Labiaplasty Surgery in Turkey

Turkey is a destination known for its famous plastic surgeries, Labiaplasty is one of them. Tourist from many countries come here for Labiaplasty. Labiaplasty is a vulval surgery treatment that shrinks and reshapes the labia minora and majora, often known as the inner and outer lips of the vaginal canal.

Some women may be self-conscious about their labia appearing larger than usual, and the size of their labia can grow even larger during youth, as a result of hormones, or simply as a result of the ageing process. Because the labia continue to expand during puberty, labiaplasty is only indicated for adults above the age of 18.

Labiaplasty Summary:

• Procedure Duration : 1 to 2 hours based on required amount of correction.
• Anesthesia: Local Anesthesia is preferred
• Pain Experience: After Labiaplasty pain level will be there for 1 day. Medications can easily control pain.
• Hospital stay: No stay required
• Recovery Time: 1 to 2 days post Labiaplasty surgery
• Success rate: Very High


Labiaplasty Surgery cost in Turkey

Labiaplasty cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
Labiaplasty $1,300

Average Labiaplasty price in Turkey is 1,300 USD.

Why Labiaplasty Surgery in Turkey?

    • Expert Doctors
    • Hospitals with international accreditation.
    • Quick recovery.
    • Latest Labiaplasty techniques
    • Affordable Labiaplasty cost in Turkey
    • Favorable Labiaplasty reviews from past clients in Turkey

    Labiaplasty is becoming increasingly popular in Turkey. The surgical treatment to minimize the size of the labia minora is known as labiaplasty. The skin flaps on either side of the vaginal opening are what it is. Women may choose a labiaplasty if they are unhappy with the appearance of their labia or if their labia are causing them discomfort. If you have a similar condition, you can seek treatment in Turkey for Labiaplasty.

How much does Labiaplasty Cost in Turkey

Labiaplasty Area cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
Ankara 1175
Istanbul 1300
Antalya 1170
Izmir 1200
Bursa 1100
Adana 1250
Gaziantep 1150
Konya 1300

Average Labiaplasty price in Turkey is 1,700 USD.

Average Labiaplasty Price in Ankara is 1175 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Istanbul is 1300 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Antalya is 1170 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Izmir is 1200 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Bursa is 1100 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Adana is 1250 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Gaziantep is 1150 USD.
Average Labiaplasty Price in Konya is 1300 USD.

Labiaplasty Reviews in Turkey

Labiaplasty surgery reviews in Turkey from past clients is favorable. Most of the clients are happy with Labiaplasty surgery outcome.

You can find Labiaplasty Surgery reviews for each Plastic surgeon separately here.

You can find Labiaplasty Surgery reviews for each Plastic Surgery Hospital separately here.


Top 10 advice given by Labiaplasty surgery clients in Turkey are,

Choose the right Plastic Surgeon based on reviews from past clients

Discuss Labiaplasty surgery cost in detail before admission

Get Labiaplasty Before and After photos from past clients

Visit the facility once and see yourself if everything is fine there

Talk to previous clients in the Hospital

Get detailed Labiaplasty cost before surgery including OT Charges, Surgeon fees, drugs, post-operative care, Nursing, etc.

If you are planning to combine Tourism with Labiaplasty surgery, better complete tourism activities first. You might not be comfortable roaming around easily after Labiaplasty Surgery in Turkey

After Labiaplasty surgery Don’t leave Hospital until you are comfortable

Plan for at least 1 day extra from advised number of days in Turkey for Labiaplasty surgery

Always Book Hotel near to Hospital where you are getting Labiaplasty surgery done

Labiaplasty Surgery in Istanbul

Many clients prefer to do Labiaplasty surgery in Istanbul because,

  • Availability of International flights
  • Many Labiaplasty surgeons in Istanbul
  • Specialist Aesthetic Surgery clinics in Istanbul
  • Labiaplasty price in Istanbul is affordable
  • You can easily combine Tourism with Labiaplasty in Istanbul
  • Labiaplasty Reviews in Istanbul are impressive

Labiaplasty Cost in Istanbul

Average Labiaplasty cost in Istanbul is USD 1,300.

What to expect on the day of Labiaplasty surgery in Turkey?

This is a one-of-a-kind approach to remove superfluous skin while keeping the incision inconspicuous. In addition, the Cohen Ellipse approach protects sensitive and emotional components. Some patients request that the clitoral hood be clipped as well.

Labiaplasty is normally done in an outpatient surgical centre and takes around an hour to complete. The procedure is performed under sedative anesthesia (twilight) or general anesthetic if the patient wishes it. A local injection into the surgical site is also done if labiaplasty is performed under sedation.

The patient spends roughly an hour in the recovery room after the procedure, when they are watched by a registered nurse.

Is Labiaplasty surgery is safe in Turkey?

Labiaplasty is a simple, safe, painless procedure with a quick recovery time, good aesthetic results, and low complication rates. Patients’ sexual functions and overall quality of life increased as a result of the radio-frequency at trimming procedure, as did their body image and self-confidence.

Labiaplasty Surgery Technologies in Turkey

The following are the most prevalent Labiaplasty procedures:

  • Direct amputation of the necessary parts followed by suturing was the initial way of doing a labiaplasty. The possibility of disfigurement due to the loss of the normal shape of the genitalia, nerve injury, and color changes are all disadvantages of this treatment.
  • Central Wedge Resection: A laser is used to remove a wedge of tissue from the middle of the labia in this more recent operation. This sort of labiaplasty is less risky than amputation, but it still has the potential to cause nerve injury.
  • De-epithelialization: Using a knife or a laser, the outermost layers of tissue are removed. This kind of labiaplasty results in less bleeding.

Labiaplasty recovery time in Turkey

In most cases, the recuperation time is two weeks. It is recommended that you ice with a cold pack for 20 minutes during this time to minimize edema. The incisions in the labrum heal fast. There’s no need to remove the stitches because they’re fusible. Heavy activity and vaginal intercourse are not suggested for the first two weeks and the first six weeks, respectively. Patients might shower once a day.

What should you know before Labiaplasty surgery in Turkey?

Labiaplasty, on the other hand, is a procedure that requires you to take numerous steps to ensure that your treatment goes as well as possible. Avoiding certain spots can help you heal more quickly and reduce the chance of problems.

  • Before the operation, patients must clean and shave the region.
  • Medication and herbal supplements must be discontinued a few days prior to surgery.
  • Patients must stop smoking for at least a week prior to surgery.

Labiaplasty procedure details in Turkey

Labiaplasty surgery might take anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour under local anesthetic. The procedure, on the other hand, can be done under general anesthesia.

In this scenario, the patient should spend one night in a hospital setting. Additionally, sutures are used instead of stitches. The thin folds of the inner lips, which extend more or less from the outer lips, are surgically removed during the procedure.

The crimp issue is no longer an issue. The curves have their folds eliminated. The inner lip is given a new normal form. The leftover tissues are stitched together. Self-melting yarns are employed for the seams in the operating area.

There is no numbness in the sexual zone once the mending procedure is completed. People have no issues with their partners. It is possible to become pregnant after this operation, which is classified as aesthetic or genital area aesthetic. Pregnancy isn’t a hindrance.

After the Labiaplasty surgery

There is no apparent or severe curvature after the labiaplasty procedure.

  • The recovery period is pleasant. There is pain in the hospital environment on the first day, which is treated with medicines.
  • Pain relievers administered in the same manner as the doctor suggests can be readily overcome after discharge.
  • After the operation, it is simple to return to normal life.
  • After the second day, it is recommended that you take a bath to avoid keeping the stitches damp.
  • During the first ten days, only take short showers.
  • Pools, seas, saunas, and other similar activities should be avoided for the first 15 days.
  • After the healing process, there is no evidence of the surgery.

Labiaplasty Advantages in Turkey

When it comes to improving the appearance of the genitals, labiaplasty offers numerous benefits. Females with internal vaginal lips that dangle lower than the outer lips frequently experience pain and discomfort. They may experience this when doing things like motorcycling, having sex, or putting on skin-tight clothes. As a result, some ladies may have a lack of self-confidence as a result of this. If this has happened to you as well, please get in touch with us as soon as possible. We can say that we have some qualified and experienced surgeons that will be of assistance to you.

The following are some of the benefits of the surgery:

  • The labia should be as little as possible.
  • Any asymmetry in the vaginal lips can be improved.
  • Keeping the genitals in the background
  • Increasing your self-assurance

In conclusion, there is no need to be embarrassed or humiliated if you are unhappy with the appearance of your genitals. We are proud to have some knowledgeable patient care consultants who will connect you with a qualified surgeon to solve your concerns once and for all.

Do I need Medical visa for Labiaplasty surgery in Turkey?

Yes, to visit Turkey for Labiaplasty surgery, you’ll need a Medical Tourist Visa. Medical visas must be applied for under the Non-Immigrant visa category. You may enter the nation with a valid tourist visa and then receive medical care. Overseas visitors other than Americans, must apply for a tourist or business visa before entering the country. Turkey Consulate can be contacted by phone or email.

Labiaplasty Insurance in Turkey

Labiaplasty is very common procedure performed across multiple hospitals or clinics in Turkey. However Labiaplasty Insurance coverage depends on Insurance policy you have taken. Contact here for Labiaplasty coverage details in Turkey.

Who is the right candidate for Labiaplasty in Turkey?

Labiaplasty surgery can only be performed on women above the age of 18 who are in good health. Patients with uneven vaginal lips or huge lips are the best candidates for surgery, as are those who have any of the following:

  • During sexual intercourse, there is pain or discomfort.
  • Wearing certain garments causes discomfort.
  • Discomfort while participating in some physical activities.

Patients should not seek a Labiaplasty.

  • An episiotomy has caused difficulties in a pregnant woman.
  • are infected with sexually transmitted illnesses
  • not in the best of health.

Labiaplasty Before and After Photos in Turkey

Due to privacy polices of client, before and after photos of Labiaplasty Surgery results cannot post publicly. For the photos you can reach out to us.

Is Labiaplasty Surgery results permanent?

Yes, Labiaplasty results are permanent, however pregnancy and vaginal deliveries may modify them slightly. The labia should appear more balanced after labiaplasty, with the labia minora no longer protruding past the labia majora.

Any pain produced by swollen labia or extra vaginal tissue should be significantly decreased, if not completely eradicated. Patients should be able to wear form-fitting clothing, exercise, and engage in sexual activity with more ease. The majority of patients also report an increase in self-esteem as a result of the surgery.

Best Labiaplasty Surgeons in Turkey

Best Labiaplasty Hospitals in Turkey

FAQs on Labiaplasty Surgery in Turkey

Who is the Best Labiaplasty Surgeon in Turkey?

Find the Best Labiaplasty surgeon in Turkey based on Rating and Reviews from past clients here.

What is Labiaplasty price in Turkey?

Labiaplasty price varies based on multiple factors including technology used. Find Labiaplasty cost in Turkey here.

Can I get Labiaplasty Surgery before and after photos?

Yes. Contact us here for Labiaplasty surgery Before and After photos

Where can I find Reviews for Labiaplasty surgery in Turkey?

Find Labiaplasty surgery Reviews from past clients here.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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