FUT Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey

The biggest advantage of FUT Hair Transplantation in Turkey is the surgeons’ decades of experience. Hundreds of people see local doctors each year, with 600 hair implant procedures conducted every day throughout the country. They have 10 to 20 years of experience and guarantee the procedure’s high quality.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a hair transplant surgery in which follicular units containing roughly four hairs are transplanted into a patient’s bald hair region. The oil glands found in follicular units allow for the safe transplantation of thousands of grafts in a single session.

FUT Hair Transplant Surgery cost in Turkey

FUT Hair Transplant cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
FUT Hair Transplant 1.2 USD to 2.5 USD per Graft

Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Turkey is 2 USD.

Why FUT Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey?

  • Expert Doctors
  • Hospitals with international accreditation.
  • Quick recovery.
  • Latest FUT Hair transplant techniques
  • Affordable FUT Hair transplant cost in Turkey
  • Favorable FUT Hair transplant reviews from past clients in Turkey

FUT is still a frequently used treatment procedure in nations with a greater level of regulation, where new techniques take longer to be approved, leading to a reluctance to adopt new treatments. Turkey, on the other hand, is a global hair transplant pioneer, therefore there is already great knowledge in techniques that are still in their infancy in Europe.

FUE, in example, has been frequently used in Turkey since 2004, along with other more contemporary treatment modalities that are less generally available outside the country. This implies that overseas patients travelling in Turkey may be confident that they will have access to the broadest range of treatment alternatives imaginable, resulting in a better, more comfortable experience and the greatest potential outcomes.

How much does FUT Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

Hair Transplant area cost in Turkey Average Cost (US Dollars)
Ankara 2.4 per Graft
Istanbul 2.5 per Graft
Antalya 2 per Graft
Izmir 1.6 per Graft
Bursa 1.8 per Graft
Adana 1.5 per Graft
Gaziantep 2.1 per Graft
Konya 2 per Graft

Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Turkey is 2 USD per Graft.

Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Ankara is 2.4 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Istanbul is 2.5 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Antalya is 2 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Izmir is 1.6 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Bursa is 1.8 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Adana is 1.5 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Gaziantep is 2.1 per Graft.
Average FUT Hair Transplant price in Konya is 2 per Graft.

FUT Hair Transplant Reviews in Turkey

FUT Hair Transplant surgery reviews in Turkey from past clients is favorable. Most of the clients are happy with FUT Hair Transplant surgery outcome.

You can find FUT Hair Transplant Surgery reviews for each Plastic surgeon separately here.

You can find FUT Hair Transplant Surgery reviews for each Plastic Surgery Hospital separately here.


Top 10 advice given by FUT Hair Transplant surgery clients in Turkey are,

Choose the right Plastic Surgeon based on reviews from past clients

Discuss FUT Hair Transplant surgery cost in detail before admission

Get FUT Hair Transplant Before and After photos from past clients

Visit the facility once and see yourself if everything is fine there

Talk to previous clients in the Hospital

Get detailed FUT Hair Transplant cost before surgery including OT Charges, Surgeon fees, drugs, post-operative care, Nursing, etc.

If you are planning to combine Tourism with FUT Hair Transplant surgery, better complete tourism activities first. You might not be comfortable roaming around easily after FUT Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey

After FUT Hair Transplant surgery Don’t leave Hospital until you are comfortable

Plan for at least 1 day extra from advised number of days in Turkey for FUT Hair Transplant surgery

Always Book Hotel near to Hospital where you are getting FUT Hair Transplant surgery done

FUT Hair Transplant Surgery in Istanbul

Many clients prefer to do FUT Hair Transplant surgery in Istanbul because,

  • Availability of International flights
  • Many FUT Hair Transplant surgeons in Istanbul
  • Specialist Aesthetic Surgery clinics in Istanbul
  • FUT Hair Transplant price in Istanbul is affordable
  • You can easily combine Tourism with FUT Hair Transplant in Istanbul
  • FUT Hair Transplant Reviews in Istanbul are impressive

FUT Hair Transplant Cost in Istanbul

Average FUT Hair Transplant cost in Istanbul is USD 2.5 per graft.

What to expect on the day of FUT Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

The hair in the scalp’s donor area is clipped. Anesthesia is administered into the scalp’s donor area. Individual hair follicles are destroyed in a pattern known as spread arrangement. This is done to remove the hair follicles evenly and without leaving any visible signs of hair removal. This operation is done under a microscope to ensure that the hair follicles are preserved as much as possible.

Before transplantation, the follicular units are removed in strips for micro-dissection. The harvested hair follicles are put into the bald area using a micro-needle after anesthesia is delivered into the recipient area of the scalp. Stitches or staples are used to close the incisions in the donor area.

Is FUT Hair Transplant surgery is safe in Turkey?

Hair transplantation is performed in a variety of nations. Turkey, on the other hand, has consistently ranked first in medical tourism for the previous ten years. Turkey, in particular, is a pioneer in hair transplantation.

According to statistics from last year, over 60,000 people traveled to Turkey for hair transplantation. These figures are steadily increasing. Hence, FUT Hair transplant safe in Turkey.

FUT Hair Transplant recovery time in Turkey

Patients must stay in Turkey for an average of 4 days after the hair transplantation procedure.

The recipient area is cleansed with saline spray after the transplant. To protect the grafts, a dressing is applied. Pain and swelling in the scalp are possible side effects.

The doctor may prescribe pain relievers. The doctor will provide you information on how to care for your scalp and hair after surgery.

What should you know before FUT Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

  • For at least three days before your operation, refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • If you normally color your hair to mask “greying,” please do so three (3) days before your operation. White hair will be more obvious as a result of this. Make careful to scrub your head properly each day leading up to the procedure to ensure the scalp is dye-free.

FUT Hair Transplant procedure details in Turkey

A surgeon removes a strip of skin from your scalp, generally from the back of your head, during FUT. The strip’s exact size is determined by the number of follicles required to cover bald patches. The width of the strip is normally between 1 and 1.5 cm (0.4 and 0.6 inches). The individual follicles are then re-inserted into your scalp after being taken off the strip.

Hair transplant operations might last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours. FUT surgery takes less time than FUT surgery. The majority of people are awake during surgery because local anesthetic numbs their scalp. The steps to the FUT procedure:

  • The surgeon will redraw your hairline, identify the area where hair will be extracted, and photograph the procedure for your medical records. Before surgery, you may be given the choice of taking a sedative. To numb your scalp, local anesthetic will be applied.
  • Hair will be clipped to roughly two millimetres at the donor location, where your hair will be extracted.
  • The strip of skin with the hair follicles that will be utilized as a graft will be taken off by the surgeon. During the procedure, you will remain awake.
  • Individual hair follicles will be removed from the strip and prepared for transplantation by a professional.
  • Sutures will be used to seal your scalp.
  • The hair follicles will then be placed in a natural pattern into the balding areas of your scalp.
  • Your scalp will be bandaged and an antibiotic will be applied.

After the FUT Hair Transplant surgery

  • The surgeon uses sterile gauze and antiseptic ointment to bandage the transplanted region.
  • To reduce swelling, he may inject triamcinolone (a steroid) into the scalp.
  • To boost hair growth, you’ll need to take antibiotics, pain relievers, vitamins, and medications.
  • For one to three weeks after the treatment, no weightlifting, workouts, or sexual activity are authorised.
  • After the operation, you must refrain from washing your hair for two weeks.

FUT Hair Transplant Advantages in Turkey

The following are some of the benefits of FUT:

  • It offers the most durable and long-lasting grafts in the donor location.
  • When compared to FUE, it usually delivers more hair at once.
  • The rate of follicle transection (wasted hairs) is lower than with FUE.
  • It works better on hair types that are tough to manage, such as afro hair or very fine hair.
  • In comparison to FUE alone, it leaves the rest of the donor area intact for future treatments, resulting in substantially more hair across numerous sessions.
  • The scar is hidden within the densest part of the donor tissue, thus it blends in beautifully.
  • It is possible to perform this procedure without shaving the donor area.
  • It doesn’t leave an open wound, therefore it heals quickly.


Do I need Medical visa for FUT Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

Yes, to visit Turkey for FUT Hair Transplant surgery, you’ll need a Medical Tourist Visa. Medical visas must be applied for under the Non-Immigrant visa category. You may enter the nation with a valid tourist visa and then receive medical care. Overseas visitors other than Americans, must apply for a tourist or business visa before entering the country. Turkey Consulate can be contacted by phone or email.

FUT Hair Transplant Insurance in Turkey

FUT Hair Transplant is very common procedure performed across multiple hospitals or clinics in Turkey. However FUT Hair Transplant Insurance coverage depends on Insurance policy you have taken. Contact here for FUT Hair Transplant coverage details in Turkey.

Who is the right candidate for FUT Hair Transplant in Turkey?

There are few criteria for assessing whether or not a patient is a good candidate for a FUT hair transplant Turkey, but a consultant will generally consider the following factors when determining whether or not you are a good candidate:

  • The Total Number of Grafts Required To Achieve Your Goals
  • The Number of Donors in Your Area
  • Hair Texture is a term used to describe the texture of a person’s hair
  • Projection of Hair Loss in the Future

FUT Hair Transplant Before and After Photos in Turkey

Due to privacy polices of client, before and after photos of FUT Hair Transplant Surgery results cannot post publicly. For the photos you can reach out to us.

Is FUT Hair Transplant Surgery results permanent?

Yes, FUT Hair transplant results are permanent. After three or four months, results will be visible, and they will continue to develop throughout the year.

Best FUT Hair Transplant Surgeons in Turkey

Best FUT Hair Transplant Hospitals in Turkey

FAQs on FUT Hair Transplant Surgery in Turkey

Who is the Best FUT Hair Transplant Surgeon in Turkey?

Find the Best FUT Hair Transplant surgeon in Turkey based on Rating and Reviews from past clients here.

What is FUT Hair Transplant price in Turkey?

FUT Hair Transplant price varies based on multiple factors including technology used. Find FUT Hair Transplant cost in Turkey here.

Can I get FUT Hair Transplant Surgery before and after photos?

Yes. Contact us here for FUT Hair Transplant surgery Before and After photos

Where can I find Reviews for FUT Hair Transplant surgery in Turkey?

Find FUT Hair Transplant surgery Reviews from past clients here.

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  • Dr Adhya

    Dr Adhya is working with Expert Chikitsa since 3 years as Medical Content Writer. She holds master degree in medicine. Currently busy with writing content about different Surgeries, Best Doctors and Hospitals. She is passionate about writing on Cancer, Cardiac, IVF, Neurosurgery and Aesthetics.

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