your pain.

Q. What are the side effects of Liposuction?

The risks involved in liposuction include harm to deeper organs, swelling, bruises, infection and loose skin.

Q. Does Liposuction permanently remove fat?

Yes, it is indeed considered that liposuction surgery permanently removes fat.

Top Female Orthopaedic surgeons in Dubai

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  • Chesta

    Chesta Shree is a dedicated medical content writer with Expert Chikitsa, focused on researching and writing upon various medical topics. With a strong passion for writing and a great interest in the medical field her aim is to make complex medical procedures and information accessible for more and more people.

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