FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey

The FUE hair transplant procedure is now one of the most popular hair transplant techniques, and Istanbul offers the greatest hair transplant clinic in Turkey, providing our patients with the most up-to-date methods and techniques that contemporary science has to offer in this sector.

Due to the abilities of its specialists and the application of the most advanced hair transplant technology in the world, Turkey has become one of the leading countries in the field of FUE hair transplants, with guaranteed outcomes. Furthermore, when compared to the quality of the services given and the cost of hair transplantation in other countries, the cost of a hair transplant in Turkey is extremely low.

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery cost in Turkey

Hair Transplant cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE) 1 USD to 3 USD per Graft

Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Turkey is 2 USD.


Why FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey?

An FUE hair transplant in Turkey with a best price guarantee could be the solution for individuals seeking an efficient hair transplant option with minimal downtime and scarring.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a contemporary hair transplant procedure that improves on existing hair transplant methods. A successful and effective FUE hair transplant is within reach thanks to the transplanting of a single follicle at a time and the little incisions required.

Here are a few of the reasons why Turkey is an excellent choice for hair transplant surgery:

    • Hair transplant facilities in Turkey provide high-quality services at relatively low costs.
    • The country offers tremendous cost savings, particularly in the area of hair transplantation.
    • When compared to similar treatments performed in Western countries, hair transplantation costs in Istanbul are at least 60% to 80% less.
    • In Turkey, all doctors are fluent in English.
    • In Turkey, clinics employ the most up-to-date technology for hair implants.
    • When compared to other countries, Turkey has a fairly short average waiting time.

How much does FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey


FUE Hair Transplant cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
Ankara 1.5 per draft
Istanbul 3 per draft
Antalya 2.5 per draft
Izmir 2.4 per draft
Bursa 1.5 per draft
Adana 2.2 per draft
Gaziantep 2.6 per draft
Konya 1.8 per draft


Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Turkey is 2 USD per draft


Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Ankara is 1.5 USD per draft.
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Istanbul is 3 USD per draft.
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Antalya is 2.5 USD per draft.
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Izmir is 2.4 USD per draft.
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Bursa is 1.5 USD per draft .
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Adana is 2.2 USD per draft.
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Gaziantep is 2.6 USD per draft .
Average FUE Hair Transplant price in Konya is 1.8 USD per draft .

FUE Hair Transplant Reviews in Turkey

FUE Hair Transplant surgery reviews in Turkey from past clients is favorable. Most of the clients are happy with FUE Hair Transplant surgery outcome.

You can find FUE Hair Transplant Surgery reviews for each Plastic surgeon separately here.

You can find FUE Hair Transplant Surgery reviews for each Plastic Surgery Hospital separately here.


Top 10 advice given by FUE Hair Transplant surgery clients in Turkey are,

Choose the right Plastic Surgeon based on reviews from past clients

Discuss FUE Hair Transplant surgery cost in detail before admission

Get FUE Hair Transplant Before and After photos from past clients

Visit the facility once and see yourself if everything is fine there

Talk to previous clients in the Hospital

Get detailed FUE Hair Transplant cost before surgery including OT Charges, Surgeon fees, drugs, post-operative care, Nursing, etc.

If you are planning to combine Tourism with FUE Hair Transplant surgery, better complete tourism activities first. You might not be comfortable roaming around easily after FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey

After FUE Hair Transplant surgery Don’t leave Hospital until you are comfortable

Plan for at least 1 day extra from advised number of days in Turkey for FUE Hair Transplant surgery

Always Book Hotel near to Hospital where you are getting FUE Hair Transplant surgery done

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in Istanbul

Many clients prefer to do FUE Hair Transplant surgery in Istanbul because,

  • Availability of International flights
  • Many FUE Hair Transplant surgeons in Istanbul
  • Specialist Aesthetic Surgery clinics in Istanbul
  • FUE Hair Transplant price in Istanbul is affordable
  • You can easily combine Tourism with FUE Hair Transplant in Istanbul
  • FUE Hair Transplant Reviews in Istanbul are impressive

FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Istanbul

Average FUE Hair Transplant Price In Istanbul Is $3 per draft.

What to expect on the day of FUE Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

The patient’s hair will be shaved short so that the surgeon can see and work on the scalp and each donor follicle more clearly. The surgeon will begin the FUE hair transplant by giving the patient local anesthetic to numb the area, and then remove individual follicular units from the scalp using an automated FUE system device.

To isolate the graft, the gadget will make a small circular incision around the follicular unit. High-powered stereo-microscopes are used to prepare the scalp. The amount of hairs contained within the follicle determines how the follicular units are organised. The follicles are then gently inserted on the bald spots.

Is FUE Hair Transplant surgery is safe in Turkey?

Yes, travelling to Turkey for hair transplantation is safe. FUE hair transplants are frequently performed in Turkey. You may expect a pleasant and secure stay in Turkey for your hair transplant.

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Technologies in Turkey

The FUE process involves extracting hair follicles from donor areas, which are resistant to the elements that cause hair loss, and transferring them to areas of light hair or baldness, known as receiving areas, using specific equipment that leave no lines or scars. Hair transplantation used to include removing a section of the scalp, followed by bandages and surgical threads, and it was common to leave severe scars.

The FUE process, on the other hand, is considered painless, and complete recovery takes only 7-8 days following hair transplantation.

FUE Hair Transplant recovery time in Turkey

When looking at hair transplant results in Turkey, keep in mind that the patient may have shock loss two to five weeks after the hair transplant procedure in Istanbul. This is a typical part of the healing process that occurs as a result of the scalp’s damage.

What should you know before FUE Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

In Turkey, both types of people are suitable candidates for hair transplants. The FUE approach, on the other hand, is usually preferable for male patients because it involves graft transplantation on bald parts of the forehead most of the time. Furthermore, a male patient’s donor area is superior than that of a female patient.

Leaving aside the distinction between male and female patients, FUE can be utilized on:

  • Individuals who have scars or have suffered from alopecia;
  • Individuals with little patches of thinning hair and a small recipient area;
  • FUE is also a recommended procedure for those who want to resume their normal lives in just a few days after undergoing other hair transplants using older methods that left scars;
  • FUE is also a recommended procedure for those who want to resume their normal lives in just a few days after undergoing other hair transplants using older methods that left scars.

Athletes and sportsmen can also benefit from hair transplants in Turkey using the Follicular Unit Extraction process. Another unique feature of this surgery is that it can be used when the donor location of the patient is the body. The grafts to be transplanted can then be obtained from various regions of the body in this manner.

FUE Hair Transplant procedure details in Turkey

On the day of the treatment, the patient’s hair will be entirely shaved off as the first and most important step.

  • Patients will be instructed not to consume any caffeinated beverages on the day of treatment because it may promote bleeding and medication sensitivity.
  • Prior to the treatment, all jewelry and contact lenses will be removed.
  • The patient is put under general anesthesia.
  • The doctor will usually begin hair transplant surgery by extracting small punch grafts from the hair-bearing scalp area or the donor area.
  • Stitches can then be used to close the donor area.
  • The doctor next injects a little amount of saline solution into the scalp area on a regular basis to maintain optimal skin strength.
  • These hair transplants (typically 10 to 15 hairs) will subsequently be transplanted to the patient’s bald scalp area.
  • After the grafting is finished, the scalp is washed and wrapped with gauze.

After the FUE Hair Transplant surgery

Following surgery, the doctor will give you medications and instructions on how to care for yourself.

  • The doctor will recommend that you sleep with your head up.
  • It is also recommended that you use only the shampoo or lotion that has been prescribed for you.
  • Hair washing will be prohibited for a period of two weeks.
  • Only 5 days following the hair transplantation procedure will you be asked to continue combing your hair.
  • Smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages will be prohibited.
  • For a week, participants will be urged to refrain from engaging in strenuous physical activities.
  • The patient will be asked to refrain from going out in the sun unless and until he or she wears a hat.
  • For the first three weeks after the treatment, the patient will be instructed to avoid swimming in pools with chlorine water.

FUE Hair Transplant Advantages in Turkey

Hair transplantation is performed in a variety of facilities around the world. Thousands of patients travel to Turkey each year to undergo this treatment. What is the rationale for this? Hair transplantation in Turkey provides a number of advantages:

  • Equipment. Turkey’s cosmetic medicine business is well-developed. ARTAS robotic systems are used in the majority of hair transplant clinics across the country. They can transplant hair more quickly and precisely.
  • Comfort. Both physically and psychologically, the patient is at ease. The doctors administer enough scalp anesthetic throughout the hair transplant procedure. As a result, the operation is completely pain-free.
  • Experience. In Turkey, hair transplantation is a huge process. Every year, about a hundred thousand of these procedures are carried out. The doctors have a lot of experience with hair transplantation, thus they get great outcomes.
  • Engraftment is very high. The ARTAS technology, which was used to perform the treatment in Turkey, allowed for a high proportion of hair follicle survival. Only 2% to 3% of hair falls out in the first few weeks following transplantation, but the remainder lasts for the rest of your life. This was made feasible by a unique transplantation approach in Turkey, in which specialists use platelet-rich blood preparations to boost regeneration processes and improve graft life. Hair follicles are removed from the head and preserved in a cooled solution containing blood components.
  • Prices. Hair transplantation in Turkey is substantially less expensive than in other developed countries. Prices can vary by as much as two or three times.

Do I need Medical visa for FUE Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

Yes, to visit Turkey for FUE Hair Transplant surgery, you’ll need a Medical Tourist Visa. Medical visas must be applied for under the Non-Immigrant visa category. You may enter the nation with a valid tourist visa and then receive medical care. Overseas visitors other than Americans, must apply for a tourist or business visa before entering the country. Turkey Consulate can be contacted by phone or email.

FUE Hair Transplant Insurance in Turkey

FUE Hair Transplant is very common procedure performed across multiple hospitals or clinics in Turkey. However FUE Hair Transplant Insurance coverage depends on Insurance policy you have taken. Contact here for FUE Hair Transplant coverage details in Turkey.

Who is the right candidate for FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey?

If you’re looking for a general hair transplant, this is the operation for you.

  • Male pattern baldness had been causing you to lose hair for more than five years, or
  • On the Norwood Scale, you have a score of 3 or higher.

Candidates for hair transplantation should have reasonable expectations before undertaking the procedure. Candidates should be aware that their natural hair will eventually fall out because it is genetically wired to do so. Hair loss that hasn’t resolved will continue to develop in one manner or another, regardless of the medication individuals take. However, most of the time, taking these medications as supplements helps, so keep taking them as directed by your doctor.

FUE Hair Transplant Before and After Photos in Turkey

Due to privacy polices of client, before and after photos of FUE Hair Transplant Surgery results cannot post publicly. For the photos you can reach out to us.

Is FUE Hair Transplant Surgery results permanent?

If your hair is thinning or balding, a hair transplant is the best option for you. Furthermore, the result of a hair transplant is permanent because it cannot be changed or reversed.

Despite the variety of activities available to visitors, many people dismiss the area, believing that the north of Turkey has a large number of high-quality hospitals. People with hair loss now have an escape route in Turkey, where they can obtain high-quality hair transplantation surgery as part of a hair transplant package.

Best FUE Hair Transplant Surgeons in Turkey

Best FUE Hair Transplant Hospitals in Turkey

FAQs on FUE Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey

Who is the Best FUE Hair Transplant Surgeon in Turkey?

Find the Best FUE Hair Transplant surgeon in Turkey based on Rating and Reviews from past clients here.

What is FUE Hair Transplant price in Turkey?

FUE Hair Transplant price varies based on multiple factors including technology used. Find FUE Hair Transplant cost in Turkey here.

Can I get FUE Hair Transplant Surgery before and after photos?

Yes. Contact us here for FUE Hair Transplant surgery Before and After photos

Where can I find Reviews for FUE Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

Find FUE Hair Transplant surgery Reviews from past clients here.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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