Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Turkey

Turkey is famous for its medical services. People from all over the world come to Turkey for their Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery, as Turkey has surgeons highly equipped with the latest technologies, surgeons here are highly qualified and experienced. Patients rate Turkey as Best destination to undertake Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery, as it has the best surgeons providing services at an affordable price. Patients from Europe, US and UK come here for their treatment from highly skilled surgeons and advanced technologies used for procedures. 

Turkey ranks 1st in the world for the number of kidney transplants performed each year. Every year, around 15,000 kidney transplant surgeries are performed here. Turkey’s world-renowned academic staff and specialist physicians, as well as health personnel specializing in post-organ transplantation patient care, provide international-standard service.

A Living Donor kidney transplant is a long-term treatment that involves the transplantation of a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor into a patient whose kidneys have stopped working correctly (known as a recipient). The operation is carried out by a transplant team that includes surgeons who specialize in transplant surgery, urologists, nephrologists, and expert nurses, as well as social workers and transplant coordinators.

Kidney transplantation is a popular organ transplantation operation in Turkey with a high success rate. The first living donor renal transplant was performed in 1975, and the country has a lengthy history of organ transplantation. Numerous kidney transplants have been conducted since then for both domestic and international patients.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant cost in Turkey

Living Donor Kidney Transplant cost in Turkey Average Cost (USD)
Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery 20000 USD

Average Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery price in Turkey is 20000 USD.

Why Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Turkey?

  • Medical technology that is cutting-edge.
  • Quality healthcare is provided by accredited and worldwide standard hospitals.
  • Turkey has a low cost of kidney transplantation.
  • English-speaking medical personnel to assure the patient’s comfort and treatment.
  • Doctors who have received advanced training in sophisticated procedures from the best medical institutes in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other nations.
  • Turkey offers a wealth of historical, cultural, and natural attractions, as well as an excellent pre-treatment and post-treatment recovery period for patients.

The predicted longevity of organ transplantation has increased dramatically in comparison to alternatives such as dialysis therapy, thanks to advances in technology and surgical procedures. The leading Living Donor Kidney Transplant hospitals in Turkey have a success rate of up to 99 %.

After the transplant, the patient’s quality of life improves considerably, and he or she lives like a typical healthy person. After the surgery, Living Donor kidney transplant recipients are allowed to work and participate in all social activities. Depending on the type of transplant and management, the transplanted kidney can live for 15-20 years or longer.

How much does Living Donor Kidney Transplant Cost in Turkey

Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Area cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
Ankara 19500
Istanbul 20000
Antalya 19750
Izmir 19000

Average Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Area Cost  is 20000 USD.

Average Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Cost in Ankara is 19500 USD.
Average Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Cost in Istanbul is 20000 USD.
Average Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Cost in Antalya is 19750 USD.
Average Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Cost in Izmir is 19000 USD.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant Reviews In Turkey

The majority of patients are satisfied with the results of Kidney transplant surgery in Turkey. Even they agree with the fact that Surgery in Turkey are more affordable than any European countries. Patients also from UK US come to Turkey for Kidney transplant surgery. Client feedback on kidney transplant surgery in Turkey has been positive. Kidney transplant Surgery reviews for each Plastic surgeon may be found here.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Istanbul

Many people prefer to have Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Istanbul because of the following reasons:

  • International flight availability
  • There are numerous Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgeons in Istanbul.
  • The cost of Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Istanbul is reasonable.
  • In Istanbul, the success rate of Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery are high.

Cost of Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Istanbul

Average cost for Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Istanbul is 20,000 USD.

What to expect on the day of Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery in Turkey?

  • The patient is put under general anesthesia and remains asleep during the procedure.
  • To access the kidneys, the surgeon will make a minor inguinal incision (in the groyne area).
  • The arteries and veins in this region are then prepped, and the blood vessels that nourish the kidney are severed.
  • The blood vessels are linked to the donor’s kidney and it is implanted. Blood begins to flow through the transplanted kidney as a result of this.
  • The ureter of the replacement kidney will be connected to the bladder, allowing the receiver to urinate normally.
  • Unless the original kidneys are causing health concerns, such as high blood pressure or infection, they are normally left in the patient’s body.
  • Sutures will be used to close the incisions, and the surgical wound will be dressed.

Is Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery safe in Turkey?

A Living Donor kidney transplant is a complicated process that necessitates exceptional surgical abilities on the part of the surgeon as well as adequate surgical facilities. The success rate of Living Donor kidney transplants in leading Turkey hospitals is estimated to be 99 %.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery recovery time in Turkey

Immuno-suppressant medicines will be provided to the patient throughout the recovery period of a Living Donor kidney transplant to prevent the recipient’s immune system from rejecting the new kidney. Patients usually stay in the hospital for 5 to 7 days. About 5 to 10 days after the renal transplant, the new kidney will begin to function at full capacity and then you can fly back to your country.

Green teas, pomegranates, and grapefruit must be avoided by patients after a kidney transplant because these foods are known to interact badly with the procedure.

What should you know before Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery in Turkey?

Patients must give up smoking before undergoing a Living Donor kidney transplant. Blood thinners should be avoided as well. Before a kidney transplant, some patients may need to drop weight. The transplant team will do certain tests to see if the recipient is a good match for a given kidney.

A kidney transplant is a serious surgery that requires an assessment by a transplant facility to determine whether you are ready for it. If the medical team gets the go-ahead, the procedure continues with locating a donor match, determining the cost of a kidney transplant, learning about the benefits and drawbacks of the surgery, preparing for the surgery, and more.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery procedure details in Turkey

Living Donor Kidney transplantation is the process of transferring healthy kidneys from a deceased person or a living person to the recipient. The most common type of kidney transplant in our country is a related living donor transplant. 

In Turkey, they do living donor transplant surgeries using a closed (laparoscopic) technique. Postoperative discomfort and other comparable problems are uncommon in transplant procedures performed using this method because the surgical wound is so tiny. Wound-related surgical complications are also uncommon. As a result, patients have a more pleasant postoperative phase. 

The recipient procedure is performed through an inguinal incision (a groyne incision). The Living Donor kidney transplant procedure is performed under general anesthesia and typically takes 3 to 4 hours to complete. 

The region’s arteries and veins are prepped. The kidney’s blood vessels are connected to those vessels, and blood flow to the organ is established. After that, the ureter will be connected from the donor’s kidney to the recipient’s bladder. The new kidney will begin producing urine as soon as it receives a steady supply of blood and is connected to the bladder. The incision is then sewn shut, and the patient can begin their kidney transplant recovery procedure.

What after Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery?

After the operation, the patient is moved to a recovery room and monitored by the medical team. They’ll monitor the patient’s condition and watch for indicators of complications. After that, the patient is transferred to a regular ward to begin his or her recuperation.

The patient will only need a short stay in the hospital because the laparoscopic technique causes far less pain and other postoperative complications than open surgery. They’ll be able to get back to their regular lives and employment sooner after being released from the hospital.

The post-transplant period is critical, and kidney function must be closely monitored throughout this time. The transplant team monitors for early symptoms of rejection and modifies drugs as needed depending on routine tests. In addition, monitoring is required to monitor the occurrence of immunosuppression-related hazards such as infections and malignancies.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery Advantages in Turkey

Unlike dialysis, which can only replace 10% of the work done by the kidneys, the implanted kidney can perform functions up to 70% of the time. Patients on dialysis are obliged to connect to the equipment several times a week, they must adhere to a strict diet and limit fluid consumption, and the risk of developing blood vessel disorders is considerable. Patients can resume their usual lives following transplantation. The only stipulation is that you take the prescribed prescription.

Do I need a Medical visa for Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery in Turkey?

Yes, a Medical Tourist Visa is required for Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgery in Turkey. Medical visas must be sought for under the category of Non-Immigrant visas. With a valid tourist visa, you can enter the country and obtain medical treatment. Other than Americans, foreign visitors must apply for a tourist or business visa prior to entering the nation. The Consulate of Turkey can be reached by phone or email.

Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery Insurance in Turkey

Living Donor Kidney Transplant is a very common procedure performed across multiple hospitals or clinics in Turkey. However Living Donor Kidney Transplant Insurance coverage depends on Insurance policy you have taken. Contact here for Kidney Transplant coverage details in Turkey.

Who is the right candidate for Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Turkey?

Patients who have living donors can have their transplants done faster and earlier. According to our country’s rules, up to four-degree relatives can donate organs to a patient. Organs from other related or unrelated donors can also be obtained. For transplants from these types of donors, however, an ethical committee decision is required. To donate an organ or tissue, a person must be at least 18 years old. There is no such thing as an upper age restriction. Exams, tests, and studies are used to assess whether or not an organ can be received from a particular donor candidate.

Is Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery results permanent?

The success rate of Living Donor kidney transplantation in Turkey began a long time ago due to the availability of highly skilled medical specialists and nursing staff. Patients from more developed parts of the world travel to Turkey for low-cost, high-quality medical care. According to hospital statistics, the living donor transplant has a success rate of about 99 percent, and the patient reports no discomfort or displeasure.

Best Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgeons in Turkey

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Best Living Donor Kidney Transplant Hospitals in Turkey

FAQs on Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgery in Turkey

Who is the Best Living Donor Kidney Transplant Surgeon in Turkey?

Find the Best Living Donor Kidney Transplant surgeon in Turkey based on Rating and Reviews from past clients here.

What is Living Donor Kidney Transplant cost in Turkey?

Living Donor Kidney Transplant cost in Turkey depends on multiple factors. Contact here for actual Living Donor Kidney transplant price in Turkey.

Which is the best Living Donor Kidney Transplant Hospital in Turkey?

Find the Best Living Donor Kidney Transplant Hospitals in Turkey here

Can I get Living Donor Kidney Transplant feedback and Reviews from past patients?

Yes. Find Living Donor Kidney Transplant reviews in Turkey here.


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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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